Dev: Cyberpunk 2077 Now Actually Ready Six Months After Release
Finish your game 6 months after release brehs.
And this shyt still isn't finished, they made the shyt worse on PS5 to make it more stable on ps4. The DLC is suppose to release before the next gen upgrade so we can expect the next gen ports to be pushed back again when the DLC breaks the game on last gen hardware and they gotta spend another 6 months fixing it.
Finish your game 6 months after release brehs.
And this shyt still isn't finished, they made the shyt worse on PS5 to make it more stable on ps4. The DLC is suppose to release before the next gen upgrade so we can expect the next gen ports to be pushed back again when the DLC breaks the game on last gen hardware and they gotta spend another 6 months fixing it.