COVID-19 Pandemic (Coronavirus)


Jun 27, 2012
He’s not calling for martial law, you idiots.

He’s calling for the military to help build temporary hospitals which yeah, if you’ve ever been deployed before is a no-brainer. He’s trying not to run out of supplies or hospital beds.

edit: its comical that this dude in OP left out the most important part and didnt link the article:

I want their medical teams, which are first-rate, I want their logistical support, I want their ability to get stuff from factories all over the country where they're needed most,” he added. “The only force in America that can do it effectively and quickly is the United States military, and they are being sidelined right now by Donald Trump when he should be calling them to the front. This is the front right now.”


Bills Mafia
May 3, 2012
buffalo ny
Employees at this type of establishments are at risk like hell. The Post Office ain't never closing through any of this either.

That the truth I work at one and the people still come in ignoring all the warnings to stay home to mail out stupid shyt. We still getting ykthese 70+ year olds coming in 3 times per week to but 1 stamp each time . Like "damn mutha fukka, just spend the $11 buy a full book of stamp, and you'll be good for a month" it's like the people at risk the most seem to care the least
Jun 24, 2012
He’s not calling for martial law, you idiots.

He’s calling for the military to help build temporary hospitals which yeah, if you’ve ever been deployed before is a no-brainer. He’s trying not to run out of supplies or hospital beds.

edit: its comical that this dude in OP left out the most important part and didnt link the article:

I want their medical teams, which are first-rate, I want their logistical support, I want their ability to get stuff from factories all over the country where they're needed most,” he added. “The only force in America that can do it effectively and quickly is the United States military, and they are being sidelined right now by Donald Trump when he should be calling them to the front. This is the front right now.”

Martial law is the imposition of direct military control of normal civilian functions by a government, especially in response to a temporary emergency such as invasion or major disaster, or in an occupied territory.
Apr 3, 2014

I wish they wouldn't accept this. I don't trust anything coming out of China right now.....

did the US accept Jack Ma's corona kits? I remember reading that the offer was made, but I didn't hear if Trump accepted them or not

EDIT: not to be petty or silly, but I don't trust nobody whose head to face ratio is this off





dude looks like a super villain


Jan 17, 2013
Trump doesn't want it, the "good guys" do though :francis:
Check this article from NY times. It reads like :mjpls:"Martial law? Its not as bad as you think..."

Here’s What Calling in the National Guard Means
The coronavirus outbreak has prompted dozens of governors to activate the National Guard. The sight of troops has stoked fears of a military-enforced quarantine, but the orders have been more mundane.

Here’s What Calling in the National Guard Means


Members of the National Guard assisted at a drive-through coronavirus test site at Bergen Community College in Paramus, N.J.Credit...Bryan Anselm for The New York Times
By Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs

  • March 21, 2020

In Puerto Rico, they are taking passengers’ temperatures at the island’s largest airport. In Wisconsin, they escorted cruise ship passengers back to their houses for quarantine. In Florida, they are swabbing people’s noses near Miami to test for the coronavirus.

More than 6,500 National Guard members are aiding in the coronavirus response in 38 states, as well as in Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico, as of Saturday evening, according to Army Maj. Rob Perino, a spokesman for the National Guard Bureau in Arlington, Va. He warned that the numbers could change rapidly as states modify their response to the virus, which continues to sicken more people each day.

When Guard members have been deployed, the sight of camouflage-clad troops and military vehicles has prompted false rumors of martial law and military-enforced quarantines. But Guard members are currently being ordered to complete tasks that are much more mundane.

In New Rochelle, N.Y., a suburb of New York City that has been hit hard by the virus, members of the Guard unloaded pancake mix and rice and cleaned public buildings. In West Virginia, they taught emergency workers how to properly use and decontaminate protective equipment.


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But governors have wide leeway to use their state or territory’s Guard members as they see fit, and they could be used to assist with policing, if they were ordered to do so.



Members of the National Guard cleaned the Jewish Community Center of Mid-Westchester in Scarsdale, N.Y.Credit...Andrew Seng for The New York Times
“Anything that the law enforcement capacity normally does, they could be augmented with National Guard,” Gen. Joseph L. Lengyel, the chief of the National Guard Bureau, said at a news conference this week. Asked specifically if they could be used to enforce curfews, General Lengyel did not rule it out, saying governors are able to use their Guard members as they see fit.

Their work also comes with risks: At least six members of the Guard had tested positive for the virus as of Thursday. In all, there are about 450,000 Guard members across the country.

General Lengyel on Friday tried to dispel the false suggestions that Guard members were forcing people into their homes rather than providing much-needed medical aid and food supplies.


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“I hear unfounded rumors about #NationalGuard troops supporting a nationwide quarantine,” he wrote on Twitter. “Let me be clear: There has been no such discussion.”

Gen. Joseph Lengyel


I hear unfounded rumors about #NationalGuard troops supporting a nationwide quarantine. Let me be clear: There has been no such discussion. ... For news about the great work the Guard IS doing to support the #Covid_19 response, click the link. #COVID19


5:48 PM - Mar 20, 2020
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He and other officials around the country have sought to dispel rumors in recent days, but false reports keep coming, often referring to a supposed friend or family member in a high-ranking government position.

“My brother was in the military and got note that national guard is being deployed here for POSSIBILITY of martial law,” one woman in California posted on Twitter, alongside a picture of military Humvees. “They are here to help and keep everyone safe in times of madness, please do not panic and start conspiracies on them being here.”

The picture appeared to be real, but the idea that martial law was imminent has repeatedly been rejected by local, state and federal officials.

“Emergencies are scary enough. Let’s not add to the fear by spreading misinformation,” the Washington National Guard wrote on Twitter.

In Chicago, which is under a statewide order prohibiting most gatherings and encouraging people to stay home, the sight of trains carrying military vehicles through a suburb prompted some to worry of a looming crackdown. But the Illinois National Guard said it had only sent a small number of medical personnel to Chicago, and the mayor dismissed the notion there were any grave plans afoot.


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“I want to say to be clear, this is not a lockdown,” Mayor Lori Lightfoot said. “It’s not martial law.”

While the Guard’s current tasks are mostly focused on aid and humanitarian goals, members have been deployed for more volatile missions in the past. Thousands of California National Guard members patrolled Los Angeles in 1992 amid rioting that followed the acquittal of four police officers involved in the beating of Rodney King. More recently, Gov. Larry Hogan of Maryland called in the state’s National Guard in 2015 to quell protests after the death of Freddie Gray, who died from injuries suffered while in police custody.

Here are the states and territories where National Guard members are responding to the coronavirus, as of Saturday evening: Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, D.C. and Wisconsin.

Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs reports on national news. He is from upstate New York and previously reported in Baltimore, Albany, and Isla Vista, Calif.

:hhh:This imagery is Disgusting, shame on the government for promoting this twisted programing

Burned Verses

Nov 2, 2017
He’s not calling for martial law, you idiots.

He’s calling for the military to help build temporary hospitals which yeah, if you’ve ever been deployed before is a no-brainer. He’s trying not to run out of supplies or hospital beds.

edit: its comical that this dude in OP left out the most important part and didnt link the article:

I want their medical teams, which are first-rate, I want their logistical support, I want their ability to get stuff from factories all over the country where they're needed most,” he added. “The only force in America that can do it effectively and quickly is the United States military, and they are being sidelined right now by Donald Trump when he should be calling them to the front. This is the front right now.”

tHats wUt TheY WaNT U 2 tHinK

42 Monks

Feb 20, 2014
He’s not calling for martial law, you idiots.

He’s calling for the military to help build temporary hospitals which yeah, if you’ve ever been deployed before is a no-brainer. He’s trying not to run out of supplies or hospital beds.

edit: its comical that this dude in OP left out the most important part and didnt link the article:

I want their medical teams, which are first-rate, I want their logistical support, I want their ability to get stuff from factories all over the country where they're needed most,” he added. “The only force in America that can do it effectively and quickly is the United States military, and they are being sidelined right now by Donald Trump when he should be calling them to the front. This is the front right now.”
The bolded is bogus because people were being redirected from travel, collected, and quarantined at bases all the way back in January.

The problem is these big cities and states got so used to playing shyt both ways to be cute over much smaller matters. You don't get to pick and choose how the military is gonna do this stuff. Its not going to be a surprise when more city and state officials call for the military overstep so they can get away from their responsibilities
Apr 3, 2014
That the truth I work at one and the people still come in ignoring all the warnings to stay home to mail out stupid shyt. We still getting ykthese 70+ year olds coming in 3 times per week to but 1 stamp each time . Like "damn mutha fukka, just spend the $11 buy a full book of stamp, and you'll be good for a month" it's like the people at risk the most seem to care the least

I'm still going to the post office but I'm gloved up. This week, Imma stay masked up too


Jan 17, 2013
He’s not calling for martial law, you idiots.

He’s calling for the military to help build temporary hospitals which yeah, if you’ve ever been deployed before is a no-brainer. He’s trying not to run out of supplies or hospital beds.

edit: its comical that this dude in OP left out the most important part and didnt link the article:
:martin:Of course you would need a reason to have a military presence in your city. This basic rudimentary thinking. It's a classic bait-and-switch.

You're thinking so short-sighted it's not even worth having a conversation about