Coronavirus Thread: Worldwide Pandemic


Jun 7, 2012


Edit: Now with lyrics:

Somebody once told me
Corona's just a phony
Trump's not the sharpest tool in the she-ed.
He was looking kinda dumb
Not listening to the ones
That said that we all were gonna be dead.
Well, the sick start coming and they don't stop coming.
Tied to the ventilator, hit the ground running.
Didn't make sense not to breathe for fun.
Your lungs fill with fluid and your brain goes numb.
Nowhere to go, nothing to see
So what's wrong with being in quarantine?
You'll never spread it if you stay home.
Hoard toilet paper to prevent its growth!
Hey now, you've got corona.
Get your cough on, infect.
Hey now, you've got the virus.
Get your sneeze on, get rekt.
Covid is killing us all.
Only staying home saves your soul.
It's a hot flash and they say it gets hotter
Your fever's high now and you're choking on water.
But the anti-vaxxers beg to differ
Judging by their posts with the Instagram filters.
The medical supplies are getting stretched thin.
The light in the tunnel is getting pretty dim.
I'm waiting on the vaccine, how 'bout you?
Still stuck in quarantine with nothing to do.
Hey now, you've got corona.
Get your cough on, infect.
Hey now, you've got the virus.
Get your sneeze on, get rekt.
Covid is killing us all.
Only staying home saves your soul.
Somebody once asked
Could I spare some change for masks?
I need to get myself out of this state.
I said, "Yep, what a concept.
I could use some supplies myself
And we all still need to get paid."
Well, the sick start coming and they don't stop coming.
Tied to the ventilator, hit the ground running.
Didn't make sense not to breathe for fun.
Your lungs fill with fluid and your brain goes numb.
Nowhere to go, nothing to see
So what's wrong with being in quarantine?
You'll never spread it if you stay home.
Hoard toilet paper to prevent its growth!
Hey now, you've got corona.
Get your cough on, infect.
Hey now, you've got the virus.
Get your sneeze on, get rekt.
Covid is killing us all.
Only staying home saves your soul.


refuel w/ chocolate milk
Jul 7, 2012
Cuomo says that New York state now has 20,875 confirmed Covid-19 cases, including 5,707 cases confirmed today.

13% of those cases have required hospitalization, with 24% of those hospitalized needed ICU care.

There have now been 157 coronavirus deaths in the state.

“New York has by far the greatest need in the country,” he says, urging the US government to direct funding to the state.

“Fund the need.”


Spatial Paradox

All Star
May 16, 2012
If you could flip Cuomo for Biden right now as the nominee, would you?

Nope. If all you care about is beating Trump, he doesn't have nearly the same amount of name recognition Biden does outside of the Tri-State Area.

This article probably sums up why a lot of New Yorkers find him frustrating during normal times, but he's probably the perfect person to lead the response to a crisis like this: Andrew Cuomo Is the Control Freak We Need Right Now

I'll give credit where it's due, he's been doing as well as you'd hope a leader could do in this crisis. But in normal times, Cuomo can :camby: