Essential Conspiracy Thread

Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
1. Making irrelevant comparisons. One is a religious movement, the other political. Stay on topic.

Then replace the word "Scientology" with the term "Green Party". My point still stands. I'm not finna do all your thinking for you. :hhh:

2. I love when Democrats

"YOU'RE A DEMOCRAT" :infocrazy:

", I'm not a Democrat. Check my post hist--" :mjstare:


. You are confusing White Nationalism with White Supremacy. W.S. is the system and many whites didn't have power early on in the beginning of this place and it was the Nationalism of the D.P. that spawned a movement of change. Jim Crow, Black Code Laws and KKK were created under that party.

As if those things were specific to the Democratic party. :denzelcmonson:

2a. Southern Strategy was a myth

#ConspiracySet :francis:

Why hasn't Mueller and his crew dropped anything yet on Trump?

Breh, they're investigating what amounts to treason, not a liquor store robbery. :hhh:

You are a leftist conspiracy nut job.

Jun 24, 2012
Then replace the word "Scientology" with the term "Green Party". My point still stands. I'm not finna do all your thinking for you. :hhh:

"YOU'RE A DEMOCRAT" :infocrazy:

", I'm not a Democrat. Check my post hist--" :mjstare:


As if those things were specific to the Democratic party. :denzelcmonson:

#ConspiracySet :francis:

Breh, they're investigating what amounts to treason, not a liquor store robbery. :hhh:

:mjlol: You couldn't debate the facts. Take the L with pride breh.

Next time you want to run yo gums...I'll just use this as an example. Maybe your boyfriend @ADevilYouKhow can do a better job.

Berniewood Hogan

Aug 1, 2012


May 7, 2012
West where the Sunsets
Anyone hear the consp. about Cornel and LP's front man being murdered? Was listening to a podcast about it. Apparently they were gonna "expose" child trafficking within the muzik industry; months later they're dead, not too far apart. Apparently Cornel had broken ribs and bruises all over his body.

Bordain might have been a victim too.


Supreme Chancellor
May 6, 2012
New York
i guess this is the best thread to post this since it's one blogger's theory....

Rothschild Wants an Imperialist China, What that Entails for USA, UK and Europe
Saturday, September 3, 2016 11:10

Recently, Jacob Rothschild said he is unsure of the future. Rothschild is unsure whether the NWO can pull off moving from US dollar to Beijing dollar, from Washington consensus to Beijing consensus. Washington consensus is a term meaning Washington sets the world agenda. Rothschild wants Beijing to set the world agenda, at least that is the offer being extended to China by Rothschild. But Beijing consensus promised by Rothschild to be handed to China comes only after Beijing agrees to Rothschild’s dictates. Rothschild/Vatican are unsure whether China will accept their offer or not.

To pull of Beijing consensus, Rothschild will need martial law in effect in the USA and Europe and UK. There is speculation of no elections in USA. Possible Obama is being fooled into agreeing to postpone elections, allowing him to remain in office after his term expires, which then prompts the US military to take over the White House (as depicted in UK Telegraph’s 2009 Blackjack), bringing about military rule in USA. Already being banted about in US mainstream media that if Clinton or Trump dies prior to the November elections, that the elections could be postponed keeping Obama as president beyond his term. Every one is expendable in the evil world of Rothschild/Vatican, that includes their favored one, Hillary Clinton.

The NWO International Monetary Fund unilaterally decides to include the Chinese Yuan in its SDR (special drawing rights), which is a form of currency infrequently used by nations in settlement transactions. The SDR is made up currently of four currencies: US dollar, Euro dollar, Pound sterling and Japanese Yen. On September 30, 2016 the IMF includes the Chinese Yuan in its SDR and will begin to curtail use of USD in trade settlement utilizing the SDR instead.

