Now, look at this shyt! This blows my mind! Unacceptable!
if i'm a family member, i'm calling a damn lawyer right now. that shyt ain't right. trash bag? are you kidding me?
Now, look at this shyt! This blows my mind! Unacceptable!
A new study by Chinese doctors claims that 60% of COVID-19 cases in Wuhan might be unreported and most have recovered on their own, this means the CFR is lower then the current 5% in Wuhan.
Reading this thread confirming that many Coli posters suffered from COVID symptoms earlier this year but have recovered without being tested means cases in most countries are underreported.
How are 20,000 troops meant to “help” with the virus?
Coming to a town near you.
the troops wil be driving more ambulances and stuff like that, the ones trained for that stuff, not the actual gunmen
No it hasn’t been here.There’s so many stories of people having bad respiratory illnesses over the past 6 months that I think we can all agree this shyt has been here. So many people have come into contact with it and never got sick or barely showed symptoms. This thing is crazy how it affects so many people differently
Virus like a bad chick with options. She choosing
I'm confused
The stats are not accurate but the deaths are, a lot of people are dying.This shoulda been common sense though. That's why all these statistics mean nothing. Even the confirmed cases numbers mean nothing since the testing has been so terrible. We prolly been in the hundreds of thousands for a while. In the millions worldwide.
Sorry to hear that. We could all see this was gonna happen sadly. I hope every breh is tooled upzI live in LA brehs.
House got broken into last week when I was staying at my parent's one night. Ran sacked, stole my guns, cash, some clothes, jewelry, and electronics. Folks are getting even more desperate out here, and it's going to get worse. No jobs, and people are scared. I already hit a gun shop to retool up. Stay safe.
if i'm a family member, i'm calling a damn lawyer right now. that shyt ain't right. trash bag? are you kidding me?
Some cruises last up to a month straight
I think you guys are mixing up the media and social media too much but please if I am wrong please correct me but let me know what legitimate media site is saying that the cause was bats?
You don’t know if eating bats caused this either. You believe it because that’s what the media is saying. Public doesn’t want to consider the alternative, so it’s the easy way out. Nobody knows definitively.
Folks continue to ignore the fact that Wuhan is the location of multiple bioweapon and virology labs. The fact that patient zero originated here should arouse suspicion.
US will never say that overtly, but you best believe the military is on their guard right now.