Comedian Robin Williams dead by suicide

Sensitive Blake Griffin

May 1, 2012
some stories from reddit:
I had the pleasure of meeting the man while he was filming Good Will Hunting.

I was standing in a video game store just north of Wellsley on Yonge here in Toronto, looking over the used games.

Man in a hoodie, the hood up, sidled over to me and started to browse. He then looked over to me and asked:

"So. What's good?"

I was pretty certain who the man in the hoodie was right off the bat. Being a Torontonian, I used every ounce of my resolve to be cool, and asked him what kind of game he was looking for.

He smiled and said "I'm trying to find something my son and I can play together. Maybe something we can play online since I'm not home often."

I nodded and reached for a copy of Warcraft.

"I think he might enjoy this, Mr. Williams."

For a man who I knew to be frenetic, his quiet acknowledgement and soft smile was extremely disarming.

And so that's my memory of him. Not a comedy genius. Not as a frantic addict. Not as Mork or any of the myriad of other roles he played.

My memory of him is one of a father hoping to connect with son.

Rest well, Mr. Williams.

fukk fukk fukk :to: :to:

Just wanted to pop into the thread with a small Robin Williams remembrance. I worked on the film "Death to Smoochy" as a lowly PA, and I had never before and have never since seen someone on set like Robin Williams. He never turned off. After DeVito yelled "cut" Robin Williams would still go with his manic improv. It was a lot of fun being on that set on days when Robin Williams was shooting. He had a non-stop engine/drive to entertain. Really fun stuff.

We were filming in Times Square the day of Super Bowl XXXV (when the Ravens killed my G-men), and after we wrapped for the day, the production had rented a floor of ESPN Sportszone, and the whole cast & crew went over there to watch the game.

Of course, the crew had started a pool for the game, and everyone bought a box or two - actors included. DeVito won the first quarter. Edward Norton had the halftime box. And (if I remember correctly) Robin Williams won both the 3rd quarter and final score (I think the score had the same last digits at end of 3rd and end of game, right?).

Of course, we lowly crew shrugged our shoulders when the multi-millionaire actors won

But to Robin Williams credit, he took the money from that and then some and bought the crew gifts at wrap. It wasn't much.....just a stupid "Death to Smoochy" hat, but it was a nice gesture. I've heard stories of actors buying the entire crew gifts before, but - other than this example - I had never seen it once in the 5 years I spent working in film production.

Anyway, I felt like sharing this somewhere, so I thought I'd leave it here. I will forever remember Robin Williams energy both when the cameras were rolling but especially when they weren't, and I will always remember his generosity to the crew.

Side story - a couple years later I was working on another film, and we were shooting in Central Park. Who rides by on his racing bike in full biker gear - hat, racing glasses, skin tight pants, etc. - than Robin Williams. He hops off the bike and says hello to some of the cast members and the director, and he was still the same exact guy he was a few years earlier. Just so funny to see him in spandex and tinted sunglasses running around a set doing his improv.

Sensitive Blake Griffin

May 1, 2012


Get Money Gang
Apr 30, 2012
Their are many types of depression. And I speak on this as someone whos had depression for over 20 years.

Some people, like myself, like dmx, like robin, depression becomes a part who you are. It becomes your normal. Its almost like an addiction, but you will never beat it. You just live with it.

Sometimes you can fight it and sometimes it takes you over and paralyyzes you. Im not proud to say sometimes I used drugs and alcohol to numb it. But its only temporary relief and makes things worse.

It wasnt your fault Robin. Ugh. Im in my feelings now.

Breh just think how many odds you had to beat to be alive right now. The universe had the right amount of elements. Earth had to be the this distance from the sun. Your tadpool was the fittest of millions. Being alive is amazing. If you ever need to holla at someone shoot the shyt man get at me. I always got an open ear.

Sensitive Blake Griffin

May 1, 2012
Breh just think how many odds you had to beat to be alive right now. The universe had the right amount of elements. Earth had to be the this distance from the sun. Your tadpool was the fittest of millions. Being alive is amazing. If you ever need to holla at someone shoot the shyt man get at me. I always got an open ear.
Irish is that dude :salute:


Feb 17, 2014
Honestly, this is hitting me even harder than Bernie Macs death (RIP). I just keep thinking how can someone who filled my childhood with joy and laughter without me even knowing them, end up so depressed that they commit suicide? :to:. Ms. Doubtfire is literally one of the first movies I remember watching. Smh at this point I'm just like why?! I'm just torn up that they joy he gave to others and the passion he exuded wasn't enough to save him. Smh I'm hurting brehs