Got tested and results were sent back to us tonight....dunno why they came so late at night though
Turns out me, my wife, and my kid all positive. We didn't test my son, but its safe to say he got it. The only place I've been in the past two weeks is the grocery store and I didn't touch anything with my bare hands, washed my hands immediately when i got home, never touched my face, and wasn't near anyone. I'm thinking that shyt is on the packaging of the food or I just simply breathed it in.
Anyway, luckily we didn't get really bad symptoms and we are mostly past it. Neither of us have any pre-existing issues or weight problems with the exception of my wife being pregnant.
1 year old: Diarrhea and vomiting for a day, then a few days later started coughing followed by a fever of maybe 102. I took him to a doctor and they diagnosed him with the Flu...

But then oddly enough he was suddenly fine over night, the next morning literally every symptom was gone, it was weird as fukk. That was around 10 days ago. And then on Saturday his temp spiked to 100.4 but dropped back down later in the afternoon and hes been fine since then. My wife thinks that last fever spike was due to him teething though.
My wife: No fever, but she had a bad cough for about a week. It sounded like she was hacking up a lung, and it was all day and all night. This week its lingering a bit but its not bad at all.
Myself: No fever but body aches for a couple days, and then an awful dry ass cough for about a week. The following week the cough got much better but I was tired, and it was hard to catch my breath sometimes. I think the breathing issue was my mind playing tricks on me though. It would only happen when I paid attention to my breathing, when I got distracted with something else I was breathing fine. Every now and then I cough but its not dry anymore, which is so much better.
I'm hoping this is the end of this shyt. If so, then we got lucky.
God...When this is over I hope we built some sort of immunity to this bullshyt.....