COVID-19 Pandemic (Coronavirus)


Nov 18, 2016
ATL - Cleveland Ave.
This is bigger than Ebola because Obama took measures to make sure ebola never became big.

There was no collaboration because Trump didn't want to. Obama understood how to properly do foreign relations.

First reports of corona started coming out late last year. Obama would've had a team in place to prepare and a team on site the very next week. That's what he did with Ebola and that's why it never became too big.

You stop it and contain it before that shyt can get moving. Trump administration failed on so many levels.

Downplaying it for months talking about. It's just a flu. It will go down to 0 cases by next week
My man. Ebola originated on the African continent in the Congo. This novel coronavirus originated in mainland China. The US has no authority to assert themselves nor would they have that intelligence if China is suppressing it. The Chinese govt has supreme authority over their people and communications network. There are no checks and balances— that’s why they were able to take such grandiose measures to contain the virus.

You sound ridiculous right now. People are talking like the rest of the world is daddy dikking this thing and the US is the only without their shyt straight. You sound scared and angry, when what the situation calls for is logic and pragmatism.


May 11, 2012
That is completely untrue! This virus comes from the wet market with chinese people eating weird ass shyt.
And it was a bat virus that spread to a pangolin, how?
Because they put wild animal in cages one on top of the other and put all types of liquids on them, and those liquids go downwards from one animal to another, that's how it spread from a bat to a pangolin.
First MURS, then SARS and now COVID19.

The main way to combat this virus is social distancing.
How much of that happens in overpopulated china? They are like a can of sardines. That's how it spread to an entire country.
And what type of question is that? how would it spread to an entire country when before our very eyes it is spreading accross the globe?
Where's the logic in that question?

Oh I disagree!
It is VERY Productive!
Again first MURS, then SARS and now Covid.
When will the chinese learn??
The entire planet needs to blame china and put international pressure on them to never let this ever happen again!
They NEEED to ensure this NEVER happens again!
So yes, it is very productive.
How many more global pandemics do we need to finally say fukk political correctness, we need you to fix this China!

Nobody knows if the virus truly came from there, it's just a hypothesis and the story right now. Like others have posted here, there was a patent for it in 2015 as well as the University of North Carolina creating this to test this exact zootonic jump.
I disagree that it is productive. If that was productive, the US would be in a much better state right now than panic and we would have taken earlier action and the blame was going back for months now and yet we have not done much until now. Zootonic diseases will always occur and viruses will always pop up, it's doesn't matter where it comes from as we're in a global economy. Again, H1N1, started right here in the USA, where was the blame then? Did we all of a sudden kill all pigs? We actually blamed Mexico.