A, E, G working as designed 

A New York Times investigation this year found, on average, including overtime and benefits, MTA managers make about $225,000 a year.
TheOtherBob • 3 hours ago
The subway in those days wasn't like how it is now, where you board a J train and expect it to remain a J. You'd board a J train and see it turn into an M, and then into a J again, and then into a 9 train. They hadn't run the 9 train in 15 years, and it was in a completely different borough. But there you were, suddenly whisked away to Inwood and 1985 when you thought you were going to Brooklyn circa 2018. I sometimes yearn for those days as I plug into the virtual subway for my virtual commute.
stop dropping trash on the tracks. those are combustible from the 3rd rail
nice. I approve
good move for them; wish they bought the new haven line as well, but I'm fine with it