Young Bishop

Piff Poster
May 4, 2012
Broward County
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga

Black On Both Sides Digital Series Advance Review
Date: October 22, 2019Author: imjustcorey0

Episode 1-4 score- 4/5

Alonge Hawes proves that he’s no one trick pony in this insightful and honest portrayal of black identity in today’s America

-Corey Ware

Alonge Hawes seems to be nothing if not ambitious. His previous work, the web series Blue Collar Hustle; was about as successful as one could hope from a debut indie series. Critically acclaimed (the review site Indyred awarded its second season 4.5 out of 5 stars) multiple award winner, and picked up by many fledgling streaming platforms such as, KweliTV, and Goindietv; Blue Collar Hustle seemed to possess all the stylings of a multiple season run. When the announcement was made that Seeka.TV had entered into a production agreement to produce more content from Alonge, many assumed that Blue Collar Hustle would be a part of that plan. Instead, Alonge went left and created an entirely new series, titled ‘Black On Both Sides’, of which for months there was little more than a few conceptual teasers (featuring Alonge’s nameless character and other young black people duck-taped at the mouth and shackled by handcuffs) and a vague press release from Seeka.TV that the series would “explore themes of Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome, Pan-Africanism, and the ever evolving meaning of blackness in a post-Obama America”. No trailers, no interviews, no bread and circuses.

Besides a world premiere of the first episode at this year’s Minnesota Webfest, no footage had been made available, and now on the day of that first episode’s release to the general public via Seeka.TV (of which i’m told that the first season will be an exclusive of the platform) I was presented with the series first four episodes to watch and review. The episodes themselves are told in “Chapters”, and each chapter is titled after a famous novel written by a black author (i.e. Episode, or”chapter 1” if you will, is titled ‘The Spook Who Sat By The Door’ after the Sam Greenlea tome) and each episode follows some thematic element of the particular book’s title. After writing, starring, and serving as show-runner for Blue Collar Hustle; Hawes re-enacts all three roles for this series, adding on the responsibility of director (He is credited with directing the four episodes I viewed and is confirmed as director of all 8 episodes) giving the episodes a unified feeling of singular vision. Many of the cast members from Blue Collar Hustle pop up for roles in Black On Both Sides, but instead of seeming gimmicky or cheap, I found that the actors really made an effort to differentiate their roles and add an element of depth to the characters that might not have been present in the previous series. Amongst them is Julian Robinson, who really finds gravitas and meaning in a series co-starring role. The writing and characters are the best thing that this series has going for it so far. From the onset, Black On Both Sides has some serious topics that Hawes wants to explore. The premise of the series is that Hawes’s character (named Anansi, after the African trickster God) is attempting to ingratiate himself into the upper hierarchy at his job. He speaks proper, or “white” as some might say; going so far as to practice his tone and speech patterns before a big interview so as to sound note-perfectly vanilla in his delivery. He smiles, laughs at his boss’s corny jokes, and casually brushes aside the indirect racism of every white character’s unwillingness to pronounce his name (He is nicknamed “Andy” by his white co-workers) He is intelligent and perceptive, but quick to remind his bosses that he is there to “serve” them and the interests of the company. He is in effect, every bootlicking, tap dancing, wide eyed corporate climber that gives the rest of us black folks horrible mental images of the Amos ‘N Andy era.

