Coronavirus Thread: Worldwide Pandemic

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Maybe you libertarians should do some historical reading and realize "acts of god" happen all the time and realize that when you fail to plan you plan to fail :picard:

Imagine advocating cutting government services your whole life and then when shyt hits the fan you run right to government daddy who you been bashing everyone else for relying on for years:unimpressed:

Librehtarians should go locate some bootstraps instead of relying on the government. :unimpressed:


Libertarians are forever exposed to stupidity. Thinking that the free market will save them from a global pandemic.


Nov 26, 2016
My sister is a MD for NYC Health+ in Queens and she more or less said the same thing when I spoke to her yesterday morning.

She said everyone was too late to respond and there just isn't enough resources to combat this. You can't even get in the hospital she works at unless you are pregnant, have COVD-19, or literally have a bullet in you because all the beds have been completely filled for the last week and a half. They even got to the point where folks are pulling up with positive test results in their hands, but they still have to turn them away because they just dont have the staff or space.

Her medical director doesn't even know when they will get more supplies. Maybe 2 days..maybe 2 weeks..or even 2 months. They also have nurses and other staff members that had to be sent home because they were coughing or got sick dealing with patients.

NY is fukked breh. Stay home.
Only way to flatten that curve now is total lockdown with curfews and army field hospitals.

The army core of engineers should have been setting shyt up already.


All Star
Jan 13, 2017
Yeah UHC is working great for Italy, France, Spain, Sweden, Germany. It's the private Pharm companies stepping up and committing their vast resources to help mitigate this crisis. The government simply isn't agile enough to tackle something like this. That lack of "agility" is what led to the shortage of test kits plaguing the states and frankly all the aforementioned countries.

ROK and Taiwan are bodying the response tho :sas1:. Also germany has private insurance. Single Payer and UHC are not the same thing brother.

What Taiwan can teach the world on fighting the coronavirus
Last but not the least, Kolas said that she believes the country’s health insurance system, which covers 99 percent of the population, has been crucial to fighting the spread of the outbreak.

“Taiwan’s health insurance lets everyone not be afraid to go to the hospital. If you suspect you have coronavirus, you won’t have to worry that you can’t afford the hospital visit to get tested,” she said.

“You can get a free test, and if you’re forced to be isolated, during the 14 days, we pay for your food, lodging and medical care,” Kolas said. “So no one would avoid seeing the doctor because they can’t pay for health care.

Honestly, the main difference between the countries doing well and the ones doing badly seems to be how thorough their testing regime is. Also the asian countries get more compliance out of their citizens than western governments do.