So they called this game the next generation of open world games
I regret buying this shyt ass game...
It's a PC game, consoles couldn't handle it
shyt running smooth to me, better than any GTA game to me, which are all overrated, this game is like a 7 out of ten to me
It's a different type of open world
It's more like the Witcher 3 than GTA, I don't know why people keep comparing the games, GTA don't have missions like this game, it's a sandbox game where people just fukk around in the open world, this isn't that type of game, you're not suppose to killer pedestrians and get six stars and run from police in this game, you usually get killed soon as you do a crime
Open world is more dense and lively than GTA, especially the interiors, you can barely go inside buildings in any of those rockstar games
When all these buildings are scaled to real life dimensions and have people in them, you can literally go into a club that has hundreds of people in it seamless of the world map randomly
the game isn't perfect, but GTA has a shyt load of glitches and so does Red Read