In the main storyline mission "Down on the Street", you and Takemura end visiting the fixer Wakako to get some information. After that, Takemura says he needs some time to analyze the info, and will call you later. The quest steps says to wait a day (in game time, obviously) for Takemura to call.
The problem they were attempting to fix was that Takemura would never call. Now, if you're on that quest step, regardless of how long it's been (and assuming you aren't in a state where you can't call or be called), Takemura calls you...........but doesn't say anything. The little rectangle with his face in it pops up, but he just stares like he's waiting for V to finish his dialogue lines.
You can still run around, enter combat and all that, but you lose your phone, since the game thinks you're on a call. And since the majority of side missions both begin and end with a phone call, you can't compete any of them. You can go to the spot where the mission starts z and the game will actually switch you over to that mission, but you can't take the call that ends it.
The only known workaround as of now is to run the mission to that point, then immediately go into the menu, and have V wait for 23 hours to trigger the call. Problem for me is, I got to that step something like four days ago, so I don't have a save from before that point. And even if I did, that shyt would've been from about a good five hours of playtime back.
From what I can guess (at least for my specific save), the fix they rolled out was literally to tell the game fukk the time check, and trigger the call immediately. But when the call starts, it's actually doing the time check anyway, seeing that it's not time, and not triggering the actual dialogue. But since the game thinks this call needs to happen, it's effectively stuck in a logic loop that keeps the call open.
I get that developing games is hard, and fixing bugs is often even harder than just developing the thing in the first place, but holy fukking shyt. This is really basic programming shyt we're talking about.