Don Makaveli.
So there are 38 million blacks as of 2010.
There are 50 million (legal) hispanics. in the US
And an estimated 7 to 20 million illegal immigrants. 11 million as of 2007
lets say 9 million of those 11 million are Hispanic illegal immigrants. That's 59 million Hispanics in the US
Your saying the Black population would be at 90 million, 31 million more than the Hispanic population, had it not been for 16 million abortions?
Even though the US is so close in proximity to Mexico, Cuba, Columbia, Puerto Rico etc?
Yes thats what im saying.
The 16 million aborted black babies sine 1970 would have went on to produce their own familes.there's no question that the black population would be close to 80 or 90 million if those 16 million babies were not aborted