College graduates are increasingly likely to work in low quality jobs

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Maybe you guys are a little bougie. I didnt need that much money but i understand being particular about infrastructure when moving to a new city, friend. :sitdown:

That was back in the 90s when cost of living was lower and gas prices were decent. Times change and conditions change. Plus, if a person did it the same way as you did it today as it was back then, they would be homeless in a heartbeat.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Mine was the same. People who went out of state or a private school has no one to blame but themselves

Nah, I don't blame people for going out of state. That may be the last time they can live outside their comfort zone in their lives. I don't want to go to school where everyone came from 3-5 different areas of the same state where I grew up :scusthov:


Jul 24, 2013
I forgot to quote the post but someone in here said if you're not a natural at a STEM field there's no point in trying.

I think a lot of people have a gross misunderstanding of what it takes to succeed in STEM fields. They convince themselves that these engineering majors are just "naturally talented" or geniuses when in all actuality, 99% of them work their tail off to get good grades.

And I know this for a fact because I've interacted and studied with many underachievers in my science and math classes. For instance in my physics class last semester we were going over a practice exam for the test and we had trouble solving one of the problems. We had the answer to the problem, but not the solution so we were trying to figure out how to solve the problem.
Here's the thing though. When I tried to tackle the problem I would double check my math for any errors with my algebra. I would then ask questions, conceptual questions, that could leader to a better understanding of the problem.

He too checked his work for any algebra errors, but instead of asking conceptual questions, he would start making stuff up. Like if the algebra said you needed to divide x by y, he would try multiplying the two, just to see if that gave him the right answer. If the algebra said the angle is 30 degrees, he would put 60 degrees in his calculator just to see if it worked. And after trying all this nonsense he somehow came up with the right answer. But if I asked him what is the CONCEPT behind why he chose to multiply instead of divide, he can't answer me. He just said whenever he sees the problem he'll remember to multiply x and y.

All too often people are looking for shortcuts instead of putting their nose to the grindstone trying to actually understand a concept. What that guy did in my study group was very typical of all the underachievers I've met. They don't want to understand the problem, they just want their answer to match the answer in the back of the book, as if that actually means something.

And I say all that to say this. A lot of people who think they don't have what it takes for STEM fields actually DO have the potential, they just never tested themselves because they're always trying to find shortcuts. A good analogy is fitness. I once had a lazy fat friend tell me "I guess my arms are just screwed. I've never been able to bench more than like 85lbs, I've tried as hard as I could and I've never been able to press more weight no matter how hard I try." But anyone who's been to the gym knows how absurd that logic is.

It's the same for when it comes to math and science. People try to do the intellectual heavy lifting for 30 seconds and when they fail to understand it they claim they don't have the natural aptitude for it. When in all actuality, they have a gross misunderstanding of how much time it takes to understand some of these concepts.

100 others

Dec 1, 2012
Boosting posters' morale 100 daps at a time
Maybe you should move to an area where your degree can benefit you. Sometimes friends like to just hang out in a region where jobs are scarce instead of you know, moving.

They would rather live in a city with a happening nightlife over a city with a number of good jobs. That's usually Black people tho. White folks, for the most part, leave the nightlife shyt alone at an earlier age than us Blacks do.

No joke, my homie was offered a job payin 100k a year, in Lincoln, Nebraska, but he turned it down because there arent many Black night clubs:childplease:

He will continue living in Chicago with his $30k a yr job and $1,000 a month condo


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
I work with an Indian outsourced team. It's not as simple as that. I don't think that they are particularly stupid. but,There is a big communication barrier. Just a few days ago, I asked them to do a very simple task (at least I thought it was simple), and they didn't do it right. It wasn't because they were incompetent. Looking back the email, I could have been a lot more descriptive. They probably need to ask me some questions or they needed more clarification, but I was asleep while they were working.

There is only so much that the Indian teams can do, and because of the language and cultural barrier, time zone difference and plus the long distance, I personally feel like I can't rely on them to do anything really important.

For your other point: People aren't going to flood STEM. That's just not going to happen. You're making a big mistake and you don't really understand the purpose of a degree from the perspective of an employer or even our society. The degree is used to identify someone with a particular temperament and intelligence level. When everyone has a degree, the degree won't act as a sift anymore. But, people will find other ways sift out the dumb-asses: School rankings, Higher GPA standards, more emphasis on the interview, internships, work experience.

for your last point: The third world countries don't practice capitalism. In Indonesia or the Philippines, the top are the Chinese, and way down below are the Malays. I don't think it's just the economic system that causes that gap. Thomas Sowell's, "Race, Economics and Cultural" and Amy Chua's "World on Fire", have pretty good descriptions of the common patterns in the third world. I don't necessarily agree with their theories though. There is a cultural difference, sure but overall, I think the Chinese are just more naturally built to be merchants and traders.

Here is an except from the recent pew institutes analysis of American Economic Mobility. EM 14.pdf

Cognitive ability is the best indicator of Upward mobility, and it correlates a lot better than social economic class, or other non-cognitive traits. We are probably reaching a steady state where all the smart people have been pulled up, and it gives the appearance of unfairness and economic inequality.
My bad vvd, this definitely gundam....

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
They would rather live in a city with a happening nightlife over a city with a number of good jobs. That's usually Black people tho. White folks, for the most part, leave the nightlife shyt alone at an earlier age than us Blacks do.

No joke, my homie was offered a job payin 100k a year, in Lincoln, Nebraska, but he turned it down because there arent many Black night clubs:childplease:

He will continue living in Chicago with his $30k a yr job and $1,000 a month condo
Yea some folks will turn down a blessing to continue living a demonic lifestyle.

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
That was back in the 90s when cost of living was lower and gas prices were decent. Times change and conditions change. Plus, if a person did it the same way as you did it today as it was back then, they would be homeless in a heartbeat.
I doubt it. There is low income housing in every city in America for friends to use until they get where they need to be financially. If you Need 10k just to move, im sorry but you could have done it with a lot less.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
I doubt it. There is low income housing in every city in America for friends to use until they get where they need to be financially. If you Need 10k just to move, im sorry but you could have done it with a lot less.

Not in this era. I hate when older people talk about pulling the boot straps back when cost of living was lower and job opportunities were better.

They would rather live in a city with a happening nightlife over a city with a number of good jobs. That's usually Black people tho. White folks, for the most part, leave the nightlife shyt alone at an earlier age than us Blacks do.

No joke, my homie was offered a job payin 100k a year, in Lincoln, Nebraska, but he turned it down because there arent many Black night clubs:childplease:

He will continue living in Chicago with his $30k a yr job and $1,000 a month condo

Yeah black folk are notorious to still be in clubs well into their 30s and 40s. But, still, Nebraska isn't even a decent city for any YOUNG person to move in. Much less black. If he took the job, He would be paying for p*ssy or being a drunk with his good paying job.

Best thing he should have done is work there for one year and transferred out that bytch.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
So you gonna put an an 40 to 60 thou on it? :dead:

The college tuition situation in America is corrupt and financial bullshyt. Any kid should go to whatever school and pay the same as the next person, regardless of what state he comes from. That is why the young American people hardly travel out their comfort zone-and hardly travel anywhere-because they grow up, go to college, and work within a 20 mile radius for the rest of their lives. There are cases where kids never even left their state their entire lives. College is a perfect opportunity to travel to different areas and see people that come from different states/ countries, not to chill out with similar thinking people your whole life.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
They look like bad areas. Not everyone can do the same thing like that anymore, especially when people are LEAVING Cali in droves. That Boot Strap mentality will put people in poverty and keep people in poverty for generations to come.
Then this comes back to my point that some people are bougie/scared and require a particular infrastructure before they're willing to make a move. If i wanted to make it somewhere, i would move in cheap housing and save until i was ready. Ive seen many immigrants do this and make it but the longer you live in America, the more spoiled you can get so its easy to lose focus on the grind, and make excuses while other people are getting it. Some friends just want it more i guess.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Then this comes back to my point that some people are bougie and require a particular infrastructure before they're willing to make a move. If i wanted to make it somewhere, i would move in cheap housing and save until i was ready. Ive seen many immigrants do this and make it but the longer you live in America, the more spoiled you can get so its easy to lose focus on the grind, and make excuses while other people are getting it. Some friends just want it more i guess.

It ain't like that anymore. For every person that did that, there are dozens of cases where people didn't make it, even with hard work and a plan. Plus American should have people working WITH one another to improve conditions, not to fight over scraps and people living in poverty for a *slight* chance of a decent life. That is why the standard of living in America is going way down, because people are too damn selfish to help one another to make basic things of life easier.