Coronavirus Thread: Worldwide Pandemic


Nov 26, 2016
Yup. My job covers all those counties with Manatee and Sarasota counties as well. Manatee and Sarasota are at 80% full now. The rest she mentioned are all full.

We don't even know where to start. Also, the FL strain seems stronger than the one in AZ from what we see. Almost identical to the one in NYC.

My wife just quit her job now since her whole department of respiratory therapists quit and the hospital told her she would be responsible for the whole hospital for a week.

She begged for help until she resigned as a manager.

She is in the room talking to nurses and RTs crying, but I am not letting her go play hero for HCA that got billions in stimulus and can care less.

I had 10 nurses tell me they wanna quit as well because the hospital refused to pay contract nurses so they went to TX CA and AZ.

This is really tragic and I am worried about what will happen next

Trump/DeSantis gotta pay for this shyt
You and the fam be safe breh.


Just end the season.
May 1, 2012
Sweden Has Become the World’s Cautionary Tale

Its decision to carry on in the face of the pandemic has yielded a surge of deaths without sparing its economy from damage — a red flag as the United States and Britain move to lift lockdowns.

Sweden put stock in the sensibility of its people as it largely avoided imposing government prohibitions. The government allowed restaurants, gyms, shops, playgrounds and most schools to remain open. By contrast, Denmark and Norway opted for strict quarantines, banning large groups and locking down shops and restaurants.

More than three months later, the coronavirus is blamed for 5,420 deaths in Sweden, according to the World Health Organization. That might not sound especially horrendous compared with the more than 129,000 Americans who have died. But Sweden is a country of only 10 million people. Per million people, Sweden has suffered 40 percent more deaths than the United States, 12 times more than Norway, seven times more than Finland and six times more than Denmark.

The elevated death toll resulting from Sweden’s approach has been clear for many weeks. What is only now emerging is how Sweden, despite letting its economy run unimpeded, has still suffered business-destroying, prosperity-diminishing damage, and at nearly the same magnitude of its neighbors.

Sweden’s central bank expects its economy to contract by 4.5 percent this year, a revision from a previously expected gain of 1.3 percent. The unemployment rate jumped to 9 percent in May from 7.1 percent in March. “The overall damage to the economy means the recovery will be protracted, with unemployment remaining elevated,” Oxford Economics concluded in a recent research note.

This is more or less how damage caused by the pandemic has played out in Denmark, where the central bank expects that the economy will shrink 4.1 percent this year, and where joblessness has edged up to 5.6 percent in May from 4.1 percent in March.

In short, Sweden suffered a vastly higher death rate while failing to collect on the expected economic gains.


Packers Stockholder
Aug 17, 2013
so the mexican president is flying in to meet trump tonight, and instead of flying private he's flying commercial :mjlol:

this virus is just begging to latch onto trump
"Today I met with Mexican President Andre Mario Lopez. Good man. He flew coach. Told me me that it's luxurious. Best flight he ever had. We discussed many things. Told me that payment for the wall is almost complete. I love Mexico. Wonderful culture. He told me as well that USMCA has made the Mexican economy the best it's ever been, and thanked me for crafting it! He said 'Donny, your a savior. Unlike Obama, you know how to make the best deals!', your welcome Mario!"