The cities signed these contracts though. This is the politicians fault,
The unions are buying these politicians. Its one in the same.
The cities signed these contracts though. This is the politicians fault,
shocking to see who hate unions here.
The beef with unions is hilarious. I guess if you can't have it, we all can't have it.
I used to goThe author makes some very valid observations about the Democratic Party but doesn't offer any suggestions or solutions...I'm not sure exactly what he's advocating we do about this state of affairs.
Should black voters start voting 3rd party? Stay home on election day? Create their own black political party?
Trip kinda touched on it but they have no accountability for their members. The teacher gets tenure and is practically impossible to fire. You have a bunch of terrible teachers that just get shuffled around. It's not that I hate the idea of a union.
the rock and foundation of the US left was in New Orleans, Detroit, Newark, St. Louis, Washington DC and other black dominated cities.
this is a good quote in the article
the question must be asked, what is the state of those cities? what have black people gotten from being the bedrock of leftism? nothing
maybe black people need to stop being the bedrock of the left and explore different and new ideas, instead of looking at policies that spread wealth maybe we need to look at policies that create wealth
stupid article that wrongly conflates "right wing" politics with "corporatist" agendas, the two of them being very dissimilar in the context of contemporary american politics. the "right wing" in america is almost singularly focused on pushing a religious-based platform of fundamentalist christianity. booker is not a fundamentalist christian, he's not anti-choice, he supports reproductive access for women, he is not a climate change denier, and his arguments are largely liberal but tinged with slight corporate leanings - not far removed from what we've seen of most democrats.
btw, i don't support booker, but i don't agree with this article, either.
The operative word is "was," and furthermore, the quote refers to the electorate, not to the politicians. People love to talk about Detroit as an example of liberal failure, for example, but that place has almost no social safety nets in place whatsoever, even less than some mostly-conservative cities, so those kinds of arguments are inaccurate.
if you have a mayor who has a philosophy that his job is to spread wealth, were is the actual wealth coming from? detroit is what happens when liberals run out of wealth to spread
Its happening everywhere....Detroit was just the first to go.