Cornel west deliverin that ether as usual..,


Hanging em up
Apr 30, 2012
80's babies
I've come to the realization that those of you who blame Obama for not being a Magical Negro are quite content with the state of the black community. I see the way you same cats attack TWISM for his obstinance over education and the reconstruction of black culture. You just want to blame external forces because it's so much easier than being introspective.

- You place absolutely no culpability for our condition on the parents. When Obama makes note of this, you criticize him for being paternalistic. "Save the speech nikka, just give ius the money."

- You reject ideas such as charter schools because they "leave kids behind". You want more money poured into public schools that house degenerates who have no structure at home and disrupt education any chance they get.

- You expect Obama the Magical Negro to conjure up jobs specifically for black people without thought to job description nor qualification. You want more job training programs, but training for what exactly that can provide meaningful and longterm employment?

- Most importantly, you casually ignore that this country is not a dictatorship. Obama has an opposition Congress and Supreme court to maneuver against. Even those white liberals in the senate you're all endeared to wouldn't look kindly to a blatantly pro-black-only initiative.

So please, let's just cut the charade. Admit that y'all really don't give a shyt about black improvement, or that its a lost cause for which we should not receive any blame.

One hitta quitta.


Aug 12, 2012
I've come to the realization that those of you who blame Obama for not being a Magical Negro are quite content with the state of the black community. I see the way you same cats attack TWISM for his obstinance over education and the reconstruction of black culture. You just want to blame external forces because it's so much easier than being introspective.

- You place absolutely no culpability for our condition on the parents. When Obama makes note of this, you criticize him for being paternalistic. "Save the speech nikka, just give ius the money."

- You reject ideas such as charter schools because they "leave kids behind". You want more money poured into public schools that house degenerates who have no structure at home and disrupt education any chance they get.

- You expect Obama the Magical Negro to conjure up jobs specifically for black people without thought to job description nor qualification. You want more job training programs, but training for what exactly that can provide meaningful and longterm employment?

- Most importantly, you casually ignore that this country is not a dictatorship. Obama has an opposition Congress and Supreme court to maneuver against. Even those white liberals in the senate you're all endeared to wouldn't look kindly to a blatantly pro-black-only initiative.

So please, let's just cut the charade. Admit that y'all really don't give a shyt about black improvement, or that its a lost cause for which we should not receive any blame.

Good post.

As I said before, 9 times out of 10 like you mentioned, if you push these guys to give you an answer it will always be the economy or drug war. Always one of the two. They seem to forget the whole country is dealing with unemployment issues and ignore the fact that it has been gradually going down each month.

Another thing they do not even pay attention to is that despite doing alot for them already, Obama has tried to do other things that could benefit them, but was filibustered by Congress. Plans that were supported by him like the "Veteran Job Corps Act" . *Waits for the comment about how this only benefits old white and black men and not us young brothers* :steviej:

"The Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act" helped with women to be able to sue for pay descrimination but can also apply to anyone dealing with pay descrimination, but in all actuality it can refer to ANYONE dealing with pay descrimination. It was just marketed as for mainly women because they are more likely to deal with that and because of the woman it was named after.

He has tried to go further with the "Paycheck Fairness Act", which would actually say that both genders should be paid the same, since Ledbetter only dealed with suing for pay descrimination. You guys can downplay things like these but they are of importance to your mothers, aunts,sisters,etc.

Despite how some of you guys seem to believe immigration reform only affects Latinos, I know people personally who are black who benefited from "Deferred Action" when he put out that executive order last June. When Dream Act is signed soon, it is not going to only affect Latinos. They are about 11 million undocumented immigrants, Dream Act has not been signed yet, but deferred action is obviously also affecting blacks along with Latinos and South Asians.

I really hope these guys don't think its only Latinos.

This is a point that I thought about that I myself just thought about, and nobody can disprove.....

66 Percent of Asians voted for Obama(I think thats the #) in 2008 and 77 Percent of Asians voted for Obama in 2012. When was the last time you heard Asian Americans AS A WHOLE GROUP whine and moan about Obama should do more for them?

This is why we continue to be backwards as a people. As annoying Bill Cosby can be at times, that video of him I put in another thread is 100% on point. It really is embarrassing to watch. Can you imagine how much we are taking this for granted? Can you imagine how it would look if China's President Hu Jintao was giving out federal aid for education, and the young people were bytching about him not "doing enough for them"? :huhldup:

Like @PoPo said alot of you guys really believe Obama is some magical negro. I mean when we got dudes out there like Tavis Smiley who seriously think poverty can be eradicated in 10 years, something is seriously wrong.

You saw dudes in here talking about Obamacare doesn't count....simply because it is not implemented yet. Are you serious? No one is saying it is perfect, but after it is implemented in January 2014 and he makes some tweaks to try and stop the rise in premiums, you seriously mean to tell me it wont benefit all of us? Especially since it looks like more and more that he will allow Medicare to be expanded for everyone?

If 'Obamacare' ends, millions of blacks could remain without health insurance | theGrio

I have read the whole health care bill on a PDF file. I do not think these guys realize just how much this would benefit millions of black families especially in terms of the whole "pre-existing conditions" issue.

Like I said before, Clinton's domestic agenda as a whole is absolutely pathetic, but because of welfare reform and the economy, black folks will forever big him up and say he did more for them than Obama..... :skip:

@PoPo I don't know if you ever heard about that "Responsible Fatherhood and Healthy Families Act" Obama helped write up when he was a senator, but I GUARANTEE you if he brought that up again and made some more tweaks related to child support, dudes out there would still complain.

Dudes out there view the issue as "He hasn't done anything for any of us black people, he could help end this drug war or help us brothers get out".........while my attitude would actually be "He has done alot so far......but he could do more and try to put an end to this drug war or at least slow it down drastically by legalizing marijuana".

The biggest thing I am surprised no one is talking about is how the hell do you guys think you got unemployment benefits extensions? Imagine you own a business and one of your employees is going through problems at the moment and has to leave for a while until everything is sorted give them 1 year of unemployment benefits until they get on their feet..........and they go behind your back to talk shyt about you and how you havent' "Done anything" for them?
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May 1, 2012
Good post.

As I said before, 9 times out of 10 like you mentioned, if you push these guys to give you an answer it will always be the economy or drug war. Always one of the two. They seem to forget the whole country is dealing with unemployment issues and ignore the fact that it has been gradually going down each month.

Another thing they do not even pay attention to is that despite doing alot for them already, Obama has tried to do other things that could benefit them, but was filibustered by Congress. Plans that were supported by him like the "Veteran Job Corps Act" . *Waits for the comment about how this only benefits old white and black men and not us young brothers* :steviej:

"The Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act" helped with women to be able to sue for pay descrimination but can also apply to anyone dealing with pay descrimination, but in all actuality it can refer to ANYONE dealing with pay descrimination. It was just marketed as for mainly women because they are more likely to deal with that and because of the woman it was named after.

He has tried to go further with the "Paycheck Fairness Act", which would actually say that both genders should be paid the same, since Ledbetter only dealed with suing for pay descrimination. You guys can downplay things like these but they are of importance to your mothers, aunts,sisters,etc.

Despite how some of you guys seem to believe immigration reform only affects Latinos, I know people personally who are black who benefited from "Deferred Action" when he put out that executive order last June. When Dream Act is signed soon, it is not going to only affect Latinos. They are about 11 million undocumented immigrants, Dream Act has not been signed yet, but deferred action is obviously also affecting blacks along with Latinos and South Asians.

I really hope these guys don't think its only Latinos.

This is a point that I thought about that I myself just thought about, and nobody can disprove.....

66 Percent of Asians voted for Obama(I think thats the #) in 2008 and 77 Percent of Asians voted for Obama in 2012. When was the last time you heard Asian Americans AS A WHOLE GROUP whine and moan about Obama should do more for them?

This is why we continue to be backwards as a people. As annoying Bill Cosby can be at times, that video of him I put in another thread is 100% on point. It really is embarrassing to watch. Can you imagine how much we are taking this for granted? Can you imagine how it would look if China's President Hu Jintao was giving out federal aid for education, and the young people were bytching about him not "doing enough for them"? :huhldup:

Like @PoPo said alot of you guys really believe Obama is some magical negro. I mean when we got dudes out there like Tavis Smiley who seriously think poverty can be eradicated in 10 years, something is seriously wrong.

