Coli: How do I deal with a crazy azz STALKER??? (Update: Filed charges against them for Harassment)

How do I deal with this stalker?

  • Get the police involved

    Votes: 5 20.0%
  • Lawyer up

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • Just ignore them

    Votes: 7 28.0%
  • File an order of protection/restraining order

    Votes: 7 28.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 20.0%

  • Total voters

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
Find out who he is and do the exact same thing to him :manny: but worse :demonic:

Find his family and try to scam them. Find his single family members on dating apps and get their hopes up with fake accounts. Open credit cards, sign up for college in his name, etc. etc.


Call these two and let them solve it

Yea I was thinking about doxing him and getting him fired from work.

This guy was sending me messages like this on Twitter.


For real...I think it would be best that this guy goes to jail. I have a bad feeling he would probably try to hurt someone or kill them. Like he fits the white Male future domestic terrorist profile to a tee...he's dangerous. He's already abused women and said he would try to kill me over the phone last year.


Mar 4, 2015
Yea I was thinking about doxing him and getting him fired from work.

This guy was sending me messages like this on Twitter.


For real...I think it would be best that this guy goes to jail. I have a bad feeling he would probably try to hurt someone or kill them. Like he fits the white Male future domestic terrorist profile to a tee...he's dangerous. He's already abused women and said he would try to kill me over the phone last year.

The great thing about the internet is that you can be just as anonymous as he is.

you can lure him to where you want to lure him, you can pretend to be a woman, pretend to offer a job, etc. etc. (and feds if you're watching :ufdup: I only mean for a face to face encounter to ask him why)

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
Seems like you know or have had access to a wealth of information to reciprocate
He's been doing this for two years at this point.

I've already tried to file charges against him once and they closed the case out cause he was doing all the harassment out of state. So I've just had no choice but to document all the harassment. He makes an account to harass me I block it he makes another one. I've asked other people what to do and they just say block him and let it go. The problem is, he won't let it go.

Like I'm going to be 35 this year...I've learned life is short and it's best to settle any negative disputes between friends and family cause you might not know when they gonna go. Lost some people in the past couple so I'm not about holding grudges or anything. I'm not trying to hold on to any negative energy that could be detrimental to my mental health or emotional or physical.

But what do you do when you deal with someone that can't just let sh*t go?

Thia guy is almost 36 years old doing this! Hes not some edgy early 20 something or some teen he's a middle aged man.

Like I've been civil...I've told him to leave me alone many times. I told him to seek professional help cause he has some serious issues and it would be best if he handled his issues with therapy before he hurts someone (again). He's made me mad to the point I've lost my cool and said I'd f*ck him up but I'm not trying to do or say anything that might work against me in the court of law. He won't leave me alone. No matter how much I tell him that we ain't cool no more and I don't want to be associated with him.


Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
I wouldn't wish this type of treatment on my worst enemy.

For the past two years this guy has been stalking me it's just made my stress and anxiety levels go up. While I was making moves on Twitter the constant harassment he did made me so stressed I would get scared to even look at my mentions or respond to my DMs.

I've never dealt with ANYBODY like this. Dealing with people as extreme as this guy makes me value everyone else that much more.

This is what type of bullsh*t this guy is on.

He takes my picture to use for a disqus profile specifically to stalk my posts on hypebeast.


I'm not going to say what I'd really like to do with this motherf*cker.


Kyle C. Barker

Migos VERZUZ Mahalia Jackson
Feb 5, 2015
I wouldn't wish this type of treatment on my worst enemy.

For the past two years this guy has been stalking me it's just made my stress and anxiety levels go up. While I was making moves on Twitter the constant harassment he did made me so stressed I would get scared to even look at my mentions or respond to my DMs.

I've never dealt with ANYBODY like this. Dealing with people as extreme as this guy makes me value everyone else that much more.

This is what type of bullsh*t this guy is on.

He takes my picture to use for a disqus profile specifically to stalk my posts on hypebeast.


I'm not going to say what I'd really like to do with this motherf*cker.


Check your inbox/pms

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
Arrange to meet up and break his fukking jaw :dry:
This dude definitely crossed that line a while ago.

And he can't fight at all. I've only seen him beat up women. He's like 6'1" 150 lbs soaking wet. I did see him get choked out by his nephew cause he said sole slick racist shyt about his girlfriend and cause he was charging him $800 a month to live in the living room of the apartment we shared on Harman street between 2012-2014.

