COVID-19 Pandemic (Coronavirus)

Dec 14, 2015
404/678/770 тσ 702
the wealthy really have folks trained well :wow:

Capitalism got folks' minds fukkt up and these dumb asses think that that system has them in mind & will turn around and swear they loathe these peckerwoods but will fight tooth & nail to uphold a system that was put in place to benefit those same huite folks.
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Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
U.S. new COVID cases down 21% in past week, deaths fall from peak

Cases are going down, blue states feel more comfortable lifting restrictions. Timing works out in Biden’s favor :yeshrug:

To be fair even with that decline things are worse than during the Spring of 2020 which was the only period of nearly uniform and united concern. New York could make a case for reopening but California? Democrats and other blue state Governors were shytting on the likes of Florida, Georgia and Texas that reopened in much more favorable conditions and continued to do so during the subsequent surge in cases that were still significantly lower than what California recently experienced and is currently experiencing.

It's amazing how far the goal posts have been moved. Things are undeniably worse than last Spring yet there is almost none of the same effort, help, political will or even general concern. Even the media reports on COVID have evolved, following the Trump reporting pattern of general astonishment and horror to almost bored resignation despite an obvious escalation in the seriousness of the matter.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Britons returning from around 30 'red list' Covid countries will be forced to quarantine in hotels for 10 days at their own expense, Priti Patel announced today.

MailOnline understands that hundreds of arrivals each day are expected to be escorted directly from airports to rooms, where they will have to stay for the duration of their isolation and pay a bill estimated at £1,500 - although ministers hope the numbers will 'fall through the floor' as people avoid coming to the UK.

Angola, Argentina, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Cape Verde, Chile, Colombia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ecuador, Eswatini, French Guiana, Guyana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal (including Madeira and the Azores), Seychelles, South Africa, Suriname, Tanzania, Uruguay, Venezuela, Zambia, Zimbabwe

In a statement to MPs, the Home Secretary also announced that Britons will be sent home from ports and airports if they fail to prove their trip abroad is 'essential', as she vowed police will ramp up enforcement on travel restrictions.

Britons holidaying in Portugal this winter have vowed to skip Boris Johnson's hotel quarantine diktat by travelling home to the UK via the EU, MailOnline can reveal today.

Mr Johnson's plans to forcibly confine travellers from 22 'high risk' countries was branded 'another omnishambles' amid claims it can easily be bypassed by flying home via Spain or Ireland, or driving to Calais to cross the Channel.

MailOnline has previously revealed that travellers from South Africa, where a mutant strain of Covid was found before Christmas, were flowing into the UK via Paris and Amsterdam after direct flights were scrapped.

Portugal, visited by 2million Britons each year before the pandemic, is expected to be among the 22 'high risk' states on the list because of rocketing infection and death rates as well as its links to Covid-ravaged Brazil.

But Britons, many of whom have second homes on the Algarve, are already planning to bypass the rules. There are currently no direct flights between the UK and Portugal.


Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Then Spring Break will spread the variants all across the globe and we get hit with another wave

March and April gonna be :francis:

After that, is anyone's guess. That is when it will start getting warm again, and with the vaccine out, people will throw away any kind of restrictions or preventive measure of the pandemic. They probably wont even wear masks anymore by Summer 2021 if they already gotten both doses of the vaccine. :snoop:


Nov 12, 2014
Britons returning from around 30 'red list' Covid countries will be forced to quarantine in hotels for 10 days at their own expense, Priti Patel announced today.

MailOnline understands that hundreds of arrivals each day are expected to be escorted directly from airports to rooms, where they will have to stay for the duration of their isolation and pay a bill estimated at £1,500 - although ministers hope the numbers will 'fall through the floor' as people avoid coming to the UK.

Angola, Argentina, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Cape Verde, Chile, Colombia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ecuador, Eswatini, French Guiana, Guyana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal (including Madeira and the Azores), Seychelles, South Africa, Suriname, Tanzania, Uruguay, Venezuela, Zambia, Zimbabwe

In a statement to MPs, the Home Secretary also announced that Britons will be sent home from ports and airports if they fail to prove their trip abroad is 'essential', as she vowed police will ramp up enforcement on travel restrictions.

Britons holidaying in Portugal this winter have vowed to skip Boris Johnson's hotel quarantine diktat by travelling home to the UK via the EU, MailOnline can reveal today.

Mr Johnson's plans to forcibly confine travellers from 22 'high risk' countries was branded 'another omnishambles' amid claims it can easily be bypassed by flying home via Spain or Ireland, or driving to Calais to cross the Channel.

MailOnline has previously revealed that travellers from South Africa, where a mutant strain of Covid was found before Christmas, were flowing into the UK via Paris and Amsterdam after direct flights were scrapped.

Portugal, visited by 2million Britons each year before the pandemic, is expected to be among the 22 'high risk' states on the list because of rocketing infection and death rates as well as its links to Covid-ravaged Brazil.

But Britons, many of whom have second homes on the Algarve, are already planning to bypass the rules. There are currently no direct flights between the UK and Portugal.



Jul 24, 2018
Another study showing the ineffectiveness of lockdowns.

Danish study suggests local lockdown had no effect on SARS-CoV-2 infection rate

The researchers found no significant difference in the number of infections before and after the lockdown was intensified, compared to the other group of four. Secondly, the number of infections began to go down a week or more before the lockdown could have been expected to have any effect. Thirdly, the number of infections also began to go down in the four municipalities where no change was enforced.

Mass testing was carried out for several weeks in the seven locked-down municipalities but did not appear to change the infection dynamics. On the other hand, the intensive testing ensured that the vast majority of cases were detected. In fact, two of every three people in these seven municipalities were estimated to have been tested.

The reasons for the decline in infections may include efficient surveillance measures already put in place, along with a high degree of compliance on the part of the citizens. The combination of these factors appears to be at least as effective as a complete lockdown.
Jul 24, 2018
Turns out that people promoting Vitamin D ain't loony. I'm glad I take my vitamin supplements every day

Vitamin D deficiency associated with higher risk of COVID-19 hospitalization

Risk factors for severe COVID-19
Of the 97 million confirmed cases across the globe, over 2 million people have died. The unusual nature of this virus is that it causes severe or even critical illness in a significant minority of patients, while the vast majority escape with no, mild or moderate symptoms.

So far, researchers have found that males are at higher risk for adverse outcomes, along with those who have diabetes mellitus, obesity and hypertension. Vitamin D deficiency has been recently postulated to be a factor associated with increased risk of a poor prognosis in COVID-19.

Mechanism of vitamin D in the immune response
This association is biologically plausible since vitamin D modulates both innate and adaptive immunity, and individuals with low vitamin D levels are known to be susceptible to more infections by either bacteria or viruses.

Very early in the course of the pandemic, many reports linked countries with lower mean vitamin D levels to higher mortality rates. And finally, patients hospitalized with this condition have been shown to have very low levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D, providing direct evidence of this link.
The bolded parts of the quotes are the most telling.
The irony is that our bodies naturally produce Vitamin D via sunlight exposure. Yet, lockdowns prevent people from going out to get natural sunlight.