And yet not all is at it seems. To avoid spoilers, I won’t go in to too much detail, but Anansi is not as he presents himself. He and his team of young black co-workers including his happy go lucky, anime loving cousin (Shani Hawes) Sarcastic, pro-black friend Henry Gill Scott Heron (Julian Robinson) and overworked, unamused new employee Maya Patterson (Kiara Woods) are all banded together to give the corporate entity that overworks, underpays, and under-appreciates them a taste of their own medicine. Along the way we get to spend time with each of these characters and get a glimpse into what makes them representative of the African American experience. Themes such as black health (one character deals with the ramifications of Sickle Cell) identity, culture, and upbringing are explored in some shape or form across these episodes. And I am happy to say that mostly, it is a satisfying experience. There are some cinematic choices between Hawes and Cinematographer Jairus Burks, that I found both appealing and distractive. For example, in episode “Chapter 2”, during a character’s flashback, there is a delightful usage of special effects to convey what black love looks and feels like. Experimentation such as this really enhances the episode. However, in “Chapter 3”, what should have been one of the more emotional and meaningful episodes is distractingly offset by the placement and construction of shots. The camera is placed squarely in a “close up” position on every characters face, making many scenes feel claustrophobic and devoid of human interaction, which I found a weird choice as two characters who are supposedly having a meaningful conversation are not both in the same shot, robbing us of the reactions. Everything comes together in “Chapter 4”, where the entire cast get to shine; but as I said before, it is Julian Robinson who mines raw emotion out of the tragic backstory of Henry. The secondary actors, including Lasada Lloyd as Anansi’s fierce and beautiful love interest, Scott Piehler as Anansi’s smugly charming and arrogant boss, and Quentin Williams and Roberto Cruz as a pair of not-so-nice loan sharks; all help to make the ensemble rich and interesting. I found it both ironic and impressive, that after playing such close knit friends on Blue Collar Hustle, that Cruz and Williams could so convincingly portray villains that harass and demean Hawes’s character, call it a testament to this group’s overall talent.

Overall I am very happy with the potential of Black On Both Sides premise. The series overall mystery of Anansi’s “true” motivations lay the breadcrumbs for some nice drama, but it is the honesty and insightfulness of how Alonge Hawes has chosen to explore the series central theme of what it feels like to be “black” in a world that allows everyone to define that term except African Americans that will hook the target audience. These first four episodes are not perfect, but perhaps that encapsulates the overall point. Perfection is something that we as black people have continually been told is beyond us, and yet the mere fact that we exist after so much strife is proof that we are magical.


Great writing

Clear Creative Vision

Great acting from ensemble


Some sound issues in episode 1

Shot selection in episode 3 can be distracting

Some scenes end a little quickly leaving no room for the scene to “breathe”

@Illeye buckmatic @IllmaticDelta @LinusCaldwell @Tupac in a Business Suit @Young Bishop @Milk N Cookies @RoyalQ @-DMP- @Responsible Allen Iverson @Danie84 @UserNameless @Jax @hustlemania @mobbinfms @General Mills @Easy-E @Esco @Art Barr @Soymuscle Mike @Soundbwoy @Rekkapryde @Born2BKing @MartyMcFly @NormanConnors @Originalman @HipHopStan @Afro @krackdagawd


Jun 22, 2014

Black On Both Sides Digital Series Advance Review
Date: October 22, 2019Author: imjustcorey0

Episode 1-4 score- 4/5

Alonge Hawes proves that he’s no one trick pony in this insightful and honest portrayal of black identity in today’s America

-Corey Ware

Alonge Hawes seems to be nothing if not ambitious. His previous work, the web series Blue Collar Hustle; was about as successful as one could hope from a debut indie series. Critically acclaimed (the review site Indyred awarded its second season 4.5 out of 5 stars) multiple award winner, and picked up by many fledgling streaming platforms such as, KweliTV, and Goindietv; Blue Collar Hustle seemed to possess all the stylings of a multiple season run. When the announcement was made that Seeka.TV had entered into a production agreement to produce more content from Alonge, many assumed that Blue Collar Hustle would be a part of that plan. Instead, Alonge went left and created an entirely new series, titled ‘Black On Both Sides’, of which for months there was little more than a few conceptual teasers (featuring Alonge’s nameless character and other young black people duck-taped at the mouth and shackled by handcuffs) and a vague press release from Seeka.TV that the series would “explore themes of Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome, Pan-Africanism, and the ever evolving meaning of blackness in a post-Obama America”. No trailers, no interviews, no bread and circuses.

Besides a world premiere of the first episode at this year’s Minnesota Webfest, no footage had been made available, and now on the day of that first episode’s release to the general public via Seeka.TV (of which i’m told that the first season will be an exclusive of the platform) I was presented with the series first four episodes to watch and review. The episodes themselves are told in “Chapters”, and each chapter is titled after a famous novel written by a black author (i.e. Episode, or”chapter 1” if you will, is titled ‘The Spook Who Sat By The Door’ after the Sam Greenlea tome) and each episode follows some thematic element of the particular book’s title. After writing, starring, and serving as show-runner for Blue Collar Hustle; Hawes re-enacts all three roles for this series, adding on the responsibility of director (He is credited with directing the four episodes I viewed and is confirmed as director of all 8 episodes) giving the episodes a unified feeling of singular vision. Many of the cast members from Blue Collar Hustle pop up for roles in Black On Both Sides, but instead of seeming gimmicky or cheap, I found that the actors really made an effort to differentiate their roles and add an element of depth to the characters that might not have been present in the previous series. Amongst them is Julian Robinson, who really finds gravitas and meaning in a series co-starring role. The writing and characters are the best thing that this series has going for it so far. From the onset, Black On Both Sides has some serious topics that Hawes wants to explore. The premise of the series is that Hawes’s character (named Anansi, after the African trickster God) is attempting to ingratiate himself into the upper hierarchy at his job. He speaks proper, or “white” as some might say; going so far as to practice his tone and speech patterns before a big interview so as to sound note-perfectly vanilla in his delivery. He smiles, laughs at his boss’s corny jokes, and casually brushes aside the indirect racism of every white character’s unwillingness to pronounce his name (He is nicknamed “Andy” by his white co-workers) He is intelligent and perceptive, but quick to remind his bosses that he is there to “serve” them and the interests of the company. He is in effect, every bootlicking, tap dancing, wide eyed corporate climber that gives the rest of us black folks horrible mental images of the Amos ‘N Andy era.

And yet not all is at it seems. To avoid spoilers, I won’t go in to too much detail, but Anansi is not as he presents himself. He and his team of young black co-workers including his happy go lucky, anime loving cousin (Shani Hawes) Sarcastic, pro-black friend Henry Gill Scott Heron (Julian Robinson) and overworked, unamused new employee Maya Patterson (Kiara Woods) are all banded together to give the corporate entity that overworks, underpays, and under-appreciates them a taste of their own medicine. Along the way we get to spend time with each of these characters and get a glimpse into what makes them representative of the African American experience. Themes such as black health (one character deals with the ramifications of Sickle Cell) identity, culture, and upbringing are explored in some shape or form across these episodes. And I am happy to say that mostly, it is a satisfying experience. There are some cinematic choices between Hawes and Cinematographer Jairus Burks, that I found both appealing and distractive. For example, in episode “Chapter 2”, during a character’s flashback, there is a delightful usage of special effects to convey what black love looks and feels like. Experimentation such as this really enhances the episode. However, in “Chapter 3”, what should have been one of the more emotional and meaningful episodes is distractingly offset by the placement and construction of shots. The camera is placed squarely in a “close up” position on every characters face, making many scenes feel claustrophobic and devoid of human interaction, which I found a weird choice as two characters who are supposedly having a meaningful conversation are not both in the same shot, robbing us of the reactions. Everything comes together in “Chapter 4”, where the entire cast get to shine; but as I said before, it is Julian Robinson who mines raw emotion out of the tragic backstory of Henry. The secondary actors, including Lasada Lloyd as Anansi’s fierce and beautiful love interest, Scott Piehler as Anansi’s smugly charming and arrogant boss, and Quentin Williams and Roberto Cruz as a pair of not-so-nice loan sharks; all help to make the ensemble rich and interesting. I found it both ironic and impressive, that after playing such close knit friends on Blue Collar Hustle, that Cruz and Williams could so convincingly portray villains that harass and demean Hawes’s character, call it a testament to this group’s overall talent.

Overall I am very happy with the potential of Black On Both Sides premise. The series overall mystery of Anansi’s “true” motivations lay the breadcrumbs for some nice drama, but it is the honesty and insightfulness of how Alonge Hawes has chosen to explore the series central theme of what it feels like to be “black” in a world that allows everyone to define that term except African Americans that will hook the target audience. These first four episodes are not perfect, but perhaps that encapsulates the overall point. Perfection is something that we as black people have continually been told is beyond us, and yet the mere fact that we exist after so much strife is proof that we are magical.


