DJ Paul's Arm
Eventually yes we all will
I'm talking about hours after that wiff of second hand smoke
Eventually yes we all will
I tried searching for this buy can't really find anything. Let's say you breathe in second hand smoke from someone passing by who has the coronavirus, what are the chances you get it.
“If you imagine someone who is smoking and you’re close to them, you’re right in that puff of smoke,” Marr said. “But if you’re farther away, you’re much more dilute so that’s the idea of kind of staying away from someone, that things will get more dilute. But of course, if you’re in a small, confined space then those aerosols can be more concentrated and I think there’s a higher risk in that system.”
Thanks.I'm talking about hours after that wiff of second hand smoke
That's because it takes up to two weeks for the symptoms to start showing. They gradually get worse then people end up in the hospital. The first few waves of people that got infected are dying so the number is rapidly climbing. With all these stay at home orders in place those numbers are likely to drop off in a few more weeks.To put how our numbers are climbing in more perspective.
United States Coronavirus: 100,392 Cases and 1,543 Deaths - Worldometer
It took 26 days for us to reach about 1000 deaths (beginning on Feb 29th when the first death was reported) . However from March 25th until now we are already at 1543 deaths in only 1.5 to 2 days. We are easily going to reach 2000 either tomorrow or the next day.
That is a crazy exponential increase. To reach the first 1000 it took us 26 days and to get another thousand it will only take approximately 3-4 days. shyt is crazy.
Cough, but I’ve had it since February. Had sneezing,sore throat, and chills a few weeks ago but no fever. I’m from the south and I have bad allergies but this my first year in Cali so idk what’s whatWhat other symptoms do you have?
Yea like bro said they checked my oxygen lvls and all that and cane back clear. I felt worse in February but I went to the hospital around 2 weeks ago, cause my roommates were getting ‘noid about me throwing up that Wednesday after the quarantine started. The 16th I thinkYep if you don't feel right you better off lying and say you're having trouble catching your breath and having tightness in your chest. But even then. Of course if you're perfectly fine don't be doing that
Got a client whose a doctor who said exactly that. If you not down bad they gonna tell you to KIM, they got higher priorities. I get itthen you test positive and get sent home
Children testing positive for Coronavirus in Florida
better buy a canteen and a battery powered fan with all of the brownouts all over the country that will happen this summer.This fukking virus gonna be around until the vaccine is complete. I think it's going to be a thing all year. I don't wanna be self isolating during summer![]()
thinking of buy a fan tbh before it's sold outbetter buy a canteen and a battery powered fan with all of the brownouts all over the country that will happen this summer.![]()