Essential Conspiracy Thread


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
and u gonna get flagged and put on a watch list dont do it

warning people that they will get put on a watchlist is one way to get put on a watchlist.

every little thing we do on the internet is monitored and logged, EVERY THING.

to be honest, there's no such thing as anonymity anymore simply because of all the logged data.


and The Scene
Apr 30, 2012
I read conspiracy theories, far-fetched and fact-based and I always come back to the same question.

What is the end game of all this? Why conspire?

This is all I got. When we are born into this world, the most powerful thing I can think of is controlling that same world. The people, the environment, just the entirety of the space that a person can perceive. The ability to do that seems like a reason to take the measures that are behind these theories. But is that it? What can be bigger than "I control everything on Earth"?

9/11 for example. Excuse me if my reasoning for the gov't or "them" to be involved is crude and a bit uninformed, but is some damn oil that important? Or is it more about controlling and crippling a populace that isn't as susceptible to the mental control they inflict on us? Then that begs the question that if left unchecked, some middle Eastern can upend this worldwide vicegrip "they" have on the world? Are they that vulnerable and able to be touched? I don't know, maybe I give them too much credit cause I've been beginning to see the depth of their infiltration of every aspect of life. But if "controlling everything on Earth" is the agenda, then I can see how that would be the end game there.

Talk to me, brehs. Learn me something, lol.


cross that bridge
May 5, 2012
I read conspiracy theories, far-fetched and fact-based and I always come back to the same question.

What is the end game of all this? Why conspire?

This is all I got. When we are born into this world, the most powerful thing I can think of is controlling that same world. The people, the environment, just the entirety of the space that a person can perceive. The ability to do that seems like a reason to take the measures that are behind these theories. But is that it? What can be bigger than "I control everything on Earth"?

9/11 for example. Excuse me if my reasoning for the gov't or "them" to be involved is crude and a bit uninformed, but is some damn oil that important? Or is it more about controlling and crippling a populace that isn't as susceptible to the mental control they inflict on us? Then that begs the question that if left unchecked, some middle Eastern can upend this worldwide vicegrip "they" have on the world? Are they that vulnerable and able to be touched? I don't know, maybe I give them too much credit cause I've been beginning to see the depth of their infiltration of every aspect of life. But if "controlling everything on Earth" is the agenda, then I can see how that would be the end game there.

Talk to me, brehs. Learn me something, lol.

it all depends on the conspiracy in question.
from there you can go in all sorts of directions.

what conspiracies theories are you interested in?

i'm into chemtrails, artificial moon, UFO's / ET's, underground bases and some other stuff.
you can miss me with the reptilian bullshyt.


Jun 26, 2013
9/11 for example. Excuse me if my reasoning for the gov't or "them" to be involved is crude and a bit uninformed, but is some damn oil that important? Or is it more about controlling and crippling a populace that isn't as susceptible to the mental control they inflict on us? Then that begs the question that if left unchecked, some middle Eastern can upend this worldwide vicegrip "they" have on the world? Are they that vulnerable and able to be touched? I don't know, maybe I give them too much credit cause I've been beginning to see the depth of their infiltration of every aspect of life. But if "controlling everything on Earth" is the agenda, then I can see how that would be the end game there.

Talk to me, brehs. Learn me something, lol.
not just oil, google afghanistan natural resources. And also it was strategic, for natural gas pipelines that run from the caspian sea through Turkmenistan, through afghan land to pakistan and onto east asia
check it out, knowledge is power

Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
Proof: Populace of Las Vegas sprayed with chemicals via aircraft at night in recent government test


Astonishingly, we now see proof that the people of America are being sprayed like cockroaches at night
By Staff Writer
LAS VEGAS (INTELLIHUB) — On the night of March 4, going into the morning of Wednesday, March 5, 2014, the city was bombarded by chemtrails released from militarized aircraft conducting geoengineering applications and possibly even entomological warfare on the citizens of Nevada. This was pointed out by YouTuber “dutchsinse” who located signs of scalar resonance and cloud seeding.

In the video’s description dutchsinse wrote what he saw in the radar imagery:

“Multiple aircraft leaving man-made clouds which were then imaged, and pulsed by the National Weather Service via their NEXRAD RADAR stations, seen for multiple hours via multiple stations across Nevada, Utah, and Arizona.”

“Look at that aerosol distribution going right out over Vegas”, dutchsinse went on to point out in the video.

Interestingly, dutchsinse also points out in his video how the public’s version is edited without the chemtails in view, demonstrating the diabolic nature of the National Weather Service itself as they strive to cover up such experiments.

(Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

Agent Mulder

Fight The Future
May 26, 2012
Wow. I gave up believing in flying saucers in my teens but this is as good as it could possibly get with the footage/photographs available. especially since the images are from NASA and cannot be dismissed as hoaxes/photoshop.

:ehh:check it out.

edit: some parts are super reaches. 24:50 is :stopitslime:
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Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
good stuff

Project Camelot: The best place to hide is out in the open.

Project Camelot
Project Camelot is based on an idea generated when Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy first met in 2006 and spent the weekend in Tintagel, England, overlooking the sea in the home of King Arthur. We named our project in tribute to the vision behind the utopian idea of the Round Table - and have structured all our efforts in this inspiring spirit.

Since its inception, Project Camelot has become a leader in the area of whistleblower testimony by providing filmed interviews, shot guerrilla style, on location, with key witnesses and researchers from all around the world. We have traveled to remote corners of the globe and revealed secrets in areas previously only known to a select few from secret societies and those with high level security clearances in the secret governments.

Special note: As of January 2010 Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy decided to pursue different lines of research. Bill moved on to head up Project Avalon and Kerry became the sole head of Project Camelot. They occasionally combine forces to work on various projects but primarily concentrate on their own projects.

In 2012, TruTV released the long awaited Project Camelot TV pilot shot in 2010: SHADOW OPERATIONS: THE MARS PROJECT starring Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan and several of their whistleblowers and researchers. For those who missed the Live Broadcast on TruTV the show has been uploaded to Youtube by a fan and can be viewed there.

Kerry Cassidy - Co-Founder & CEO


Kerry Lynn Cassidy is the CEO and co-Founder of Project Camelot. Kerry has a BA in English with graduate work in Sociology, an MBA certificate from the UCLA Anderson Graduate School of Management, and was competitively selected to attend a year of film school at the UCLA Extension Short Fiction Film Program as one of their first "hyphenates": a writer-director-producer.

After 19 years in Hollywood working for major studios and independent production companies in production, development and new media, she became an independent producer. She has pitched sci-fi projects around Hollywood to major producers and directors. After picking up a consumer grade camcorder and doing documentary style interviews she teamed up in April 2006 with Bill Ryan and founded Project Camelot. She has been working as a documentary filmmaker, investigative reporter and producer for the past 8 years, conducting, shooting and editing for Project Camelot. After the first 4 years partnering with Bill Ryan they split up and Kerry took over and now runs Project Camelot on her own.

She conducts interviews documenting the testimony of whistleblowers with above top secret clearances as well as researchers and experiencers covering all aspects of reality both on and off planet. Kerry speaks at conferences around the world on the subjects of ETs, the Illuminati agenda, mind control, the matrix, prophecies, Kundalini activation and more. Kerry is an intuitive and spent years researching the occult and studying Eastern philosophy. While spending dedicated time in meditation, she linked her chakras in her 20s and has had multiple samadhi experiences since then.

Kerry developed the unique Camelot interview style now recognized around the world. Her feisty no holds-barred approach has become a trademark to what makes a Camelot interview different and powerful. She has pioneered an in-your-face guerilla style that captures the interpersonal dynamic as well as enables the viewer to determine whether the truth is being told, some facsimile thereof, or a lie. The camera reveals this in the facial expression, voice, tone and body language of the subject, and gives us added insight into what resonates and what does not. It reveals a candid picture of not only the person but also the subtle layers beneath. This encourages the viewers to pick up subliminal cues and ultimately come to their own conclusions, without being limited or misled by edited sound bytes, canned commentaries or misdirects.

Kerry Cassidy is also a well known radio talk show host, hosts events and speaks around the world. She writes groundbreaking articles and commentary on regarding current events from a Big Picture standpoint involving black projects, secret space and conspiracies. KERRY'S BLOG has gone viral and become a must see news commentary space picked up by alternative news organizations around the world.

For the past 4 years Kerry has been doing a weekly radio show, originally on American Freedom Radio on Wednesday nights 7pm PT to 9pm, she moved to Revolution Radio about 2 years ago and is now on Friday nights from 7pm PT to 9pm. Both radio shows generated thousands of live listeners as well as post streaming that continues on indefinitely. The Project Camelot Youtube Channel has over 78,000 subscribers and the Camelot videos generate an average of 200-300,000 views. At this time, the Project Camelot library contains 400+ hours of audio and video footage available to view free to their audience.

Kerry's Project Camelot Virtual Roundtable discussions broadcast on the Camelot Livestream Channel and involve top researchers, whistleblowers and authors in a LIVE VIDEO format where ideas, theories and evidence is shared and analyzed. The Project Camelot Awake & Aware Conferences are considered among the best of the genre anywhere in the world.

Camelot Logo

Note: for those who are wondering about the Cheetah logo: It is a nod to the famous MGM Lion... A nod to the power of film (and video) in making manifest the amazing facets of worlds and realities, to display for scrutiny and analysis and wonder what it means to be human. It also refers to the surveillance society in which we now live and the idea whereas 'they' are watching us we are also watching them!

Bill Ryan
Bill Ryan has a BSc in Mathematics with Physics and Psychology (Bristol University, UK, 1974), and followed this with a brief stint in teaching. For 27 years he was a management consultant specializing in personal and team development, leadership training and executive coaching. Major long-term clients included BAe (Systems) Ltd (formerly British Aerospace), Hewlett-Packard, and PricewaterhouseCoopers.

In November 2005 he inaugurated the Project Serpo website, the report of an alleged disclosure, in stages, of a US-alien exchange program which took place over 40 years ago. While he had been interested in UFOs, Free Energy research and alternative medicine (he is trained as a kinesiologist) for over thirty years, his first contact with the UFO community at large occurred after establishing the Serpo website. He resigned his management consultancy post in May 2006 and co-founded Project Camelot. As of January 2010, he moved on to head up Project Avalon ( and the Avalon Forum.

Time Travel DVDs & Streaming Available Now!

May 1, 2012
Proof: Populace of Las Vegas sprayed with chemicals via aircraft at night in recent government test


Astonishingly, we now see proof that the people of America are being sprayed like cockroaches at night
By Staff Writer
LAS VEGAS (INTELLIHUB) — On the night of March 4, going into the morning of Wednesday, March 5, 2014, the city was bombarded by chemtrails released from militarized aircraft conducting geoengineering applications and possibly even entomological warfare on the citizens of Nevada. This was pointed out by YouTuber “dutchsinse” who located signs of scalar resonance and cloud seeding.

In the video’s description dutchsinse wrote what he saw in the radar imagery:

“Multiple aircraft leaving man-made clouds which were then imaged, and pulsed by the National Weather Service via their NEXRAD RADAR stations, seen for multiple hours via multiple stations across Nevada, Utah, and Arizona.”

“Look at that aerosol distribution going right out over Vegas”, dutchsinse went on to point out in the video.

Interestingly, dutchsinse also points out in his video how the public’s version is edited without the chemtails in view, demonstrating the diabolic nature of the National Weather Service itself as they strive to cover up such experiments.

(Photo: Wikimedia Commons)
Wow just watched the video that's really insane but what's in it tho? :lupe:
May 1, 2012
Wow. I gave up believing in flying saucers in my teens but this is as good as it could possibly get with the footage/photographs available. especially since the images are from NASA and cannot be dismissed as hoaxes/photoshop.

:ehh:check it out.

edit: some parts are super reaches. 24:50 is :stopitslime:
