Change your name to usually wrong liggins. Wasn’t you downplaying this like a mother at the beginning ? Acting like it was the flu
It was at that time. And now it's just the flu's big sister. Are you still shaking in your boots over the prospect of drowning in your own mucus? Or one of your loved ones? It could happen to any of us.
The panic, the laughably bad attempt at a social distancing policy we have no chance of implementing properly, the economic damage, the public health impact......that was damage we caused. In Vietman, it was but a common cold.

I can tell you one thing though, social distancing won't work in this country. We'll see that after the shelter in place orders are lifted how badly we implemented it. So I mean you can rub it in all you want. You can say I told you so. But we don't have an effective way of controlling this virus so if it's the mother of all evils as you are so want to believe enjoy the sickness and death it will bring. As your family chokes on their own fluids, alone in a COVID triage you can say, "Well, at least Liggins was wrong."
Stay safe and be ready to take this on the chin. You can't sit this one out. Maybe we'll do better next pandemic.