COVID-19 Pandemic (Coronavirus)


Nov 12, 2014
Moderna admits South African COVID variant reduces its vaccine antibody levels SIX-FOLD as it works on 'booster' to make shot more 'effective'
  • Moderna's vaccine was protective against UK and South African variants in lab tests
  • UK variant did not diminish the potency of Moderna's 94.5% effective shot
  • Levels of protective antibodies were six-fold lower against the South African variant - but still 'protective' Moderna said
  • It is developing a 'booster' shot aimed at preventing the South African variant
  • Dr Anthony Fauci called South African variant the most concerning one
  • President Biden banned travelers from South Africa in a bid to prevent more importation of the dangerous variant
Moderna's vaccine does protect against new coronavirus variants from the UK and South Africa, the firm said Monday.

But the firm is developing a booster shot to improve the vaccine's effectiveness against the South African variant after lab tests suggested the jab might not work as well or provide protection for as long against the worrisome new form.

Levels of antibodies that block the receptors that let the virus infect human cells were six times lower when the vaccine was tested against the South African variant.


That's still well above the level required for them to be protective, but it's a worrisome sign that protection will fade faster.

So Moderna is now working on a tweaked version of its booster shot that would specifically target the South African variant.

The booster shot candidate is now going into preclinical trials.

Moderna's vaccine worked just as well against the UK variant as it does against older forms of the virus, the firm found. It did not specify whether the shot was equally effective against Brazil's variant, or any of the four homegrown variants detected in the US.

Dr Anthony Fauci said last week that South Africa's variant is the most concerning one that has emerged because it may render vaccines less effective and has already spread to at least 20 other countries.

And President Biden banned travelers arriving from South Africa as of Monday, adding the nation to the 'restricted list' alongside the UK, Ireland, Brazil and 26 countries in Europe.

Moderna's Covid vaccine less effective against South African variant | Daily Mail Online


All Star
Jul 1, 2013
Yup. Spring break will be rough afterwards

It may not. My uni canceled spring break and started school one week later. I wouldn't be shocked if other uni aren't giving students a chance to leave their campus and come back. However, you always have some who will travel regardless.


aka bx_representer
Apr 30, 2012
My Pops Forever RIP
Cuomo saying the same thing, his tweet sounded like something Trump would say lol

He fukked himself when he capitulated to Bills fans who screamed about wanting to attend home playoff games because they hadn't seen one since '93. Then he opens up some indoor dining spots outside of NYC. Come baseball season, how is he gonna be able to tell Yankees and Mets fans that they can't attend home games?

People here have long been done with Covid-19. I see bytch ass motherfukkers at my gym who take their mask off to run and then put it back on (I swear the next time someone tries that next to me, I'm yanking them off the treadmill by their legs). People going into stores pressing their luck pulling their masks down.

We are social creatures and I miss my colleagues and some family and there's shyt I wanted to do that I can't do travel-wise, but I have such disgust for other humans now. If I meet new people I feel like I'll be predisposed to not liking them which shouldn't be the case, but my guard is up.

I only feel bad for health care workers and kids. I got a goddaughter in her freshman year of college and I feel bad for her because I hyped her up for years about how college is gonna be and she's been cheated out of that in year 1. I just hope this clears up enough to where her and my niece have that time because they won't get that time back.

Ya' Cousin Cleon

Jun 21, 2014
Harvey World to Dallas, TX
You know this doesn't get touched on a lot, I mean it ain't a big deal per se, but it means something to a lot of young people whether it graduating high school , prom, going off to college etc.

He fukked himself when he capitulated to Bills fans who screamed about wanting to attend home playoff games because they hadn't seen one since '93. Then he opens up some indoor dining spots outside of NYC. Come baseball season, how is he gonna be able to tell Yankees and Mets fans that they can't attend home games?

People here have long been done with Covid-19. I see bytch ass motherfukkers at my gym who take their mask off to run and then put it back on (I swear the next time someone tries that next to me, I'm yanking them off the treadmill by their legs). People going into stores pressing their luck pulling their masks down.

We are social creatures and I miss my colleagues and some family and there's shyt I wanted to do that I can't do travel-wise, but I have such disgust for other humans now. If I meet new people I feel like I'll be predisposed to not liking them which shouldn't be the case, but my guard is up.

I only feel bad for health care workers and kids. I got a goddaughter in her freshman year of college and I feel bad for her because I hyped her up for years about how college is gonna be and she's been cheated out of that in year 1. I just hope this clears up enough to where her and my niece have that time because they won't get that time back.


May 6, 2012
:hubie: first world ignorant rant

I won't lie i'm not getting depressed per say but I feel like I'm bill murray in groundhog day every day feels the same. My only solace is the odd time I go to the grocery store or pick up and drop my mom at work for the drive. I'm sick of tv, sick of watching tv shows / movies and reading books. I'm thankful to have a job and that i'm not stuck in a congested little condo or cold basement apartment but this is maddening.

The economy is dead, small businesses dead. I can't imagine the amount of people stressed out going insane, but these big wig government officials still cashing their big salaries monthly. Doctors making the 300k coli average salary making decisions that ruin the man just trying to support for his family. All these government officials don't really care because they still get paid their big ass salaries every month. Not ONCE have you heard any of these folks say I'm not going to take my salary but for a large majority its all well you better not take your salary for the month. F THESE BIG WIGS.

Stay home stay inside while they living in mansions and have a family and go to bed stress free every day. I haven't left my city in almost a year.

Yes COVID is bad and I'm sorry for anyone who has been infected or who has died but it's been a year these idiots have no idea what they are doing.

Yea, I feel you. It's a terrible situation to be in. I roll out of bed at 7. My wife cooks breakfast for the baby. She starts work at 8:30 so I take over and take care of the lil guy from 8:30 to 10. Keep in mind I start work at 9. My wife has meetings. I have to look after the kid. I have meetings, my wife looks after the kid. I have about 4 meetings a day. She has 2 or so. I ate my lunch at 5PM yesterday. Lunch hour no longer exists...I stopped working at 8PM yesterday. Put baby to sleep...He's knocked out at 8:30PM. I now start thinking about dinner and maybe watch a movie. Go to sleep at 12. This is my life for a year now.

It's not sustainable, I'm surprised we haven't killed each other yet. Need to fix the dishwasher, but we're locked down so no one's allowed in the building.

We really have to start asking questions and hold our government accountable. This is a monumental fukk up and people need to pay. Got kids who are ruined because of this shyt. Families ended. Small business destroyed and it's all normalized now. A lot of fukked up shyt is normalized and that's the scary part.

I'm not doing another year of lockdowns and ineptitude.