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
Coli fam...I would not ask your advice on this situation if I felt this guy wasn't a risk at all.

But for real...I am just freaked out at how many future domestic terrorist checkpoints this guy has hit over the years!

- white guy
- from North Carolina
- Dated nothing but Asian women while living in NYC
- abused women/domestic violence
- was blatantly admitting how much he hated Jews in the most unexpected situations
- I found out he was an avid 4ch*n/8ch*n poster (I reverse image searched some of the profile pics he was using on Twitter and several of them linked back to those sites.)
- HUGE Trump supporter.
- has an unhealthy obsession with interracial relationships between black men and white women.
- I discovered he was/is a BIG fan of Pewdiepie
- he's been spitting variations of that "great replacement" white supremacist theory (ie Jews/Zionists will replace white americans and destabilize America through race mixing, we need to preserve white...cough...American the wall...muslims will come to America and bring Sharia law to the west...etc)
- huge fan of right wing conspiracy theorists and alt right figureheads like Richard Spencer, Charlie Kirk, Jacob Wohl, and Jack Posobiec.
- he harasses random black people on Twitter until he gets blocked
- he follows the parkland high school kids and tweets weird memes and antagonizing threatening messages in their mentions.
- he seems to love harassing black female politicians and personalities on Twitter like Mayor Gogh in Baltimore and Jemele Hill from ESPN
- got blocked by Shaun King.
- called Trayvon Martin an "idiot" on Twitter and said he was "indifferent" to his death...


Yo...this guy has future mass shooter serial killer written all over him and I want him as far the fukk away from me and my family as possible!!!
Last edited:


Smoking on a Cac Pack
Jan 9, 2015
Seems like he assessed you & determined you're not a threat. How you in your 30's shacking up with a cac? Sounds like alot of bad decisions and you're suffering the consequences. Change your name, block his accounts, stop responding. I use different names for all websites and never tell people irl about them

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
Coli fam...I would not ask your advice on this situation if I felt this guy wasn't a risk at all.

But for real...I am just freaked out at how many future domestic terrorist checkpoints this guy has hit over the years!

- white guy
- from North Carolina
- Dated nothing but Asian women while living in NYC
- abused women/domestic violence
- was blatantly admitting how much he hated Jews in the most unexpected situations
- I found out he was an avid 4ch*n/8ch*n poster (I reverse image searched some of the profile pics he was using on Twitter and several of them linked back to those sites.)
- HUGE Trump supporter.
- has an unhealthy obsession with interracial relationships between black men and white women.
- I discovered he was/is a BIG fan of Pewdiepie
- he's been spitting variations of that "great replacement" white supremacist theory (ie Jews/Zionists will replace white americans and destabilize America through race mixing, we need to preserve white...cough...American the wall...muslims will come to America and bring Sharia law to the west...etc)
- huge fan of right wing conspiracy theorists and alt right figureheads like Richard Spencer, Charlie Kirk, Jacob Wohl, and Jack Posobiec.
- he harasses random black people on Twitter until he gets blocked
- he follows the parkland high school kids and tweets weird memes and antagonizing threatening messages in their mentions.
- he seems to love harassing black female politicians and personalities on Twitter like Mayor Gogh in Baltimore and Jemele Hill from ESPN
- got blocked by Shaun King.
- called Trayvon Martin an "idiot" on Twitter and said he was "indifferent" to his death...


Yo...this guy has future mass shooter serial killer written all over him and I want him as far the fukk away from me and my family as possible!!!
To add...

He was following Candace Owens on one of his accounts.


And he was tweeting Pepe memes at me..


So can you understand why I think it should be best to get this guy arrested?

Deadass he got negative energy all around him I have a bad feeling we're going to be hearing about his on the news for the wrong reasons...

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
Seems like he assessed you & determined you're not a threat. How you in your 30's shacking up with a cac? Sounds like alot of bad decisions and you're suffering the consequences. Change your name, block his accounts, stop responding. I use different names for all websites and never tell people irl about them
I haven't lived with the guy in almost 3 years.

After he left he started doing all of this bullshyt.

And NYC is expensive fam
..hard to rough it out without roomates sharing an apartment paying 850 a month so I moved out to denver and I got a nice 1 bedroom apartment for 1150 a month to myself and work doing construction/roofing making good money. I also was doing event security when I first moved out here.

No disrespect fam, but you don't know me and I don't know you so hold off on the assumptions cause I give everybody the same benefit of the doubt.