This guy is as dumb as Trump.
This guy is as dumb as Trump.
This guy is as dumb as Trump.
Brehs need to stay calm and relax. A lot of people's minds playing tricks on em right now. Any little discomfort they feel they start thinking they got corona. The likelihood of you catching it is still low. And the likelihood that you will have a serious case is EXTREMELY low. You guys really need to understand how badly stress can compromise your immune systems. You catch something on the wrong day and it can be the difference between being asymptomatic or being sick as a dog. Even one bad night of sleep can you leave your system vulnerable.
Go watch a flick. Read a book. Meditate. Occupy your mind with something other than Death. That shyt is not healthy for the mind. I see plenty of y'all talking about you feeling under the weather. This is what happens when your body is stressed. You're gonna start feeling like shyt. And then you just start stressing even more when you really just need to stay composed.
This is what you really need to look at. 95% of all recorded cases are mild. And when you take into account all of the unrecorded cases it's probably closer to 99%. So stop sitting around stressing all day. My condolences to anybody who's been directly effected by this, but you're not doing yourself any good by being paranoid all day. You're just gonna leave yourself even more at risk. Then if you catch some shyt now everybody around you is compromised. Right now more than ever is when you have to keep your mind strong. You most likely won't catch this shyt. But if you do then you better have your body in fighting shape. That way you can dikk slap this virus back to where it came from. This virus preys on easy targets and runs away from strong ones. So really it ain't shyt but a coward. And you don't ever let a coward put fear in your heart. Now is not the time to be weak. It's time to tool up.