It’s not all of us. We have a dem governor now and he’s been doing a damn good job. Rona hadnt hit us much at all but it’s to be expected it would eventually.
He's smart enough to know people believe what they want to believe. Same way a woman that's in love with you can see you with another woman she doesn't know yet you can tell her it was a relative and she'll make herself believe it despite what she saw because she's not ready to leave and she wants to believe it.This nigguh lie about literally EVERYTHING. He would tell you the sky outside is purple
Change your name to usually wrong liggins. Wasn’t you downplaying this like a mother at the beginning ? Acting like it was the fluY'all forget about that lag when convenient, huh?
These headlines are incredibly misleading, they know exactly what they're doing. This is a form of fake news. While it is reporting a verifiable fact, the story they are trying to create via the headline is a blatant misrepresentation. This is right wing blog level reporting.
Not really imo.Y'all forget about that lag when convenient, huh?
These headlines are incredibly misleading, they know exactly what they're doing. This is a form of fake news. While it is reporting a verifiable fact, the story they are trying to create via the headline is a blatant misrepresentation. This is right wing blog level reporting.
The symptoms take about 12 days to show up so this ain’t it
Currently, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Trusted Source, the incubation period for the novel coronavirus is somewhere between 2 to 14 days after exposure.
This is from the World Health Organizations websiteEverything I’ve read is 11.5 average days
For symptoms to appear
I bet they upped their testing rates just like Ohio did . Ohio has seen a “surge” but it’s just more testing being done.
The “incubation period” means the time between catching the virus and beginning to have symptoms of the disease. Most estimates of the incubation period for COVID-19 range from 1-14 days, most commonly around five days.
Where is the average at?