Coli "militants" are making a difference


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
I hate to say it but that's not much. He went to the protests and met with some people. Ok good. Now what did that accomplish?

We've been protesting for generations now. We go to protests and get all riled up, then come back home and plug right back into the white propaganda machine.

It's a useless cycle.

They've got us stuck in these worn groves where if you wanna do something yo gotta protest or you gotta go to this meeting or go listen to this person talk. Nah fukk that.

If people want to protest let them protest. Our focus is freeing minds. Once black people see they have been lied to their entire lives and begin wake up, then we'll get some change. Till then it's just follow the leader with Al Sharpton leading the charge

Figure I'd throw what I do out there (try not to talk about shyt on here cause I know them boys watching but fukk it).

I teach classes in Atlanta helping black folks to get IT certs. Right now I'm just doing the A+ cert (gonna be working with some dudes on here to expand the program to different cities). It's a 3 month program and I pay for everything out of pocket at the moment. Right now I'm looking for some class space so I can do 20-30 people at a time. I'm gonna make having a black bank account a requirement to sign up and I'm gonna try to keep it 100% free as long as possible. Part of the class includes teaching them about black nationalism, the importance of practicing group economics, and letting them understand the importance of starting your own business.

So far I've helped 3 people get certified and one of them is now making 6 figures (he was an intern when I met him 3 years ago) and one of them started their own company last year.

I also been mentoring black boys for the past 4 months of so. Right now I only got 1 kids, but if things go well, I'll probably get another in 8 months.

Also the organization I work with teach entrepreneur classes and have weekly community meetings in the hood.

Personally I don't think I'm doing enough which is why I'm excited about expanding the classes to other cities. I want to have at least one class in every major black city and make IT a predominately black industry.

Drip Bayless

Jun 1, 2014
:mjlol:nikkas citing youtube comments as evidence of paradigm shifts now. Not all the black people my age pushing knowledge of self but youtube comments. With the same logic you could argue that a decline in sales for the national enquirer means the population is getting smarter
This thread is honestly just baseless optimism, there's no proof that any paradigm shift is happening in the mindsets of black people today unfortunately, and there won't be until something changes it and we can directly link it to action. nikka really said armchair militancy is promoting self awareness


Jun 4, 2012
:mjlol:nikkas citing youtube comments as evidence of paradigm shifts now. Not all the black people my age pushing knowledge of self but youtube comments. With the same logic you could argue that a decline in sales for the national enquirer means the population is getting smarter
This thread is honestly just baseless optimism, there's no proof that any paradigm shift is happening in the mindsets of black people today unfortunately, and there won't be until something changes it and we can directly link it to action. nikka really said armchair militancy is promoting self awareness

would you promote self awareness?

And if you (or anyone) had the chance to do something real........

Would you? (be honest)

Drip Bayless

Jun 1, 2014
This is worse than crab mentality. This is cockroach mentality. It's hard to believe some of you are black.
It's even harder to believe some of you are this stupid:stopitslime:
You're telling me the best indicator you could find of our race being enlightened is the youtube comment section? If that is where are freedom fighters are located then we are in for a loooonnnnnggg struggle. Anyone with the least bit of common sense understands the futility of arguing with a racist. That energy typing on a keyboard would be better spent reading a goddamn book and actually learning something useful


Jun 4, 2012
Actual media, (music, literature, movies) those the most far reaching tools. Define what you mean by "real,"

i mean other than youtube comments..
i mean other than saying shyt like Actual media, (music, literature, movies) those the most far reaching tools and actually producing something.

Drip Bayless

Jun 1, 2014
i mean other than youtube comments..
i mean other than saying shyt like Actual media, (music, literature, movies) those the most far reaching tools and actually producing something.
Please clarify as to what you are asking me. What does "producing something" mean? I'm talking about promoting self-awareness amongst the community, all the things i named, besides literature, are tools through which important messages may be communicated to the masses.


Jun 4, 2012
Please clarify as to what you are asking me. What does "producing something" mean? I'm talking about promoting self-awareness amongst the community, all the things i named, besides literature, are tools through which important messages may be communicated to the masses.

those things aren't free.
but i mainly asked because some people can't do much. All some people can do is comment and educate online.
I don't diss those people because they do that work.
Everyone has a lane, but I don't throw out random words without actually doing the shyt. Thats what i mean by produce.

for example if blackking said... We need more movies..... then everyone knows..... blackking will work with others and make a damn movie that is conscious and problack.
i said.... we need properties.......... so i got 3
i said.. man it would be nice if more blacks were in technology....... so we started a group that produces that.
i said......doesn't really matter what i said..... because you don't know what nikkas on here are really doing. But shyt.......... i'm glad for the facebook twitter and youtube people because thats some shyt i couldn't do.