Great writing

Clear Creative Vision

Great acting from ensemble


Some sound issues in episode 1

Shot selection in episode 3 can be distracting

Some scenes end a little quickly leaving no room for the scene to “breathe”

@Illeye buckmatic @IllmaticDelta @LinusCaldwell @Tupac in a Business Suit @Young Bishop @Milk N Cookies @RoyalQ @-DMP- @Responsible Allen Iverson @Danie84 @UserNameless @Jax @hustlemania @mobbinfms @General Mills @Easy-E @Esco @Art Barr @Soymuscle Mike @Soundbwoy @Rekkapryde @Born2BKing @MartyMcFly @NormanConnors @Originalman @HipHopStan @Afro @krackdagawd

May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
New review from Indyred

Series review
Black On Both Sides



directed by:
Alonge Hawes
written by:
Alonge Hawes


From writer and director Alonge Hawes comes a great new series that I just happened to get a sneak preview of. "Black On Both Sides" is a drama that I want to say can feel a little harsh towards anyone who happens to be Caucasian. But I also know full well that it may not be harsh enough. The underlying message is one we've all heard a zillion times before. Racism. Privilege. A maybe subconscious, but no less forceful push to conform. As an average white dude, I really want to believe that Alonge Hawes has perhaps pushed the racism envelope a little too far. I want to, but I realize that wishful thinking and good intentions rarely ever pave a solid road.
"Black On Both Sides" focuses on Anansi Moor's ambitions and dreams of becoming more than the sum of his collective parts. He not only wants to be the boss, but he wants to be the best boss. Period. In order to be the best, he needs his team to be the best. This series starts with his promotion within Legacy Wireless, the company he works for and also introduces us to the main characters. We're quickly led to believe Anansi is the perfect guy. A master with words, an excellent head on his shoulders and the ability to motivate - and get the team moving. This image tarnishes slightly within the first episode by introducing some, for lack of a better word, thugs that Anansi has dealings with. A little more when we meet his daughter and much later, a bombshell of sorts. I won't give away any more details, and recommend seeing for yourself. You'll be glad you did.

Aside from the main plot, "Black On Both Sides" has a strong message. It's about how easy it is to succumb to the pressures of a better life. Just how much a person is willing to give up when in fact, he shouldn't have to give certain things up at all. Pushing aside your identity to please and move up? Giving up your culture one piece at a time to get the job? It's sad, but also so damn true. Unless you're one of those people with a swastika tattooed on your skin somewhere, you may feel a little uncomfortable at times watching this. Only because you know that "Black On Both Sides" is telling it the way it is.
The scenes with the owners, and upper echelon management of Legacy Wireless were very eye-opening for me. Alonge Hawes handles these characters pretty well for the most part. They are white people, as I'm sure you've guessed. They almost come across as racist, without knowing they are being racist. Save a line here and there about diversity within the company, these guys probably have no idea just what they are doing or asking. I'll leave it to the viewers to either agree with me or not. But it's real and to the point. How many of us consider ourselves to be completely opposite a racist person? But still manage to do racist things sometimes and maybe not even know it? If nothing else, "Black On Both Sides" will have you thinking.
The production itself is generally pretty well done. There are audio issues, but it's not too bad except for a low, buzzing hum that pops up here and there. Mainly in the first episode. Where this series does shine however, is the acting. I expected as much. Having seen previous works from Alonge Hawes, I would expect nothing short of great casting. The large troupe here elevates this series in a serious way.
Bottom line? A great show. Although geared towards a black audience, anybody can, and will find something here to think about. And the drama is not just centered around race issues - there is a story. Four episodes deep and I'm liking what I've seen. A little more tweaking in the post-production would have definitely elevated my rating. However, since this show hasn't been released yet, some tweaks are still possible. I will return and update once the series premiers but even if nothing changes, an excellent series overall. Three and a half stars.

