Coronavirus Thread: Worldwide Pandemic


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
My city is fukked :sadcam:

I have a worst-case scenario for NYC and it goes like this :

One: things gets so out of control that they have to start choosing who lives and who dies, morgues are full bodies on the streets ( keep in mind this is being allowed to happen because any other city in the surrounding area that can or would be willing to help is pretty much in the same dire circumstances)

Two: it start affecting every day Services police garbage, firefighters, utility workers things like that. So you know what that means next to nobody gets arrested, fires not going to get put out, water & light becomes intermittent

Three :people in such a overpopulated City start to panic crime goes up maybe Trump sends in the National Guard maybe or he doesn't out of fear he might be seen as a dictator he or he waits for several weeks, either way shyt hits the fan all hell breaks loose as far as violence even in small Pockets this is all that's needed

Out of fear for things getting so crazy people start to flee north, south, west they start to go to different cities different states these other cities and states start imposing limits on who can come in or at least try to impose limits by using their police, in response Donald Trump attempts to block people from leaving the area and then things get real ugly

Only advice I can give any of y'all if you're still in there if you can leave leave now I may sound like I'm fear-mongering but if you have the resources to go away for a few weeks then hey go away come back and this is all just something to shake your head at but that is not the city I want to be in right now with everything going on

currently thinking of a evacuation plan for my parents.

Chelsea Bridge

Aug 3, 2012


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
Also please stop upping NY Times articles and tweets blaming China or China's response. Sinophobia. Learn it. This is the best article that breaks down the fake outrage people have over Trump's indifference to human life. HE WASN'T THE ONLY ONE.

Coronavirus Alarm Blends Yellow Peril and Red Scare
Corporate media’s typical framing of Chinese government actions to combat the virus verged on parody, portraying uncontroversial moves in the most insidious terms possible. For example, instead of reporting that Hubei government officials were fired for withholding information about the coronavirus outbreak from higher-ups, outlets like CNN (2/13/20) and Business Insider (2/11/20) claimed they were “purged.” Discussing volunteer efforts to assist China’s effective quarantine efforts, the New York Times’ “To Tame Coronavirus, Mao-Style Social Control Blankets China” (2/15/20) framed it as “one of the biggest social control campaigns in history,” and described “neighborhood busybodies” and “uniformed volunteers” aiding the quarantine efforts as “Mao-style mass crusades.”

The Wall Street Journal ran op-eds like “A Communist Coronavirus” (1/29/20) and “China Is the Real Sick Man of Asia” (2/3/20), which gleefully claimed that the “mighty Chinese juggernaut has been humbled” by a “species-hopping bat virus,” and argued that the “Wuhan coronavirus is a metaphor” for “the Communist Party of China” and “American isolationism” being ideas that are “incompatible with the modern world.”

Another Times report, “Coronavirus Crisis Exposes Cracks in China’s Facade of Unity” (1/28/20), played into the ludicrous “imminent collapse” of the Chinese government trope, by claiming that the coronavirus outbreak has “blown up” the “facade” of a “gradually unifying society,” and that the “cracks” showing in “China’s veneer of stability” reveal that China “remains riddled with vulnerabilities that no amount of censorship or strong-arming can hide.”

The Times’s Nicholas Kristof (1/29/20) argued that “we’re seeing the dangers of Xi’s authoritarian model, for China and the world,” because of “Xi’s China” systematically gutting institutions like journalism, social media and NGOs (avenues typically exploited by the US to subvert targeted governments and spread pro-American propaganda).

The Times (1/25/20) reported that “officials in Wuhan and around the country withheld critical information, played down the threat and rebuked doctors who tried to raise the alarm,” which should raise questions about “weaknesses at the very heart of the Chinese system”: China’s “rigidly hierarchical bureaucracy” and “quasi-imperial system” discourage “local officials from raising bad news with central bosses,” as “top party bosses in Beijing” have “little direct power over what happens in the provinces.”

USA Today ran an op-ed (2/12/20) by Republican Sen. Ben Sasse claiming that the “coronavirus disaster” is the “deadly consequence” of Xi and the Chinese Communist Party’s “malfeasance and misrule,” with “Communism” being the “perfect incubator for the coronavirus.” Both Sasse and the Times’ Kristof claim that this is so because the Chinese government allegedly silenced “whistleblowers” like Dr. Li Wenliang, which prevented him from alerting the public about the novel coronavirus.

The Los Angeles Times (2/16/20) seemed to imply that the coronavirus epidemic was a positive development, insofar as it stripped Xi Jinping’s “aura of invincibility in ways that no political dissident, opposition party or revolutionary movement ever could,” and because “his inability to contain it” could lead to growing dissent and skepticism towards his “form of techno-authoritarianism.”

The LA Times even managed to sneak in references to “ancient notions” of a “mandate of heaven construct,” with “Confucian thinking and forms of deeply rooted superstition” holding “widespread sway,” as a potential explanation for why Chinese people might not realize that Xi and the Communist Party don’t have the support of “mysterious forces in heaven.”

This is readily apparent in corporate media’s predominant framing of the coronavirus as a problem for “Xi Jinping,” or the “Communist Party” (New York Times, 1/26/20; Time, 2/6/20; Wall Street Journal, 2/7/20; Foreign Policy, 2/10/20; Foreign Affairs, 2/10/20), rather than for the Chinese people and those suffering from the virus abroad, or as a problem for the international community to solve cooperatively with China.

CNN (2/11/20) criticized Xi’s visit to treatment centers as a “stage-managed outing,” scorning the president for never “being at any risk of infection,” and refusing to place himself in a situation “where his health was under threat,” based solely on the kind of face mask he was using!


Dec 28, 2016
The mortality rate is not accurate, there’s many who don’t have symptoms or do that don’t get tested.

Also, Italy is only testing people who are critical.

That can be said for any statistical measurement from GDP to inflation, its the best stat we have for the mortality rate even if it's premature.

I highly doubt the differing of the morality stats now and the ones we will end up having is anywhere in the plus-minus of 2% so taking that into consideration that is still damn high for developed nations.


Dec 16, 2012
hella international
Yellow tape all over the park and basketball courts.

The sight of an ambulance stirs my anxiety.

Go to the grocery store and it's like I forgot how to make small talk. It's stressful shopping.

End of the month coming. A lot of my peers are out of work. My boys whole family is at home with no work.



I'm Lamont's pops
Nov 20, 2016
Straight from Flatbush
Just thought of something, this only like week 2 or 3 of the quarantine......

Yet there's a good chance this shyt won't be over for another 2 months :mindblown:.

Well I know one thing the earth is literally healing itself I’m real time from green house gasses.. I’m in NYC and the air is fresh as fukk.. Sky Clear no smog or nothing.. my mental clarity is sharp as hell too..

shyt even the water lookin clean :wow: