I mean, what you expect her to say, OP?
She's a white woman and I dont expect her to destroy her ppl for me. Its like what yall be saying about Biden and the Republicans. At the end of the day, them is still his ppl and I have never and would never expect a white person to eff their own ppl over for me. Only thing I ask is that when they see their ppl about to stab me, to either tell me to get out the way or stop it from happening if it's within their power to do so.
But i don't expect them to hate their own ppl, nor would I ask them to do so.
@NotaPAWG aint a bad person. Me and her have had words before but we've also been cool before.
I don't hate white ppl because of race because if I did that, that would make me no better than them. I hate white ppl who are trying to mess me and my ppl over. If they aren't trying to mess me and my ppl over and in fact are trying to help my ppl where they can without putting themselves in a bad situation, that's all I can ask for.
I'm not demanding that white ppl be traitors to their ppl. Just try to make their ppl do better. That's all I ask and for them to use their white privilege where they can to help me and my ppl.