You saw dudes in here talking about Obamacare doesn't count....simply because it is not implemented yet. Are you serious? No one is saying it is perfect, but after it is implemented in January 2014 and he makes some tweaks to try and stop the rise in premiums, you seriously mean to tell me it wont benefit all of us? Especially since it looks like more and more that he will allow Medicare to be expanded for everyone?

If 'Obamacare' ends, millions of blacks could remain without health insurance | theGrio

I have read the whole health care bill on a PDF file. I do not think these guys realize just how much this would benefit millions of black families especially in terms of the whole "pre-existing conditions" issue.

Like I said before, Clinton's domestic agenda as a whole is absolutely pathetic, but because of welfare reform and the economy, black folks will forever big him up and say he did more for them than Obama..... :skip:

@PoPo I don't know if you ever heard about that "Responsible Fatherhood and Healthy Families Act" Obama helped write up when he was a senator, but I GUARANTEE you if he brought that up again and made some more tweaks related to child support, dudes out there would still complain.

Dudes out there view the issue as "He hasn't done anything for any of us black people, he could help end this drug war or help us brothers get out".........while my attitude would actually be "He has done alot so far......but he could do more and try to put an end to this drug war or at least slow it down drastically by legalizing marijuana".

The biggest thing I am surprised no one is talking about is how the hell do you guys think you got unemployment benefits extensions? Imagine you own a business and one of your employees is going through problems at the moment and has to leave for a while until everything is sorted give them 1 year of unemployment benefits until they get on their feet..........and they go behind your back to talk shyt about you and how you havent' "Done anything" for them?

This was a well thought out and explained post breh. The sad thing though is the Obama haters will just come in and try to decry everything you said instead of actually stating things they would want Obama to do. I find that when I ask the question of "What can Obama do to help all black people" the response is usually something about what he has done for other groups (not ethnic groups) or how he doesn't mention us enough in speeches. They truly don't have a point and I think it comes down to several things. One being the "dare to be different" sentiment of hating Obama because a lot of blacks praise him greatly. Secondly, I think there is the idiotic idea that Obama is a civil rights activist and not the president of ALL of the United States. Obama doesn't single out any ethnic group to show favoritism to and nor should he. If you can't realize that Obama is doing things that will help African Americans then I don't know what to tell you. Look up the Workforce Investment Act and how Obama is strongly pushing to dump tons of money into helping low income people gain training and obtain job skills. I mean I could go on and on but I know it won't matter. Unless Obama writes the "Lets give Jobs to African Americans Act" or straight up just gives billions in slavery reparations, he won't get any credit for what he has done or trying to do.
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Dec 20, 2012
No ones turning their back on Cornel but we have put him in a position of Black Academia where he is above reproach. No one is arguing that he has the right to criticize or not criticize Obama. But the main argument are where are his substantive criticisms, he is right about the drone bombings but calling the dude names, is tantamount to an immature child. He is not from the Civil Rights, era, he came up in the 80's and 90's, he was a teenager when Dr. King was killed, he wasn't with him like that, he has no say in dictating Dr. Kings legacy like that. If one of Dr. King's children said what he said I would listen harder.

At the end of the day I believe Barack has the right to swear on MLK's Bible because he is the logical progression of African American achievement in America, the ultimate glass ceiling, more so now as the leader of the most power country in the World. It will be seen as a major part of Civil Rights history whether you agree or not.

As to Baracks Civil Right's record, he has shaped policy that has directly and indirectly helped Black people. I'm well aware that Republicans set up the basis for Healthcare reform but it was not popular by either party, past Presidents have tried to pass it and failed, but Barack achieved it. Is Obamacare perfect, no, but because of it, there are clinics offering fairly comprehensive healthcare for poor black folk that weren't there prior and millions of low income people have access to Healthcare nationwide. Health is a Civil Right.

Even people arguing about the banks being let go forget Obama created an entire division for Consumer Protection, and big banks just got checked and had to cut bonuses for their top executives.

Has made education more affordable than it has been.

His investment in alternative energy and traditional energy created a clear path for young Black kids to pursue should they stay diligent.

He's softened the drug laws and put decriminalization in the conversation.

I'm not crazy about how he handled our wars abroad, I'll concede to that but we are dialing down.

This isn't idealistic stuff but tangible things he has done in his time as President in essentially 1 term.

As to Obama's support of the gay community, gay and Black issue are damn near intertwined, the problem is gays are far more organized than blacks have been (we're getting there though). But he has looked out for Black people and there is a lot of evidence in the Bills and laws he has passed.

All bullsh*t.

1. Drone attacks are not to be dismissed in one sentence. Literally thousands of people have died because of that crap, and Obama is automatically a fail because of this.

2. Obama refuses to pressure the DOJ to prosecute Wall Street criminals and thereby punish the banks, allegedly "too big to fail". This is corruption on a massive scale, and makes Obama an automatic fail.

3. Obama has GREATLY INCREASED medical marijuana crackdowns and raids from rates under President f*cking Bush. Do you understand?

Obama is an unprincipled loser and it makes me sick to see ignorant black folk bashing West and Smiley for simply pointing out that Obama is basically a villain, not a great man like Martin Luther King Jr.

And by the way, MLK's family approving of Obama means jack sh*t. Hemingway's children can't write like Hemingway. Merely being related to somebody doesn't mean you take to heart their legacy. That family's credibility was shot the moment Harry Belafonte got disinvited from Coretta Scott King's funeral by MLK's family after George W. Bush announced he would attend. Absolutely crazy. The man was a close personal friend of MLK Jr. himself. So don't give me that sh*t. MLK Jr. would hold speeches in the street railing against our president you dummies.
May 1, 2012
All bullsh*t.

1. Drone attacks are not to be dismissed in one sentence. Literally thousands of people have died because of that crap, and Obama is automatically a fail because of this.

2. Obama refuses to pressure the DOJ to prosecute Wall Street criminals and thereby punish the banks, allegedly "too big to fail". This is corruption on a massive scale, and makes Obama an automatic fail.

3. Obama has GREATLY INCREASED medical marijuana crackdowns and raids from rates under President f*cking Bush. Do you understand?

Obama is an unprincipled loser and it makes me sick to see ignorant black folk bashing West and Smiley for simply pointing out that Obama is basically a villain, not a great man like Martin Luther King Jr.

And by the way, MLK's family approving of Obama means jack sh*t. Hemingway's children can't write like Hemingway. Merely being related to somebody doesn't mean you take to heart their legacy. That family's credibility was shot the moment Harry Belafonte got disinvited from Coretta Scott King's funeral by MLK's family after George W. Bush announced he would attend. Absolutely crazy. The man was a close personal friend of MLK Jr. himself. So don't give me that sh*t. MLK Jr. would hold speeches in the street railing against our president you dummies.

Man, shut up.


May 1, 2012
All bullsh*t.

1. Drone attacks are not to be dismissed in one sentence. Literally thousands of people have died because of that crap, and Obama is automatically a fail because of this.

2. Obama refuses to pressure the DOJ to prosecute Wall Street criminals and thereby punish the banks, allegedly "too big to fail". This is corruption on a massive scale, and makes Obama an automatic fail.

3. Obama has GREATLY INCREASED medical marijuana crackdowns and raids from rates under President f*cking Bush. Do you understand?

Obama is an unprincipled loser and it makes me sick to see ignorant black folk bashing West and Smiley for simply pointing out that Obama is basically a villain, not a great man like Martin Luther King Jr.

And by the way, MLK's family approving of Obama means jack sh*t. Hemingway's children can't write like Hemingway. Merely being related to somebody doesn't mean you take to heart their legacy. That family's credibility was shot the moment Harry Belafonte got disinvited from Coretta Scott King's funeral by MLK's family after George W. Bush announced he would attend. Absolutely crazy. The man was a close personal friend of MLK Jr. himself. So don't give me that sh*t. MLK Jr. would hold speeches in the street railing against our president you dummies.

You sound like an angry weed head. There will never be a president who does everything YOU (Jermio) or me feels is right. However, I believe this president has good intentions and isn't some fukking evil Illuminati, skull and bones secret society type. You talk about drone attacks but did you mention how he is bringing ALL the damn troops home? You mention medical marijuana but did you mention how his administration signed the Fair Sentencing Act? You talk about wall street corruption but did you not hear about all the lawsuits his DOJ has against big banks and mortgage companies? Or the things he has done to reverse the damage of the crisis? So yes, he does some things which I disagree with but I'm not gonna hate the dude and ignore all the positive shyt he does.


Aug 12, 2012
You sound like an angry weed head. There will never be a president who does everything YOU (Jermio) or me feels is right. However, I believe this president has good intentions and isn't some fukking evil Illuminati, skull and bones secret society type. You talk about drone attacks but did you mention how he is bringing ALL the damn troops home? You mention medical marijuana but did you mention how his administration signed the Fair Sentencing Act? You talk about wall street corruption but did you not hear about all the lawsuits his DOJ has against big banks and mortgage companies? Or the things he has done to reverse the damage of the crisis? So yes, he does some things which I disagree with but I'm not gonna hate the dude and ignore all the positive shyt he does.

"YOUR WRONG!!! Killer Mike and Immortal Technique told me that there IS a secret society and that all presidents are puppets who cannot think for yourself. Nicca you mad naive and need to get in the real world. That fair sentencing act aint help shyt for us brothers in prison.....I read on Yahoo Answers that Bin Laden died from Kidney failure in 2001 ....tired of these niccas acting mad naive about what really goes on behind the scenes. "


Dec 20, 2012
You sound like an angry weed head. There will never be a president who does everything YOU (Jermio) or me feels is right. However, I believe this president has good intentions and isn't some fukking evil Illuminati, skull and bones secret society type. You talk about drone attacks but did you mention how he is bringing ALL the damn troops home? You mention medical marijuana but did you mention how his administration signed the Fair Sentencing Act? You talk about wall street corruption but did you not hear about all the lawsuits his DOJ has against big banks and mortgage companies? Or the things he has done to reverse the damage of the crisis? So yes, he does some things which I disagree with but I'm not gonna hate the dude and ignore all the positive shyt he does.

I've had weed only twice in my life, unfortunately. And tell me when exactly ALL of the damn troops will be home. I hear vague, tentative deadlines every two years seemingly, with a bunch of conditions. The Fair Sentencing Act is a fairly petty redress of something so blatantly absurd for so long; the fact that it isn't retroactively applicable and that a sentence disparity still exists is already a major problem.

And lawsuits against big banks? That's exactly what's wrong with the DOJ's approach to dealing with the problem. Many bankers and financial executives committed criminal acts, and should face criminal laws, not just civil suits that are effectively slaps on the wrist that result in laughter and taunts at our expense behind closed doors. Without the sight of multimillionaire bankers doing perp-walks, these fines mean nothing. HBSC is being fined far less money than they gained through their illegal money laundering for the cartels (I've heard estimates of $9 billion in earnings through these illegal activities), and yet all you'll hear on the news is that $1.9 billion is the largest fine ever of a bank. That's the kind of sham "law and order" that Obama defends.


Dec 20, 2012
"YOUR WRONG!!! Killer Mike and Immortal Technique told me that there IS a secret society and that all presidents are puppets who cannot think for yourself. Nicca you mad naive and need to get in the real world. That fair sentencing act aint help shyt for us brothers in prison.....I read on Yahoo Answers that Bin Laden died from Kidney failure in 2001 ....tired of these niccas acting mad naive about what really goes on behind the scenes. "

That's right, create strawman arguments when you can't address a single point I've made.


May 17, 2012
Brick City, NJ
All bullsh*t.

1. Drone attacks are not to be dismissed in one sentence. Literally thousands of people have died because of that crap, and Obama is automatically a fail because of this.

2. Obama refuses to pressure the DOJ to prosecute Wall Street criminals and thereby punish the banks, allegedly "too big to fail". This is corruption on a massive scale, and makes Obama an automatic fail.

3. Obama has GREATLY INCREASED medical marijuana crackdowns and raids from rates under President f*cking Bush. Do you understand?

Obama is an unprincipled loser and it makes me sick to see ignorant black folk bashing West and Smiley for simply pointing out that Obama is basically a villain, not a great man like Martin Luther King Jr.

And by the way, MLK's family approving of Obama means jack sh*t. Hemingway's children can't write like Hemingway. Merely being related to somebody doesn't mean you take to heart their legacy. That family's credibility was shot the moment Harry Belafonte got disinvited from Coretta Scott King's funeral by MLK's family after George W. Bush announced he would attend. Absolutely crazy. The man was a close personal friend of MLK Jr. himself. So don't give me that sh*t. MLK Jr. would hold speeches in the street railing against our president you dummies.


You and no one else can guess how MLK would have reacted to Obama's Presidency but history is history that's my main point. In terms of that. Cornell West or none of you armchair conspiracy theorists have any right to guess what MLK would or would not have supported, just because you hear a few of his speeches.

1. So Obama invented drone attacks, now, what is the difference between that and sending human controlled jet fighters to drop bombs like every President down to Jimmy Carter did, yet Obama is supposed to take all that weight, ok. Further more his timeline for the ending of the Afghanistan war is less than a year, but you know what that situation can and will change based on the information he receives. You can't just pull out of a hot zone so haphazardly especially with the political fragility of these areas.

2. Do you know how much it costs to prosecute a 'wall street criminal' it costs more than the money you are going to get out of them. A trial will take years and cost hundreds of millions in legal fees, even if the Supreme Court wins these guys will do all of 6 months to a year in a white collar prison. Furthermore their assets are across international waters and are protected by sovereign jurisdiction which will require another trial to succeed. Does that suck yes, but that's reality. If you want to point a finger, blame the Clinton and Bush administrations for pushing for such heavy deregulation and letting these guys go unchecked. Obama instead created the Concumer Protection Act which created an ENTIRE DEPARTMENT dedicated to the oversight of banks and mortgage companies, as well as forcing these banks to use a large percentage of those profits to prop up underwater mortgages, home repairs from Sandy and reducing interest rates which more oversight that any President has enacted in the past 30 years.

3. Obama is cracking down on Medical Marijuana that is being sold illegally, that has nothing to do with us. It was likely a compromise he had to make to cut down on the egregious possession of cocaine/crack laws that have been plaguing us for the last 25 years.

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Apr 30, 2012
2- Been directly complicit in the Bailout scam, even going as far as not following the law and spending the money.

In short, the bailout program designed to help those lazy, job-averse, "water-drinking" minority homeowners – the one that gave birth to the Tea Party – turns out to have comprised about one percent of total TARP spending. "It's amazing," says Paul Kiel, who monitors bailout spending for ProPublica. "It's probably one of the biggest failures of the Obama administration."

The failure of HAMP underscores another damning truth – that the Bush-Obama bailout was as purely bipartisan a program as we've had. Imagine Obama retaining Don Rumsfeld as defense secretary and still digging for WMDs in the Iraqi desert four years after his election: That's what it was like when he left Tim Geithner, one of the chief architects of Bush's bailout, in command of the no-strings*attached rescue four years after Bush left office.

Yet Obama's HAMP program, as lame as it turned out to be, still stands out as one of the few pre-bailout promises that was even partially fulfilled. Virtually every other promise Summers made in his letters turned out to be total bullshyt. And that includes maybe the most important promise of all – the pledge to use the bailout money to put people back to work.

3- Not helped mitigate the problem that caused the Recession. In fact, the opposite has happen. Wall Street is seeing record profits under Obama, while wages and unemployment are low. Also, those too big to fail banks are making more money than they did before the crash of 08, and are making this money by doing the EXACT SAME THING.

And while the economy still mostly sucks overall, there's never been a better time to be a Too Big to Fail bank. Wells Fargo reported a third-quarter profit of nearly $5 billion last year, while JP Morgan Chase pocketed $5.3 billion – roughly double what both banks earned in the third quarter of 2006, at the height of the mortgage bubble. As the driver of their success, both banks cite strong performance in – you guessed it – the mortgage market.

So what exactly did the bailout accomplish? It built a banking system that discriminates against community banks, makes Too Big to Fail banks even Too Bigger to Failier, increases risk, discourages sound business lending and punishes savings by making it even easier and more profitable to chase high-yield investments than to compete for small depositors. The bailout has also made lying on behalf of our biggest and most corrupt banks the official policy of the United States government. And if any one of those banks fails, it will cause another financial crisis, meaning we're essentially wedded to that policy for the rest of eternity – or at least until the markets call our bluff, which could happen any minute now.

Other than that, the bailout was a smashing success.



Apr 30, 2012
Stop tap dancing and lying. In the last month we had two well known and respected journalists provide PROOF that the Obama Adminstration has:

1- Relegated the FBI to do security work and protection of Banks by cracking down on Occupy Movement and essentially being a private police force.

2- Been directly complicit in the Bailout scam, even going as far as not following the law and spending the money.

3- Not helped mitigate the problem that caused the Recession. In fact, the opposite has happen. Wall Street is seeing record profits under Obama, while wages and unemployment are low. Also, those too big to fail banks are making more money than they did before the crash of 08, and are making this money by doing the EXACT SAME THING.

4- Directly ordered the DOJ not to prosecute fraud.

Secrets and Lies of the Bailout | Politics News | Rolling Stone

Revealed: how the FBI coordinated the crackdown on Occupy | Naomi Wolf | Comment is free |

The Untouchables | FRONTLINE | PBS

But don't let the facts get in the way of your delusion.

The bolded are hyperbole, and I can say that because I posted up the article in question. The problem isn't mitigated because blue dog democrats wouldn't pass the stronger version of the Dodd Act. That's about it, this is correct otherwise.

Type Username Here

Not a new member
Apr 30, 2012
The bolded are hyperbole, and I can say that because I posted up the article in question. The problem isn't mitigated because blue dog democrats wouldn't pass the stronger version of the Dodd Act. That's about it, this is correct otherwise.

Do you want me to quote it?

Type Username Here

Not a new member
Apr 30, 2012

2. Do you know how much it costs to prosecute a 'wall street criminal' it costs more than the money you are going to get out of them. A trial will take years and cost hundreds of millions in legal fees, even if the Supreme Court wins these guys will do all of 6 months to a year in a white collar prison. Furthermore their assets are across international waters and are protected by sovereign jurisdiction which will require another trial to succeed. Does that suck yes, but that's reality. If you want to point a finger, blame the Clinton and Bush administrations for pushing for such heavy deregulation and letting these guys go unchecked. Obama instead created the Concumer Protection Act which created an ENTIRE DEPARTMENT dedicated to the oversight of banks and mortgage companies, as well as forcing these banks to use a large percentage of those profits to prop up underwater mortgages, home repairs from Sandy and reducing interest rates which more oversight that any President has enacted in the past 30 years.

Stop tap dancing and lying. In the last month we had two well known and respected journalists provide PROOF that the Obama Adminstration has:

1- Relegated the FBI to do security work and protection of Banks by cracking down on Occupy Movement and essentially being a private police force.

2- Been directly complicit in the Bailout scam, even going as far as not following the law and spending the money.

3- Not helped mitigate the problem that caused the Recession. In fact, the opposite has happen. Wall Street is seeing record profits under Obama, while wages and unemployment are low. Also, those too big to fail banks are making more money than they did before the crash of 08, and are making this money by doing the EXACT SAME THING.

4- Directly ordered the DOJ not to prosecute fraud.

But don't let the facts get in the way of your delusion.


Apr 30, 2012
Do you want me to quote it?

No, because then this thread would be us going back and forth and I told you I'm not doing that with you anymore. Further, there's nothing left to say that we haven't said. We both read those articles.

But I will address the nonsense you said about Obamacare not helping black people or people of color in general.

The uninsured rate is particularly high among communities of color, people ages 18 to 34, and those living in households earning less than $25,000 a year. The Affordable Care Act helps keep young people covered by letting them stay on their parents’ insurance plans until age 26. Moving away from home, getting married, graduating college, or declaring financial independence won’t disqualify young adults from staying covered.
This provision is already making a difference. In the two years since the Affordable Care Act passed, more than 736,000 Latinos, 410,000 African Americans, 97,000 Asian Americans, and 29,000 American Indian/Alaska Natives under the age of 26 have gained access to health insurance and benefited from its important trickle-down effects. Where these young people live, the work they pursue and the passions they follow are no longer decided by limitations on how or where to find health insurance

And second

Finally, the Affordable Care Act expands eligibility for Medicaid—the government health insurance program for low-income people—to cover U.S. citizens and eligible immigrants with incomes of up to 133 percent of the federal poverty line. More individuals will receive higher-quality health care through this expansion.
For many people of color, Medicaid is a lifeline. In 2009 the U.S. Census Bureau found that 26.4 percent of Latino adults and almost half of Latino children access health care through Medicaid and/or the Children’s Health Insurance Program, or CHIP. And as of 2010 there were an estimated 8 million uninsured children in the United States—5 million of these youth were in families living below 200 percent of the poverty level.
Revoking Medicaid’s expansion would have trapped these young people in cycles of poverty: The uninsured have higher rates of illness and disproportionately suffer the effects of lost educational, employment, and other social and civic opportunities.

I know people first hand that this benefited, cut that garbage. You propensity towards hyperbole is alarming. Deuces.