There is absolutely nothing sexually suggestive or soliciting in what I said.. the hell is wrong with you, it's an apology acceptance after you apologized to me first in order to cease from the negativity. How are you interpreting that??

Nah..I'm not wondering a damn thing, I already know, shyt is clear as day to anyone with discernment. You keep mentioning her in order to instigate bc of how affected that you feel.
you and your representatives are the extent of her online gayng gayng ... I'm good on that

That shyt and the ways that your segment has been self exposing and embarassing yourselves in nothing to be associated with and nothing to brag with. No amount of dignity or respect comes from simps, c00ns and effeminate men with female tendencies who e-beef with women because they didn't have their expectations met, which is the average stripper's fan club is not a coincidence. Real men doing real shyt are the only ones that I check for, which is the reason that your box went unchecked.

Let's put the focus back on the issue of this thread. This desperation move that you're on is not a good look.