How are you traversing this transitionary period brother? How are you setting yourself up for success?
Imagine if during COVID people hadn't consumed the
entirely optional diet of fear porn and dread that told them they were almost certainly going to end up dead as they voluntarily amped up their own stress levels only for it all to vanish when the media decided it had found its next threat and suddenly everything was open for business.
There is only one trick. Its very large, very old and very effective which is why they pull it again and again. Once you've seen it its impossible to miss so remember that a rollercoaster is fun. The problems only kick in if you're holding on too tight or try to get off while its still moving.
The Game of Souls has you, my friend. Your mind is not you own if you truly think you can own anything in the land of illusion as these are anothers toys we're playing with. You possess a level of richness that is unfinite. Innerstand - without you, here, now,
none of this exists.
Look within. That said you can't stunt with that or pay bills so it is what it is just keep the balance and handle it.
Choose wisely where you invest your attention.