Coli parents, is this really how some of you feel?


Jun 9, 2012
§ansprix™;520714 said:
My Cousin Vinny reference?

And these dumb ass hoes shoulda kept they legs closed or at least get on some birth control. People are just so fukkin stupid I swear.

Nah fam, just a word that means kids.


Lin Kuei
May 1, 2012
selfishness and stupidity. i can't wait till its time to raise a little gentleman. if it's a daughter though...



May 13, 2012
Thanks Ice Cold & yes my little man just turned 2 years old wont stunt like it ain't hard work but I wouldn't trade being a mommy for anything in the world.

I aint think you had a lil one either. Your son's dad is a poster on here too right?


Shucks It's Crazy
May 1, 2012
Gizzy, Aotearoa
Selfish motherfukkers. My Son is my world, yeah he can be a handful from time to time but it's all worth it.

Makes me wonder why people aren't legally required to have an idiot test before being allowed to reproduce.

Mantle Drunk

All Star
May 4, 2012
Yeah these chicks were not ready for children but your supposed to step up and make the sacrifice but obviously there to selfish. I don't have children but i've watched both my nieces pretty much everyday since they've been about 5 months old so i feel i get a glimpse of what it is to be a parent. I tell people to make sure your prepared for it because you have to become selfless really everything becomes about them you no longer live life for yourself when i'm watching them it is all about them it could be draining and it sucks at times and i'm only watching them for a few hours but still come on these chicks are fukkin ridiculous.

Harry Sax

Formally mr 321
May 1, 2012
i have kids and i admit they do get on your nerves more often then not....but those ppl have fukkin issues

Huellz Santana

May 3, 2012
Da city where the skinny nikkas die
i find this highly entertaining.

post more stories from these miserable mothers. i cant' access that site at work

got dayum, women are never happy. first its "i wanna be married" then its "I can't stand being married" :to:

or "I wanna have kids before I get too old. :to: " to "Damn I hate these kids. I wanna live my life :damn:"​


Maximized Potential
May 1, 2012
Parc fermé
I'm sorry to say that I was sitting here searching online for other posts about hating being a mother. I just spent the last 10 minutes reading the posts on here and started to cry. I have it really hard too! Single mother, 3 kids, one income with no child support, I feel like if one more little tiny thing happens I'm going to just freak out and lose my shyt! I don't hate my kids, I hate the lack of time I have to myself, the lack of privacy, the constant arguments and fights I have to break up, the stupid poop conversations at the dinner table and the neverending "I'm Hungry"s I'm depressed, tired, lonely, miserable and stressed out....There is never enough time/money/space/quiet. But I don't hate them....I love them. Those little things that people were saying that every once in a while they do that makes you smile? Those are the things that keep me from going insane...from thinking that they may be demon-spawn. I don't have any help and I have realized I'm not going to get any and reading what the other mothers have said on here has made me want to try and be better. I'll be damned if I ever write those kinds of words down and actually post them can't take that back now.

I would just like to point out that we, DID warn you!!! We, who don't have children, have decided not to have them because we did the research. You, on the other hand, just blindly followed the breeders. WE observed, gathered information and used your brain. YOU refused to listen and likely mooed about how you just HAD to have a baby. There are forums, boards, communities. There's plenty of information to be had for those who put some thought into the life-altering decision of popping out a sprog. Honestly, I put more thought into what kind of vacuum cleaner to buy than most people do about having a kid!

There's another concept I would like to introduce you to. There's this cool invention. It's called abortion. For the sake of everything that is decent, if you're too dumb to figure out birth control, at least abort the little Mystakey.

I get it, it really get it! I hate how people try and tell you that it is just a phase or remember the cute little things that they do. Well I bet those people where born to be mothers or don't have kids. fukk them all there isn't a day goes by where I don't think about packing my bags and running away. I have a husband who comes home and doesn't lift a finger, but asks me why I didn't get more done. When I am not cleaning up a mess I am being kicked, punched and have food tossed at me. Eventhough I do it all with a smile I will never have another child ever again.


Your twat will never be the same. Never EVER fukking let anyone tell you otherwise. I stay fit as much as I can, I've tried everything to get it back but my husband doesn't even want to look at me half the time. I hate being a mother. I HATE IT! Whoever the fukk tells you it's wonderful is full of shyt. It's horrible. Please, please don't make the same damn mistake. It's not worth it. It really fukking isn't. My son is a screaming devil child. My husband is a worthless a$$hole. I'm afraid to leave for work everyday because my husband has no job and has to stay home and watch my son. I don't have a fukking clue as to what they're doing but I know when I come home it's the same living hell over and over. I've thought about running away more times than I can count. It's not a "phase", no amount of Mommy support can help me. I just need to get the fukk out of here. Please, anyone reading this, don't believe the lie society tells you. Motherhood is fukking horrible. It's not for everyone. If you can handle it, good for you but fukk, don't fall for it!


I can relate 100%. I try, try, try to like being a mother. There are fleeting seconds where I like my children, but the majority of the time I HATE it! I resent them for taking my life away before it even got started, for keeping me from being able to experience all of the things I wanted to do. I was 17 when I had my 1st and 24 when I had my 2nd. For those who say "you should have used birth control or a condom" I was on birth control when I got pregnant BOTH times! I didn't used to believe in abortion, but now I am 100% pro-choice! I figured when the 2nd one popped up that it wouldn't be that much harder since I already had 1 kid, but I was WRONG! Twice as many kids equals 10x the work! They bicker & fight all of the time, they destroy anything nice that we try to have and even though I struggled through college as a teen mom, I am ALWAYS BROKE!!! I am SO fukking tired of it!!! If everyone in my family wouldn't hate me for it I would give them up. In the rare occasion we get to get away for a few days I don't even think about them while I'm gone & almost cry when we have to pick them up. Children are disgusting and it''s a constant battle to keep them clean & polite. They have no problem insulting their mom without thinking. I am just SO tired of it all & wish I could go back in time to change the decisions that I made after finding out about my pregnacies. To think, I spent 6 weeks on bedrest to keep the first baby and six MONTHS on bedrest to keep the second one. BIG MISTAKE!!! They ruined my body and caused me to have to get a hysterectomy at age 25, leaving me in menopause with terrible hot flashes and mood swings. I HATE all of it and just wish there was a way out.

:childplease: :lolbron:

This shyt is so fukking sad :snoop: but so entertaining :lolbron: