Los Ingobernables de Sala de Cine

It has been a couple years since I first saw it so I rewatched Merantau, the debut film of Iko Uwais and Yayan Ruhian by Garth Evans. Even now it's still obvious that Evans borrowed a lot from Ong Bak and The Protector, and although the movie never reaches those heights, it's still a good action flick. After all these years my biggest takeway of the film is still that Evans took some very unconventional risks here. The movie opens very slow, almost cerebral, and it's easy to see how people could give up on it before it even gets going. It also is notoriously downbeat for a martial arts film:
The girl he tries to save from sex traffickers is raped before he can do so, and he receives a fatal blow by the main villain after showing him mercy.
It at least shows that Evans has never been a conventional storyteller, but whether that proves to be a good thing or not is what we will see in his upcoming English-language debut this year.