"Cyberpunk 2077" (New DLC "Phantom Liberty" | (9/26)


Walker Lexus Ranger
Jun 9, 2012
85 hours in on PC. Got every ending, Wrapping up the last 10 or so trophies on Steam right now in my spare time.

I really enjoyed this game, overall I give it a 9.3.

World detail and lore was amazing. Characters were great and the main side missions were really fun and fleshed out. I enjoyed the leveling mechanics and they ended up really layered and deep and once I had a grasp on my build and where I wanted to head it was a blast (one issue is how broken some builds are but then again finding stuff like that is half the fun in a new rpg system)

The gameplay was fun, movement isn't perfect but once you get the hang of it can be really fun. I had the double jump mod most the game and a slow down mod so I was flying around fights mostly doing assault with smart linked rifles. Just ramboing people. I eventually did more crafting and hacking though. There is enough points to max multiple trees so your build can have sort of major focuses and minor focuses.

The story itself was great. I enjoyed it a lot and I liked all of the endings for what they were. I had my favorites but they had me totally invested.

The overall design and layout of the city is crazy. Never in a game have I felt like I was really walking through a city as I went on sidewalks and alleyways and up stairwells etc. Even just sitting in a cafe in a conversation with 2 other people looking wherever you want during the conversation and watching it play out, just felt more real than any game I played before this. The actual level of craftsmanship here is crazy, and the fact they did it over such a large expanse is wild. Some of the screenshots I have of this game are just jaw dropping. Also the craziest implementation of ray tracing to date. Never have I seen light behave this way in a game before.

I really enjoyed the exploration and going around just checking things out and really being immersed in the game. I rarely fast traveled, and would walk down sidewalks not sprint etc. Very immersive.

In typical CD Projekt fashion there is a lot of good dialogue and choices to be made, as well as a lot of secrets. The background lore and the shards and missions and news casts etc are expertly woven together with the kind of continuity that most developers just don't put the time in to achieve. This is what made Witcher 3 amazing. Their dedication to crafting every single detail of the world to make it feel grounded, consistent, and lived in. That's what I play these games for and they did it very well here.

I was also impressed by the load times (granted I have an m.2 with high write speeds)

The game is not perfect. There were occasional bugs, a car getting stuck in the ground, a prompt not coming up. In my 80 plus hours maybe 10-20 bugs and one required a reload. None of them were too egregious or beyond what I've experienced in other games (including the Witcher 3), or affected my enjoyment to any large degree.

The game is not very balanced, there are too many ways to become a god. Which is fun, but maybe add a super difficulty or something for a NG+ cycle.

Post game content, can be a little bit of burnout. Clearing the side gigs (some of which are great) can be a little tedious, and the scanner hustles as well. The Cyber Psychos and the ones with actual story are good. The ones that are just kill these 10 guys and pick up a shard with one paragraph saying sally betrayed joey type of shyt were a little bland, but I guess at least they are something more to do.

Sometimes the physics would wonk out. Like an item renders in as you drive by and like bounces off the ground instead of just being there, minor but happens sometimes.

I went into this game wanting the following.

Highly immersive world. CD Projekt level writing/dialogue/decisions with well thought out lore and interesting side quests with their own plots.

Fun RPG mechanics and gameplay with interesting things to do and many ways to build out a character.

A great story and characters with real decisions that have real consequences to the plot.

This game gets all of those. I really enjoyed it. Sucks it's running so poorly on console cause I feel like it may have been universally praised if it had released stable. I think the momentum of anger has caused a bit of a hyperbolic reaction. Also the expectation pre release just put the writing on the wall, people couldn't wait to be upset. You could feel it when the delay happened.

The game isn't perfect and plenty of people have valid reasons to not enjoy it. Me personally? I loved it and if I had played this on my PC in a vacuum without knowing what was going on online, I would have thought this was a GOTY contender and an amazing piece of work.
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old pig

Nov 12, 2017
The Takemura glitch hasn't been patched yet. :francis:

I read an article saying it’s even more fukked up in some instances but I think it was @Legal who provided a workaround for it suggested by CDPR


In the main storyline mission "Down on the Street", you and Takemura end visiting the fixer Wakako to get some information. After that, Takemura says he needs some time to analyze the info, and will call you later. The quest steps says to wait a day (in game time, obviously) for Takemura to call.

The problem they were attempting to fix was that Takemura would never call. Now, if you're on that quest step, regardless of how long it's been (and assuming you aren't in a state where you can't call or be called), Takemura calls you...........but doesn't say anything. The little rectangle with his face in it pops up, but he just stares like he's waiting for V to finish his dialogue lines.

You can still run around, enter combat and all that, but you lose your phone, since the game thinks you're on a call. And since the majority of side missions both begin and end with a phone call, you can't compete any of them. You can go to the spot where the mission starts z and the game will actually switch you over to that mission, but you can't take the call that ends it.

The only known workaround as of now is to run the mission to that point, then immediately go into the menu, and have V wait for 23 hours to trigger the call. Problem for me is, I got to that step something like four days ago, so I don't have a save from before that point. And even if I did, that shyt would've been from about a good five hours of playtime back.

From what I can guess (at least for my specific save), the fix they rolled out was literally to tell the game fukk the time check, and trigger the call immediately. But when the call starts, it's actually doing the time check anyway, seeing that it's not time, and not triggering the actual dialogue. But since the game thinks this call needs to happen, it's effectively stuck in a logic loop that keeps the call open.

I get that developing games is hard, and fixing bugs is often even harder than just developing the thing in the first place, but holy fukking shyt. This is really basic programming shyt we're talking about.


Rebirth is upon Us 2025
Feb 2, 2014
I'm at this tyson razor back looking nikka I can beat him in a fair one straight up can't wait to do this...:banderas: it doesn't make any sense why isnt there an achievement for beating his ass???:what: do they not know how hard this shyt was???


Nov 19, 2016
I read an article saying it’s even more fukked up in some instances but I think it was @Legal who provided a workaround for it suggested by CDPR

They’ll prolly drop a hotfix soon. Give it a couple days. I read theres workarounds for it.

also i lost the game
I've done a slew of side missions since that save. :francis:

I'll wait. Might as well fire up ESO. :mjlol:


May 7, 2012
I've done a slew of side missions since that save. :francis:

I'll wait. Might as well fire up ESO. :mjlol:

That's why I ended up putting it down, too. Even if I somehow had an autosave from back when I ran the bugged mission, it would've been from eight to ten hours back. I was already starting to get annoyed with having to replay conversations or a few minutes of gameplay after getting hit with a crash. No way I was going to go multiple play sessions back.


can’t wait for that remastered ME trilogy release

I'm looking forward to it too. Hoping that it doesn't launch broken, but a smooth launch might legitimately be a lot to ask for these days.

Bubba T

Jul 24, 2015
This is now my second most played game (recorded anyway) behind Fallout 4.

Fallout 4 (1065 hours)
Cyberpunk 2077 (270 hours)
Mass Effect Andromeda (260 hours)
Mass Effect 3 (226 hours)
Mass Effect 2 (103 hours)
Watch Dogs 2 (85 hours)

Everything else is far behind.

I hope this is including multiplayer :hhh: