COVID-19 Pandemic (Coronavirus)


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May 2, 2012
It makes sense to me. Its like when AIDS was ravaging folks in the 80s and 90s. AIDS didn't actually kill you but it was the rare diseases that killed you. These diseases were rare because people with incredibly horrible immune systems normally caught those disease.

So AIDS was making their immune system so poor that they then were susceptible to these rare diseases.

Coronavirus may be the similar in a way. Those with asthma, heart disease, cancer remission, heart murmur, high blood pressure, diabetes and other preconditions might have a person weak enough or immune system weak enough that the coronavirus can be that final nail in the coffin.

Its like a football player playing with a tweeked hamstring. But a hard hit tackle makes them tear their hamstring. Probably that hit in a normal situation severely pulls their hamstring. But because it was already tweeked that crushing tackle now tears their hamstring.

But that doesn't mean the tackle was week. It could have still be the biggest hit that player or any player has taken the whole year.

That is what coronavirus is. Its Its something that even an incredibly healthy person can get fukked up by. But a person with health issues can be killed by the virus.

The thing what folks aren't understanding is probably half the population no matter the age has some form of precondition. Whether that is allergies, asthma, heart murmer, diabetes or recent surgey or any other complications.

We just don't know what these previous health issues are that could make you susceptible to the coronavirus. Hell what if people born premature more prone than folks who weren't. What if folks with the sickle cell trait are less prone than folks who don't have the trait (all black folks don't have the trait which is different than having full blown sickle cell).

We just don't know at this point and should make no assumptions.

Well the thing is, the biggest % of deaths in Italy are from people that already had potentially life threatening problems, like heart disease. It's not random stuff like allergies or asthma.

But that alone isn't enough. It's health issues + old age. Like I said, the average fatality age in Italy is 79. Everyone under 40, had a serious medical condition prior to COVID-19. Only 0.8% of the deaths had no pre-existing health issues.

The article he posted says if you take all this into account, the fatality rate in Italy is actually closer to 2%:

99% of Those Who Died From Virus Had Other Illness, Italy Says



Nov 1, 2015
I got to give it to the NY and California governors. Them kats said to hell with the white house sitting on their ass. We are going straight to suppliers and ask them to refurbish ventilators or build new ones.

Hell California governor just went to one supplier and had them refurbish 20 ventilators in one day. They are just working straight with the suppliers cause trump and his folks bumbling the whole situation.

trump told them to get it themselves.:mjlol:
they should have said fukk the FDA a month ago cause they were waiting on them to approve testing kits.

Trump to Governors on Ventilators: ‘Try Getting It Yourselves’

Trump to Governors on Ventilators: ‘Try Getting It Yourselves’
On a conference call with the nation’s governors, President Trump said they should try to get ventilators on their own ahead of an expected crush of coronavirus cases.
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