Coronavirus Thread: Worldwide Pandemic


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
The Hill
3 mins ·
“We will at this rate cross the number of American lives lost during World War I," Democratic Rep. Pramila Jayapal warned as coronavirus deaths are set to hit 100,000 and WWI left 116,516 Americans dead.

The lawmaker said progressives need to be more “streamlined about what our asks are” and “more focused” in defining priorities.

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Jayapal warns US on pace to lose more lives to coronavirus than WWI
The lawmaker said progressives need to be more “streamlined about what our asks are” and “more focused” in defining priorities.


Dec 11, 2013
The point is, it wasn’t the old sick people doing all the spreading in the first place, nor is it just old and sick people overrunning hospitals.

People go back out like nothing happened, we will be right back where we were a couple weeks ago.

On the other side of that. Lots of businesses exist on the fact that they can pack people in by the numbers. In I of businesses economics don’t work if they can’t pack lots of people in.

Furthermore lots of peoples habits have changed for good. You open up movie theaters, amusement parks etc, numbers will be down as people are reluctant to go, then the businesses still lose money and can’t pay their employees.

The point of all this is to say “just open back up” isn’t good enough.

There needs to be detailed plans, regulations, support, etc, for businesses and individuals as we all figure out how life works moving forward.
Italy seems to prove your point.
In Italy we now have the first results of our opening phase.

During the first opening week 72% of businesses opened, but only 29% of Italians went back to restaurants and shops. So, 68% of businesses operated with a loss during that week.

Fase 2, hanno già riaperto più di 7 imprese su 10. Il problema sono i consumi: solo 29% degli italiani è tornato a spendere in locali e negozi - Il Fatto Quotidiano


Nov 12, 2014
You already know he's been dying to play some Golf during this whole pandemic :mjlol:

needs updating



The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
I warned people talking about these dumbass "natural" herb cures. Meanwhile the same people are talking about "white medicine"

Nah fam. Theres black doctors and researchers and professionals telling y'all that a lot of y'all are being scammed and a bunch of people on here refuse to learn.

Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes.

We can not afford to be stupid right now.

This is unfortunate, but preventable.

HuffPost is now a part of Verizon Media

Pastor Who Claimed To Cure Coronavirus With Faith Dies Of Coronavirus
Frankline Ndifor had claimed to cure the COVID-19 infection in Cameroon via the laying of hands.

By Ed Mazza

Cameroon who claimed he had cured coronavirus via laying hands has reportedly died of the infection.

Frankline Ndifor died on Saturday at the age of 39, Voice of America reported.

The authorities had to use force to enter Ndifor’s residence because his followers, who believed he was a prophet, had blocked entry as they prayed for his resurrection.

“This is a pastor that has been laying hands [on the sick] and claiming that he cures COVID-19,” one of his followers, Rigobert Che, told VOA. “If you, the person that claims that you are curing COVID-19, you are dead, what about the fellow people that were affected by the COVID-19? Now that he is dead, I do not know how the people that he was laying hands on will be healed.”

Dr. Gaelle Nnanga told VOA Ndifor’s followers called him to the scene. Upon arrival, Nnanga found the pastor in “agony.” Ndifor died less than 10 minutes later.

According to the BBC, Ndifor’s family and followers had planned to contest the death ruling and keep the body for his resurrection. Police needed teargas to disperse the crowd, then forcefully removed the corpse for a quick burial in line with local procedures for COVID-19 infection, The Cameroon Tribune reported.

To date, war-torn Cameroon has had 3,733 confirmed COVID-19 infections and 146 deaths, according to data collected by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University.

Panic Grips Faithful After Cameroon COVID Pastor Dies

Panic Grips Faithful After Cameroon COVID Pastor Dies

A health worker wearing protective equipment, disinfects a member of medical staff amid the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), at an hospital in Douala, Cameroon, April 27, 2020.

YAOUNDE, CAMEROON - Panic has gripped several hundred people after a popular Cameroon pastor and candidate in the central African state’s last presidential election, Frankline Ndifor, died of COVID-19 following his prayers that hundreds of his supporters cured of the coronavirus. Cameroon police used force to gain access to his residence in the economic capital city Douala, as some of his supporters blocked entrances, praying for his resurrection.

Hundreds of followers sang Sunday morning at Ndifor’s Douala residence that the man popularly referred to as the prophet is not dead, but he is rather on a spiritual retreat with God and will return soon. Their singing and prayers were broadcast by several local radio stations.

Ndifor died and was buried in front of his residence Saturday by workers of Cameroon’s COVID-19 response team in Douala.

Doctor Gaelle Nnanga said by messaging application from Douala that Ndifor died less than a week after being diagnosed with COVID-19.

He says that some members of Ndifor’s Kingship International Ministries Church called him to come to the pastor’s aid when they found out Ndifor was in agony, and that when the medical team he leads arrived, Ndifor was having severe respiratory difficulties. He says the pastor died less than 10 minutes after they treated him.

Douala Cameroon
The governor of Cameroon’s coastal region, where Douala is, said in a release he deployed police to force their way to Ndifor’s residence when his followers chased medical staff away, claiming that the pastor was on a spiritual retreat with God, rather than dead, and should not be buried.

Ndifor follower Rigobert Che says the "prophet" last Wednesday prayed for him and several dozen people diagnosed with COVID-19, and some who suspected they were carriers or had symptoms. He says via a messaging application that Ndifor’s death has brought panic to the hundreds of people who have been visiting him for prayers for a divine cure.

"This is a pastor that has been laying hands [on the sick] and claiming that he cures COVID-19," Che said. "If you, the person that claims that you are curing COVID-19, you are dead, what about the fellow people that were affected by the COVID-19? Now that he is dead, I do not know how the people that he was laying hands on will be healed."

Medical staff are asking all those who came in contact with the pastor to report to hospitals to be tested for COVID-19.

Besides praying for COVID-19 patients at his home and his church, Ndifor was also donating buckets and soap to the poor to protect themselves from the coronavirus by washing their hands. His last public outing was on April 20, when he went out into Douala’s streets to distribute facemasks.

Ndifor had a reputation as a miracle healer, and he was a contender in Cameroon’s 2018 presidential election, emerging seventh out of nine candidates, with 23, 687 votes.


Sep 16, 2012
Latest CDC numbers show around a 0.26 infection fatality rate which is similliar to the Hong Kong Flu of the 60’s

Not terrible