If you say the scientists are fear mongering to boost their social profile and careers... What about the fact that world governments are shutting their borders?
Here's my simple honest take: If it was just folks getting on TV running their mouth trying to sell books or whatnot, I wouldn't believe a word out of their mouth. But when countries are willing to lose out on MONEY by closing borders (and yes, the border is only closed to southern Africa countries for now, but there's talk of border-closing expanding for other nations as well), then that's a signal to me that there's something serious going on.
They aren't actually shutting their borders.
Travel restrictions by country following the Omicron variant outbreak
If you look at that list, maybe 1-2 have closed borders. One is China, that never opened them back up to begin with.
The rest have travel restrictions to/from Africa. Because there's no public relations/political blow back from cutting off Africa. I'm just being real here.

Omicron is already in Canada, Australia, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Hong Kong, Germany, Italy, Spain....the list goes on.
Travel restrictions are performative nonsense at this point.