The effect will be inflationary on the US dollar by the NWO IMF choosing to utilize SDR for most if not all coming settlements rather than the USD. On September 30, 2016 Rothschild begins in a big way to limit the use of US dollar in international trade. One of the reasons USD has maintained value in relation to other world currencies, and has not yet experienced hyperinflation since the 2008 financial crises, is because the USD still retains a significant role in international trade settlement, but that changes come September 30, 2016.

Recently, Greenspan has warned inflation is coming in the USD. Greenspan is a former Federal Reserve chairman. Greenspan is a Rothschild insider, one of them. Greenspan knows the NWO game plan of Vatican Jew Pharisees is to move onto another horse, China, leaving USA in the dust. They’ve ridden their USA horse as far as they choose to go. Vatican/Rothschild will have to manage the populations of USA, UK and Europe with a strong military hand as they make the switch from the west to the east.

The NWO IMF is playing with itself currently in its move to include China’s currency in its SDR, and China will not bite. Rothschild has USA scolding China on its South China Sea endeavors, barking at China to abide by NWO’s Hague Court decision regarding the SCS, but China refuses stating the Hague has no jurisdiction over China and refuses US demands to cease military build up in the SCS.

Soros states China “plays along [with the IMF] but does not make much of a contribution”. Rothschild/Soros are pushing China in the direction they want China to go, but China will not give them what they want. Rothschild wants to control China as they do the UK, Europe and USA, which control is via ownership of the respective central bank of those nations. Rothschild, which is an agent of the Vatican, and Vatican’s Knights Templar which are the lords of Switzerland and are also bankers for the Vatican (Bank for International Settlements), wants to control China as they do USA, Europe and UK (the NWO vision), but it will never happen.

In determining whether China is in league with Rothschild, look to what China is doing in the South China Sea. China is creating another Great Wall of China type thing in the SCS to keep out the Barbarians of the West – the Jew Pharisees of the Vatican, including Rothschild and Soros. The SCS is said to hold trillions of dollars worth of oil and gas. And to tap that oil and gas wealth will make China wealthy, more independent and militarily stronger. Resources are the real wealth, not linen and ink banker notes, digital money. Rothschild gains nothing in destroying Chinese currency, if it comes to that, where China has such great resources. And China (and Russia and India) have great wealth in gold. So if Rothschild were successful in destroying offshore Yuan in a bid to force China to do the will of Vatican/Rothschild, same would not hurt China in the long run, as China has gold and the wealth of resources in the SCS. Also, when Rothschild begins to put the screws to China, China will view same as once again being the victim of imperialist powers and will do all they can to keep the imperialists at bay, even go after them to kill them. Rothschild does not want the wealth of the SCS to go to China alone, which is why Rothschild has US military harass China’s SCS operations.

The Chinese are working at keeping the imperialists at bay through what they are doing in the South China Sea, among other things. There is no indication whatsoever that China will accept Rothschild’s offer of being placed in an imperialist seat by Rothschild. There is every indication that China rejects Rothschild’s imperialist seat offer, including China’s military alliance with Russia and its insistence, to be enforced with military action in the future if necessary, that USA military steer clear of what China declares to be its sovereign territory in the South China Sea. Also, Turkey’s president Erdogan shall be in China during the G20 summit in China, not because Turkey is part of the G20, which it is, but because China is facilitating a meeting between Erdogan and Obama. Erdogan believes USA/Nato are behind the failed coup in Turkey in July 2016, therefore Erdogan believes Obama wanted him dead, and he shall meet Obama face to face courtesy of China. The NWO visionaries shall fall, (Daniel 11:14), and USA/Nato loss of Turkey to China and Russia is among the main reasons they shall fall. Of course, China does not want to see Turkey amend relations with USA, but rather is facilitating the meeting because China is rubbing the matter in the face of USA/Obama. Turkey is a Russian/Chinese asset now, no more an asset of USA/Nato. Erdogan can never go back to USA/Nato, does not want to go back to the ones who wanted him dead. Erdogan wants to face his would-be murderer, Obama, in person and China is assisting him by facilitating the meeting in China.

The NWO IMF game plan is to make the Chinese currency the new world reserve currency, and so they are doing every thing to bring down the currency of USA, also bring down the currencies of Europe and UK. They have begun taking down UK currency through Brexit; they began the takedown of the USD with quantitative easing and are going for the finish of USD via hyperinflation; and they have begun the takedown of the Euro dollar via Brexit, leaving Europe Union with just with France and Germany as the lead engines, both of which are insolvent, their banks are insolvent. Recently, Germany has advised its citizens to have cash on hand and at least ten days worth of food. Deutsche Bank is going under. Deutsche bank is on the hook for debt of Greece and Italy and Spain and Portugal and those nations cannot pay back.

How much pain can China take, that is the methodology being used by Rothschild. They are busting China’s major export markets which are USA, Europe and UK. China runs to Rothschild or turns extreme nationalistic where the Chinese people and its leaders are willing to go through great hardship as their economy implodes (being that they are an exporting nation and their major export markets USA, UK and Europe are being busted) rather than the Chinese leaders acquiescing to the demands of Rothschild. It will be the latter.

If China were willing to go along with Rothschild, which they are not, Rothschild will show China how to develop its own internal consumption. Under Rothschild rule (commencing with the 1913 Federal Reserve Act), USA was at its height in the world, politically and economically, when USA was its own best customer. Made in the USA and bought in the USA. Rothschild wants the same to happen with China, with the boom in internal consumption coming as a result of Rothschild controlling the currency of China, but the Chinese leaders will never allow that. If there were to be a shift in Chinese leadership policy towards domestic consumption, it would be without Rothschild tagging along. In the USA, its leaders allowed and continue to allow a privately owned central bank in USA to exist, but the Chinese would never allow such thing in their own nation where non-Chinese control China’s economy.

China knows how Rothschild’s USA endeavor, UK endeavor and European endeavor are playing out, destruction of those economies. China will not want the same for itself, and will therefore reject the NWO Rothschild’s carrot of an imperialist position, and so the NWO will play out its stick against China. Soros: “China is accustomed to thinking of itself as a victim of imperialism. So it doesn’t realize that it is beginning to occupy an imperialistic position”. “Hopefully, the Chinese leadership will rise to the occasion. It is no exaggeration to say that the future of the world depends on it”. That is Rothschild’s uncertainty, whether China will bow to Rothschild.

The future of the NWO vision depends on China agreeing to become the servant of Rothschild, not the future of the world, contrary to what evil Soros states. China will reject Rothschild’s offer to be placed via Rothschild in an imperialistic position. Chinese leadership despises Vatican and Rothschild. They certainly despise the Vatican because they shut the Vatican out of China. They certainly despise Rothschild because they do not further the aims of Rothschild’s IMF and other institutions. The Catholic churches that operate in China are all state run, including state appointment of the church leaders, so China despises the Vatican, unlike the USA, Europe and UK which embrace the Jew Pharisees’ Vatican. China has no diplomatic relations with the Vatican. China operates its Shanghai Cooperation Organization and its own settlement bank, neither of which are Rothschild institutions. China accumulates gold whereas Rothschild’s media empire tells the masses in UK, USA and Europe that gold is a barbaric relic of the past and in no way is gold money.

Yo somebody really wrote all of this, and none of it happened! :laff:


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
Bringing out the Classic when coli wasn't even a week old...:wow:. This is just an extension copy of the same thread from

Simpler times...

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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Coast to Coast AM fukking fell off terribly

From what to what?

I used to listen to that old dude when I had to make nighttime road trips. Funniest aspect was how he'd basically say, "uh huh, fascinating" or whatever sounding in agreement with every guest he had even though the different conspiracies from each guest would contradict the fukk out of each other.

He had a substitute host sometimes who would do an annual prediction thread. Ask for predictions at the end of the year and read them at the end of the next year. They were ALL wrong.