the Cory Booker slampiece wave is picking up steam.
Yeah, it's unclear, though looking him up, he's a State Committee Member of the Georgia Green Party, so maybe he wants more Black folks to go Green.
I know a lot of charter schools aren't exactly better than public schools but I don't get thefor these public schools.
its not a cape for the public schools
its just a work around solution to the poverty problem that nobody really wants to address
what can we do? stop linking it to property taxes?
I'm amused
I mean seriously what do we do? our education system sucks
Imo there needs to national guidelines and they can't keep changing them for the wrong reasons every year.
A lot of the problems are underlying social issues. Poverty, wage inequality, homelessness literally hundreds of thousands of children, in the industrialized world we have the most children living under the poverty line, children who can't even feed themselves! I mean until you solve these issues nothing will change. Also top heavy administration in schools, waste, misuse of funds, state/federal bickering, poor money management on federal and state level before it even reaches the schools, underfunding, stupid policies set by state/city, conflicts of interest.
Attacking the teachers/unions is an easy scapegoat for an uneducated, wage envy jealous populace.
the question wasnt what are the problems, we know what the problems are, the question was what do you propose to solve them
Couldn't even wait a minute to read what I added?
Last line must have hit you where it hurts...
Furthermore you solve the social issues and the education issues will go away.
Why do you think wealth areas and countries that aren't in the dark ages have solid education provided to their children.
Edit: It's right there, put two and two together, christ
so your proposal to fix the education system is to NOT attack teacher's union? that isnt a proposal
you think we need to solve the social issues? that isnt proposal
do you have any actual ideas or proposals on how to improve the education system