I fukking hated this movie so bad. It's like someone saw Juno and said to themselves, 'You know what, I can write a story just as obnoxious and pretentious as this. Hell, I can even make it worse!' and then proceeded to do so, hurting the world of novels and now cinema for evermore. The forced hipster quirkiness is at an all-time low, from the plain annoying to the shameful classic cinema pandering (you can't hate this movie, look at all the movies it shout outs!
Werner Herzog mentions people, a true cinephile can't hate this!). More painful to sit through than chemo to the point the possibly-quite-nasty stereotype of Earl is almost welcomed because even in his stereotypical this-is-what-white-people-think-black-teenagers-are-like way Earl at least feels like a real character in a movie consisting of painfully constructed cartoon characters. Did I mention the direction is abominable with terrible camera angles and a general sense that if the camera isn't standing still, the director has no idea what to do with it. fukking indie-hipster fukking shameless tearjerker garbage.