His face looks freshly spray tanned
We have 300,000,000+ people we’ll easily be top 3
we are fukkedNYC has 4K cases![]()
They talked about it in the press conferenceLink?
They also need to start including hospitalization rates in this number too because that is often ignored and again the overwhelming of the hospital system is one of the main concerns. Also, what is the definition of "recovered".
What I'm read from accounts of people who don't die but deal with it is that its taking a long time to recover to 100% but are well enough to walk around slightly. Posted about a 50-year-old black man who is "recovering" but he complains that he still has to walk around with a walker and oxygen because of the body aches and breathing issues. If that is considered "recovered' that is not what most people have in mind I imagine.
Never took it myself, but I hear it causes intense itching.The name Chloroquine brings up some painful memories. My African brehs here will know what I’m talking about![]()
I wouldn’t trip over the amount of cases becuz as more tests are available the number of cases will obviously go up. Just think there’s people who had this and beat and never knew. But passed it to somebody else. At least now people will know who has itNYC has 4K cases![]()
Yeah breh, 3 separate friends have gone belly up in the last 2 weeks. The last friend was yesterday and he is a partner of my research firm. The virus we can conquer in a year or so but the economy is the bigger problem. The Fed has thrown unbelievable amounts of money at this cause we have the same data as they do at our firm and the economy is a real problem.
People need to stay their assess home and just relax the longer this goes on the worst this will be. Capitalism can't function without sustained periods of profit for a prolonged period of time.
3 months some
6 months not likely
12 months impossible
The longer this goes on and the longer these invincibles people talk about it doesn't affect me while transmitting the virus the worst we are off.
Either everyone starts wearing a mask or the federal and state government puts in a mandatory stay home for a few weeks so there can be containment or this goes on and on. A recession would come and go if quarantined for a while but that is okay we can live through recessions. Not easy but it's been done many times.
But the longer no revenue comes in for corporations it becomes not a worst-case scenario but a reality where depression will ensue.
They just said Vaccine in 12 months
We are still 6 weeks away from the peak of this virus