a little over 6 and a half months for meHow long did you guys have between 2nd dose and booster shot ? They recommend 5 months minimum over here
a little over 6 and a half months for meHow long did you guys have between 2nd dose and booster shot ? They recommend 5 months minimum over here
It's like Omicron made the hot tag in wrestling, and starting kicking ass in the ring.
And it's not even been a month since its announcement.
God speed, I think this is the one that infects the rest of us
You know I'm still waiting for my magneto powers. I want a refundGot my Vaccinations and Boosters. I am at the IDGAF level, if you want to be a free-thinker, be my guest, but it's Winter now. And unless you live in the South, and even then they get cold spells, be prepared to be in a triage tent... in the Wal-Mart parking lot, during a Blizzard.
Or stay home and die.
So come May 2022, I am going for my 4th Injection for that 10G Uplink.
It's like Omicron made the hot tag in wrestling, and starting kicking ass in the ring.
And it's not even been a month since its announcement.
My kids school requires masks. Haven't heard of any teachers catching it. For first 3 months I got an email from the school saying a kid tested positive. I think at least 4 times total. 2 in my oldest daughter's class and 2 in my youngest daughter's class. No one else caught it and everyone in the school seems to be safe with the mask requirement.
Omicron is bypassing the initial vaccines. We still don't know the long term consequences of COVID either.Breh even during the worst of the worst time in early 2020, before vaccines etc kids dying was extraordinarily rare.
Now there are vaccines. Many kids have taken them. And of course all adults should be vaccinated by now.
At this point if you're dying from covid I consider it closer to suicide than anything else.