@Illeye buckmatic @IllmaticDelta @-DMP- @Easy-E @Esco @NormanConnors @Rekkapryde @General Mills @Milk N Cookies @Soymuscle Mike @Soundbwoy @hustlemania @mobbinfms @Originalman @Danie84 @UserNameless @True Blue Moon @LinusCaldwell @Still FloW @HipHopStan @Born2BKing @Jax @krackdagawd @Tupac in a Business Suit @MartyMcFly @Young Bishop


Jun 22, 2014
New review from Indyred

Series review
Black On Both Sides



directed by:
Alonge Hawes
written by:
Alonge Hawes


From writer and director Alonge Hawes comes a great new series that I just happened to get a sneak preview of. "Black On Both Sides" is a drama that I want to say can feel a little harsh towards anyone who happens to be Caucasian. But I also know full well that it may not be harsh enough. The underlying message is one we've all heard a zillion times before. Racism. Privilege. A maybe subconscious, but no less forceful push to conform. As an average white dude, I really want to believe that Alonge Hawes has perhaps pushed the racism envelope a little too far. I want to, but I realize that wishful thinking and good intentions rarely ever pave a solid road.
"Black On Both Sides" focuses on Anansi Moor's ambitions and dreams of becoming more than the sum of his collective parts. He not only wants to be the boss, but he wants to be the best boss. Period. In order to be the best, he needs his team to be the best. This series starts with his promotion within Legacy Wireless, the company he works for and also introduces us to the main characters. We're quickly led to believe Anansi is the perfect guy. A master with words, an excellent head on his shoulders and the ability to motivate - and get the team moving. This image tarnishes slightly within the first episode by introducing some, for lack of a better word, thugs that Anansi has dealings with. A little more when we meet his daughter and much later, a bombshell of sorts. I won't give away any more details, and recommend seeing for yourself. You'll be glad you did.

Aside from the main plot, "Black On Both Sides" has a strong message. It's about how easy it is to succumb to the pressures of a better life. Just how much a person is willing to give up when in fact, he shouldn't have to give certain things up at all. Pushing aside your identity to please and move up? Giving up your culture one piece at a time to get the job? It's sad, but also so damn true. Unless you're one of those people with a swastika tattooed on your skin somewhere, you may feel a little uncomfortable at times watching this. Only because you know that "Black On Both Sides" is telling it the way it is.
The scenes with the owners, and upper echelon management of Legacy Wireless were very eye-opening for me. Alonge Hawes handles these characters pretty well for the most part. They are white people, as I'm sure you've guessed. They almost come across as racist, without knowing they are being racist. Save a line here and there about diversity within the company, these guys probably have no idea just what they are doing or asking. I'll leave it to the viewers to either agree with me or not. But it's real and to the point. How many of us consider ourselves to be completely opposite a racist person? But still manage to do racist things sometimes and maybe not even know it? If nothing else, "Black On Both Sides" will have you thinking.
The production itself is generally pretty well done. There are audio issues, but it's not too bad except for a low, buzzing hum that pops up here and there. Mainly in the first episode. Where this series does shine however, is the acting. I expected as much. Having seen previous works from Alonge Hawes, I would expect nothing short of great casting. The large troupe here elevates this series in a serious way.
Bottom line? A great show. Although geared towards a black audience, anybody can, and will find something here to think about. And the drama is not just centered around race issues - there is a story. Four episodes deep and I'm liking what I've seen. A little more tweaking in the post-production would have definitely elevated my rating. However, since this show hasn't been released yet, some tweaks are still possible. I will return and update once the series premiers but even if nothing changes, an excellent series overall. Three and a half stars.

@Illeye buckmatic @IllmaticDelta @-DMP- @Easy-E @Esco @NormanConnors @Rekkapryde @General Mills @Milk N Cookies @Soymuscle Mike @Soundbwoy @hustlemania @mobbinfms @Originalman @Danie84 @UserNameless @True Blue Moon @LinusCaldwell @Still FloW @HipHopStan @Born2BKing @Jax @krackdagawd @Tupac in a Business Suit @MartyMcFly @Young Bishop

yes sir:wow::takedat: