Coronavirus Thread: Worldwide Pandemic


Nov 12, 2014
I'm in the Netherlands. All the recent Corona numbers are from the weeks before when Europe was dealing with heat records.

Ok cool. Well my link was about Germany. It cooled down and it is getting cooler. By this week I mean this past week.

It might seem soon but symptoms show mostly from day 1 to day 14 with the mean around 4 - 5 days. So yeah not too soon for Germany.

@Kenny West :ufdup:


Nov 12, 2014
@TENET what are the pros and cons living in germany compared to america?

germany == all cons :russ:


seriously though that needs a long answer.

the main negatives (off the top of my head) for the USA relative to Germany for qualified brehs (living in USA-breh-ok areas) are,


USA negatives

i. smaller social net in the USA
ii. high prevalence of guns in the USA
iii. lack of universal healthcare in the USA (although that is changing and changed recently in Germany to quasi-universal)
iv. less control re. food ingredients in the USA. possibly healthier food in Germany (but much more limited choice)
v. more widespread police violence in the USA


i. There is a definite section of society where women prefer brehs (for the PAWG'ers) - if that is important to you and/or if you don't have issues with their thinking.
ii. easier to travel to other cultures / countries (most of which are breh hostile though).


In more or less every other way the USA is better especially for brehs. The only near-habitable places for brehs in Germany are Berlin, the South (Bayern, Baden Württemberg) +Frankfurt. At a push you could include Cologne and Hamburg. Everywhere else forget it especially in the East (ex-Berlin) and NRW (esp. Dusseldorf).

All that stuff that you are used to - black political representation, high level black management, businessmen, affirmative action, monitoring of racism, class actions lawsuits to protect rights, cultural expression, black intellectuals and thought leaders etc more or less do no exist and are currently unthinkable in Germany. Day to day racism is off the charts, is nationwide (but worse in some places) and is beyond what you get in the more progressive parts of the USA. If Germany, if you are black, you are assumed to be 2nd class. And by 2nd class I don't mean USA-style "2nd class", I mean "just arrived off a boat escaping flies and mudhuts 2nd class" - ( unless you are in the ex-USA zones + Berlin and act and look a certain way, and even then, there sometimes too).

Poetical Poltergeist

Precise and cold hearted
May 7, 2012
Mile in the Sky
Trump briefing at 6pm ET following Biden/Harris first interview together at 8pm ET

Major break thru huh.

Folks we have made a miracle drug! It's called HydroxyTrumpLiquin or at least that's what I call it. And it knocks it out in a second. Maybe even faster than that. Much faster. Totally safe, many people are saying. Totally effective and will be available first to me and Ivanka. The American people in states that are nice to me will get shipments soon. Have to be nice. Thank you very much.


Dec 11, 2015
germany == all cons :russ:


seriously though that needs a long answer.

the main negatives (off the top of my head) for the USA relative to Germany for qualified brehs (living in USA-breh-ok areas) are,


USA negatives

i. smaller social net in the USA
ii. high prevalence of guns in the USA
iii. lack of universal healthcare in the USA (although that is changing and changed recently in Germany to quasi-universal)
iv. less control re. food ingredients in the USA. possibly healthier food in Germany (but much more limited choice)
v. more widespread police violence in the USA


i. There is a definite section of society where women prefer brehs (for the PAWG'ers) - if that is important to you and/or if you don't have issues with their thinking.
ii. easier to travel to other cultures / countries (most of which are breh hostile though).


In more or less every other way the USA is better especially for brehs. The only near-habitable places for brehs in Germany are Berlin, the South (Bayern, Baden Württemberg) +Frankfurt. At a push you could include Cologne and Hamburg. Everywhere else forget it especially in the East (ex-Berlin) and NRW (esp. Dusseldorf).

All that stuff that you are used to - black political representation, high level black management, businessmen, affirmative action, monitoring of racism, class actions lawsuits to protect rights, cultural expression, black intellectuals and thought leaders etc more or less do no exist and are currently unthinkable in Germany. Day to day racism is off the charts, is nationwide (but worse in some places) and is beyond what you get in the more progressive parts of the USA. If Germany, if you are black, you are assumed to be 2nd class. And by 2nd class I don't mean USA-style "2nd class", I mean "just arrived off a boat escaping flies and mudhuts 2nd class" - ( unless you are in the ex-USA zones + Berlin and act and look a certain way, and even then, there sometimes too).

@TENET thanks breh for your answer!

1. How hard is it to learn the German language and be fluent?

2. Is it harder to become wealthy/successful in Germany as opposed to America?

3. In terms of racism and the amount of racism you will experience in Germany does that include all non-whites? I am multi-racial (white, black, and native american). People ask me if I'm Mexican, Puerto Rican, or Arab a lot.


Nov 12, 2014
@TENET thanks breh for your answer!

No problem. It's just my opinion. But in my opinion it is an informed opinion.

1. How hard is it to learn the German language and be fluent?

Very hard. if you come here after your teenage years then it's very very hard. You can get to levels C1/C2 with intensive effort (says 1 - 2 years) but it will be almost impossible not to make grammatical errors. We do the same in English but English sentence structure / /grammar isn't as rigid so it doesn't stand out as much.

2. Is it harder to become wealthy/successful in Germany as opposed to America?

Yes. Especially if you are non-German, non-white. Germany is not a free-wheeling society with doers and achievers. It is a comfortable place where most people know and stay in their place. This is not a "can do" society. It is a top down structured society which exchanges individual "liberty" for security.

It's nothing like America so you need to forget about assuming any analogues to what you see stateside.

3. In terms of racism and the amount of racism you will experience in Germany does that include all non-whites? I am multi-racial (white, black, and native american). People ask me if I'm Mexican, Puerto Rican, or Arab a lot.

Yes all non-whites but each group has their stereotype. Turks/Arabs are a bigger "problem" for Germans and Germany so they take the brunt of the mass high profile racism but blacks are seen as being lower than Turks by many incl. many Turks themselves.Turks have support networks, a large population in Germany and their own areas. They have big businesses, Turkey (a powerful NATO country) in the background and more of a voice.

Anyway the degree of actual racism received is many times individual so you need to do that calculus yourself - male/female, tall/short, brollic/wimp, masculine/soft, dark/light, smiley/serious and all that other shizzit. Bottom line is that outside of the regions I mentioned you would do well to have a professional career without relying on a niche (of friendliness, american companies etc). Getting a job at McD's might be a challenge in some regions of Germany.


You need to stop thinking in US terms to understand Germany. Their image of black people is beggars, crime, drugs, people sneaking into europe, poverty stricken and boats in the Mediterranean. They know there are exceptions somewhere in the world but they find it difficult to imagine that that exception is "you", the person in front of them.

Germany is like going back to the 1950's in terms of their attitudes and beliefs.

Arabs have it a bit better profession-wise but for all foreigners integration is a problem.

Salaries are lower than the States too.

It you are a tech breh hit up the Berlin start ups and the International US tech giants. Look at big tech in Munich, Aachen and international banks/consultancies in Frankfurt (am Main). You might not even need German to make a start at one of those (but yes you would be in a niche as I mentioned earlier).

For balance look at ... - non professional, non-high achiever breh.

- educated woman with ambition.

- german english language channel.


Dec 11, 2015
@TENET it doesn't seem worth it imo, so why do you stay in Germany?? Just based on the racism stuff you posted, seems like hell to deal with all the time.

As for me, I am 34 years old and will be 35 in October.

I live with my mother. I cant afford to live on my own. I don't have a car. I have a two year degree in business management and 65,000 in student loan debt i haven't paid back any of it. I accumulated so much debt because i fukked around too much while in college. I work a minimum wage job at a restaurant and only work 3-6 hours a week because of the covid pandemic. I will have to apply for unemployment to make up from all the hours that were cut.

I am planning to join the air force once I lose weight and get in shape. I was if possible hoping to get stationed overseas while in the air force and was considering Germany. I know though civilian life in Germany is different than being stationed overseas in Germany I guess.

The axe murderer

For I am death and I ride on a pale horse
Aug 27, 2015
Republicans see U.S. as better off now than 4 years ago ahead of convention — Battleground Tracker poll

These people are too far gone


Nov 12, 2014
@TENET it doesn't seem worth it imo, so why do you stay in Germany?? Just based on the racism stuff you posted, seems like hell to deal with all the time.

As for me, I am 34 years old and will be 35 in October.

I live with my mother. I cant afford to live on my own. I don't have a car. I have a two year degree in business management and 65,000 in student loan debt i haven't paid back any of it. I accumulated so much debt because i fukked around too much while in college. I work a minimum wage job at a restaurant and only work 3-6 hours a week because of the covid pandemic. I will have to apply for unemployment to make up from all the hours that were cut.

I am planning to join the air force once I lose weight and get in shape. I was if possible hoping to get stationed overseas while in the air force and was considering Germany. I know though civilian life in Germany is different than being stationed overseas in Germany I guess.

I am not American, I am British, so it's not far. Plus I am not staying in Germany.

If you are thinking of Europe consider the UK, Sweden, Switzerland and the Netherlands as well (although taxes are high). If you can get a gig in the Nordic countries salaries are high and if you live a spartan lifestyle you can save more. Also these countries use English more than Germany.

I can't really comment about Business Management opportunities. Plus as you know the economy doesn't have the best outlook at the moment.

The more tech you know the more it will help your case, so if you know advanced excel, some scripting, stats software, prince software, BPM or similar highlight them. The more tech you know the less likely it is that you have to be able to speak German.

You are right about civilian vs. army life in Germany. It's very different.