Apr 30, 2012
Pretty pathetic thread honestly. No you fuks aren't making a difference aside from one in your post/dap ratio. Bunch of worthless fks bytchin about life, on the net and calling anyone out who doesn't agree with you ain't making no waves in the real world. Your like a porn flick, your forgotten as soon as niccas go into a different webpage it's kinda sad :mjcry:

Drip Bayless

Jun 1, 2014
those things aren't free.
but i mainly asked because some people can't do much. All some people can do is comment and educate online.
I don't diss those people because they do that work.
Everyone has a lane, but I don't throw out random words without actually doing the shyt. Thats what i mean by produce.

for example if blackking said... We need more movies..... then everyone knows..... blackking will work with other and make a damn movie that is conscious and problack.
i said.... we need properties.......... so i got 3
i said.. man it would be nice if more blacks were in technology....... so we started a group that produces that.
i said......doesn't really matter what i said..... because you don't know what nikkas on here are really doing. But shyt.......... i'm glad for the facebook twitter and youtube people because thats some shyt i couldn't do.
Oh I got you breh, you asking if I'm making nikkas self aware or just being on my armchair militant shyt. I don't have any interest in making any of the three forms of media, (possibly a book when I'm older tho), at this point I'm really just about putting dudes on to the knowledge, because if you've noticed most black people in my generation do what they think they are supposed to do to make a difference without really impacting anything. I've seen a black girl in my school wear a Louis V belt to a protest:snoop:
I see what you're saying tho, not everybody can directly create this media for change simply because the average nikka doesnt have influence, but through learning we can teach one another, which is the end goal at the end of the day. So all I'm really asking is dudes just promote knowledge of self within and beyond their circle. If you gonna do it on online at least do it where people will listen, not no fukking youtube comments. The coli, a blog, doesn't matter just get people to listen
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Train hard, fight easy
Jun 16, 2013
It's even harder to believe some of you are this stupid:stopitslime:
You're telling me the best indicator you could find of our race being enlightened is the youtube comment section? If that is where are freedom fighters are located then we are in for a loooonnnnnggg struggle. Anyone with the least bit of common sense understands the futility of arguing with a racist. That energy typing on a keyboard would be better spent reading a goddamn book and actually learning something useful

What is it that you duncebat jigaboos are having trouble understanding? It has nothing to do with"citing youtube comments".

Of course your weak and feeble mind can't form anything concrete regarding any insight or logic, so you take the obvious easy-out; attack the word 'youtube' in the original post.

You're an idiot.

You don't even realize how fukking worthless and pathetic you sound as a Black person(if youre even Black), purposely trying to detract from Black efforts.

You are LITERALLY the slave/s who would sit around and talk shyt every time Harriett Tubman tried to make them realize they were in bondage, that they NOT 'free' by any means, that they deserved better and should escape, that even though it doesn't make much difference, they should still TALK AND DISCUSS THESE THINGS AND DIVISE PLANS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE.

...meanwhile, you and all the other sambo toms sit around backbitin' and telling her how fruitless her efforts are, how silly and militant she sounds, and some of you(you personally seem to be low enough to do the following) even run back to 'massa' and expose the whole thing, snitching and telling.

This thread is full of a bunch of proud modern day fukking c00ns smh :snoop:


Dec 30, 2013
Figure I'd throw what I do out there (try not to talk about shyt on here cause I know them boys watching but fukk it).

I teach classes in Atlanta helping black folks to get IT certs. Right now I'm just doing the A+ cert (gonna be working with some dudes on here to expand the program to different cities). It's a 3 month program and I pay for everything out of pocket at the moment. Right now I'm looking for some class space so I can do 20-30 people at a time. I'm gonna make having a black bank account a requirement to sign up and I'm gonna try to keep it 100% free as long as possible. Part of the class includes teaching them about black nationalism, the importance of practicing group economics, and letting them understand the importance of starting your own business.

So far I've helped 3 people get certified and one of them is now making 6 figures (he was an intern when I met him 3 years ago) and one of them started their own company last year.

I also been mentoring black boys for the past 4 months of so. Right now I only got 1 kids, but if things go well, I'll probably get another in 8 months.

Also the organization I work with teach entrepreneur classes and have weekly community meetings in the hood.

Personally I don't think I'm doing enough which is why I'm excited about expanding the classes to other cities. I want to have at least one class in every major black city and make IT a predominately black industry.

That's legit man. That's doing something.

I didnt't mean to call you out like that but going to a protest...ur just another body among thousands.


Jan 17, 2013
Its far more likely that it will turn someone into an armchair revolutionary troll. Most of the pro black loudmouths here dont do shyt when they log off. I would not be surprised if they were white high school/college students trolling. 99% of the shyt is just empty talk, very few brehs in here are bout that life and the ones who are dont do much talking.
What specifically do you do for black people though? Where is your proof?


Feb 12, 2015
I think allying with whites is one of the worst things we can do. The reason being is, there's a (white)savior complex that most of us suffer when in the presence of whites. That alone can quell wrath of a movement. We also have to be weary of their intentions when wanting to join because at the end of the day their support isn't beneficial to their group. So I'd be mindful of someone wanting to support a movement that goes against their interests. They literally have nothing to gain. And my stance is partially developed from conversing with whites about this very subject. When you mention "equality" they're all for it(so they say) when you mention "empowerment" their like :whoa:.

Maybe choose your words better, maybe they interpret empowerment as black supremacy? explain u just really fighting for equal rep. in the media, politics, economical, and judicial and if they against that then yeah. but like i said...... Some people iv'e met IRL and on here, arnt fighting to end white supremacy, they just want to MIMIC it and create black male supremacy (Big tell sign is if they fight for black male issues but not really blk female issues). At this stage we need econ. power before anything else, so in theory any1 can be for equality by putting money in the hands of blk businesses....

I stand by what i said fully, as in my case i have conscious white friends or roll w/ me and support us. But if u going to take the F em all, this is war, type of approach, im going to question your motives, and wondr how u can live in a country where they make almost 3/4 of the population.