before alex jones,david icke, william cooper, there was Mae Brussell
Mae Brussell - Wikipedia
Project Camelot | In Tribute | Mae Brussell
• On May 29, 1968 Mae confronted Rose Kennedy at the Monterey Peninsula Airport and handed her what she said was a poem, but actually a note telling her Robert Kennedy would soon be assassinated. A week later Senator Kennedy was shot to death at The Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles.

So she claims to have known about a huge CIA plot to assassinate Kennedy, but rather than going public and exposing the plot to the world (which would almost certainly have forced them to abandon), she instead slipped an unconfirmed note to his mom.

A month before Ted Kennedy's Chappaquiddikk incident Mae warned his office of "the nest of rattlesnakes" that surrounded him and his upcoming bid for the White House.

A likely drunk Ted Kennedy snuck off with a girl in the middle of the night, got in a car accident that got the girl killed, but now it has something to do with a "nest of rattlesnakes"?
First off, why would she give a damn vague-ass warning like that when Kennedy could do literally NOTHING about it?
Second, how is that even connected with him crashing his car?

• Two weeks before the SLA kidnapped Patty Hearst she told a Syracuse University audience that the SLA shooting of black school superintendent Marcus Foster was just the beginning of what would be terror and psychological sabotage in the same vein Germany had been subjected to in the 1930s.

So now "some rich chick gets kidnapped" = "just like Nazi Germany"?

• In August 1977 (broadcast #282) Mae discussed Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple move to Guyana. She speculated that this might be a training camp for assassination teams – this was more than a year before 913 members of the church were massacred.

How do you go from "training camp for assassination teams" to "they all committed mass suicide" and consider that a hit? They know those aren't the same thing, right?

• Mae's most shocking crystal ball research was probably her March 29, 1981 evening broadcast when she spent much of the hour listing the reasons she believed the Reagan White House were at war with one another and asked who will kill off their team members first. The following morning President Reagan was shot in Washington D.C.

Just slip in there from "team members at war with each other" to "Reagan himself getting shot" and act like they're the same thing?

You listen to those conspiracy shows, they predict that "a false flag is about to hit!" or "someone is gonna get killed soon" on the monthly, if not weekly. Then they just ignore the 99 times that no one died for the 1 in a 100 where "Look, someone got shot that month!" while ignoring both that it wasn't even the person they were actually talking about, and that they say something like that damn near every month.