Coli brehs AITA or is my girl trippin?


African original
Jul 12, 2014
One Africa
You put urself i that situation. Since your girl was already in bed and she got work in the morning you should have left by 11pm. Dont want to wake up in the house with them when your girl is not there, they might start side eyeing you.

The other thing, when someone says something when drunk...there is more to that story.

Finally how old is your kid and who was he with while you out here dealing with a bitter old cow.

Dallas' 4 Eva

Jun 29, 2018
it's a family friend not a stranger.
you want to play sleepover with the family, you may have to talk about personal stuff :krs:

and maybe yall dont care about your folks but looking into who is around the kids is standard around here.
I will say this. I been dating my girl since last May, and have known her for 11 years now. I have been coming around her family since we were dating for 2 weeks(since we knew each other as friends/old flames there were certain steps in the dating process we skipped). In that time I have NEVER seen this lady stop by to just kick it or hang out. I aint joking when I say my girls family loves and respects the shyt out of me. Her mama has even made Facebook posts about me publicly thanking me for being a good man to her daughter and the family. Her kids and her sisters kids all love me and call me either uncle or say I'm there step dad and have been for some time now. Her whole family knows my son and they love my son. I have NEVER seen this broad come by and just kick it not one time. Also if I would have known that her mama had already been distancing herself from this broad because of her coke habit I would of handled this situation completely different and went and got her mama to handle this. Like I said this lady popped up out of nowhere unannounced and uninvited. So no, in no way shape or form am I supposed to be having to hear none of this shyt.
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Dallas' 4 Eva

Jun 29, 2018
You put urself i that situation. Since your girl was already in bed and she got work in the morning you should have left by 11pm. Dont want to wake up in the house with them when your girl is not there, they might start side eyeing you.

The other thing, when someone says something when drunk...there is more to that story.

Finally how old is your kid and who was he with while you out here dealing with a bitter old cow.
Why would I do that when I have a key to the house and have permission to come and go as I please? I've stayed the night there plenty of times and been there without my girl plenty of times. Hell I've had to be there to watch all the kids by myself before. If they trust me to be around the kids me staying the night isn't a big deal bro.

My son is 4 and his mom had family in town this weekend so she kept him. He will be with her this weekend as well for the same reason which is great for me because this weekend is my girls birthday weekend. He is with me during the week so he can get to school, hell he came and crawled in my bed which is why I'm up right now lol.
Jan 24, 2016
I will say this. I been dating my girl since last May, and have known her for 11 years now. I have been coming around her family since we were dating for 2 weeks(since we knew each other as friends/old flames there were certain steps in the dating process we skipped). In that time I have NEVER seen this lady stop by to just kick it or hang out. I aint joking when I say my girls family loves and respects the shyt out of me. Her mama has even made Facebook posts about me publicly thanking me for being a good man to her daughter and the family. Her kids and her sisters kids all love me and call me either uncle or say I'm there step dad and have been for some time now. Her whole family knows my son and they love my son. I have NEVER seen this broad come by and just kick it not one time. Also if I would have known that her mama had already been distancing herself from this broad because of her coke habit I would of handled this situation completely different and went and got her mama to handle this. Like I said this lady popped up out of nowhere unannounced and uninvited. So no, in no way shape or form am I supposed to be having to hear none of this shyt.

i am going off info you posted. regardless of what sweet nothings they are telling you right now, the fact is you have no more blood in this family than she does and even less time lol. add on, you going off after-the-fact gossip about a beef you didn't know at the time, and you didn't hear it from the parties themselves. play your role, know your place! cuz right now, your girl not even talking to you, while aunty probably gonna be over there the next kick back doing more shots!

more importantly, it takes nothing to have just said "our kids play together". that's not an "owed explanation" if you ask me. that's taking the opportunity to get someone to know you, and most parents love talking about their kids lol. it could have ended with yall sharing kid stories and looking at pics.
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Dallas' 4 Eva

Jun 29, 2018
Honestly, I felt like that shyt could have been brushed off since old head was drinking and on that powder.

I've been in situations like that before when I was married. Some relative or relative's friend says something sideways or asks something that is untactful. You either gotta eat that (ignore it and stayed chilling at the crib) or defend yourself. By trying to keep the peace and leave and act like nothing happened allows everyone else to shape the narrative. You'll think you're the good guy cuz you left, but they prolly think you being sensitive and gon make you the villain anyway.

Better to just speak your shyt and stand on it. She already know you lied and that it bothered you enough to leave. Nobody should have that type of power over you.
While I feel you LD, I'm not about to be going back and forth with no broad who is coked out and drunk at midnight while all the kids sleep. That ain't a good look at all.


African original
Jul 12, 2014
One Africa
Why would I do that when I have a key to the house and have permission to come and go as I please? I've stayed the night there plenty of times and been there without my girl plenty of times. Hell I've had to be there to watch all the kids by myself before. If they trust me to be around the kids me staying the night isn't a big deal bro.

My son is 4 and his mom had family in town this weekend so she kept him. He will be with her this weekend as well for the same reason which is great for me because this weekend is my girls birthday weekend. He is with me during the week so he can get to school, hell he came and crawled in my bed which is why I'm up right now lol.
Its clear you are always right and noone can tell you otherwise. You won't concede that maybe you could have done something differently.

You started this thread not to hear others perspectives on your issue but in the hope we would confirm/ side with your actions/decisions.

Good luck bro.


Certified Babble Detector Badge Number #281713
May 1, 2012
44 bricks...acre shaker
Saturday I was at my girl crib chillin and was gonna stay the night, somehow her whole damn family almost was over there. It was about midnight and she had work in the morning, and I low key hate her bed because of how soft the mattress is and I wasn't tired so I was gonna go sit on the couch and play a game on my laptop. Somehow her mama homegirl(they been cool since they was teenagers) had got over there and she started talking to me. Took me about 5 seconds before I realized this bytch was full of that liquor and was gone off some powder. At first she was like 'I think y'all real good for each other, y'all a beautiful couple.' which was fine. Then she went left and said "You didn't have no history before you got with her, so I went and stalked your facebook page and saw that you have a son. I was like ok he got a son so what else is he trying to hide?' Mind you my son comes over there all the time to hang out with her nephew because they the same age, and my son lives with me now and I had to fight to be in my son's life, so the bytch was out of line.

So being that that's her mama homegirl and I wasn't trying to push it there, instead of cussing that bytch out I packed my shyt up and left. I told my girl when she asked why I was leaving that I just wanted to go sleep in my own bed. I wasn't trying to fukk up the peace of the house, and start no shyt between her and her mama homegirl cause what she said was disrespectful as shyt. So the next morning, my girl was like I'm feeling some type of way about you leaving at midnight. I'm still over here trying to maintain the peace and I just tell her I just wanted to sleep in my own bed. My girl ends up finding out the truth about what happened because her sister was in the bathroom ear hustlin the whole time this was going down. So my girl asked why I didn't just tell her and I told her I was just trying to maintain the peace, she been a family friend to y'all since y'all was babies so I didn't even wanna open up that can of worms.

This morning my girl message me saying she still upset with me and that I lied about that even when she told me that she felt some type of way. Said it makes her feel like she wants to put her guard up around me because 'I thought we could talk about anything, and you lied about something simple and that she was still upset with me.' It was a big ole wall of text. I just simply replied with 'Ok' and called it a day and we haven't talked since. Am I trippin cause I feel like my girl needs to let this shyt go cause at the end of the day I'm the only victim in this situation and I been trying to be the bigger person here. I really don't feel like I'm wrong in what I did, and I was perfectly justified in how I handled the situation. Am I the a$$hole or is my girl trippin?
man u shoulda cussed that bytch out ...fukk she is in your business for...


#TunnelGang #RingGangRadio
Staff member
May 9, 2012
While I feel you LD, I'm not about to be going back and forth with no broad who is coked out and drunk at midnight while all the kids sleep. That ain't a good look at all.

Fam, its not about going back and forth. Just state your piece and dead the convo or just open up and have a regular conversation as a human being.
Besides, letting a coked out drunk broad push you to leave the house ain't a good look either.

Every time two people disagree, it doesn't mean there has to be some nuclear fallout. There can be a middle ground between leaving or just cursing her out at midnight. That's all I'm saying.

Dallas' 4 Eva

Jun 29, 2018
Fam, its not about going back and forth. Just state your piece and dead the convo or just open up and have a regular conversation as a human being.
Besides, letting a coked out drunk broad push you to leave the house ain't a good look either.

Every time two people disagree, it doesn't mean there has to be some nuclear fallout. There can be a middle ground between leaving or just cursing her out at midnight. That's all I'm saying.
Have you ever had a conversation with someone on cocaine? That shyt is aggravating bruh. Lol


RIP Doughboy Roc
Oct 10, 2017
Fam, its not about going back and forth. Just state your piece and dead the convo or just open up and have a regular conversation as a human being.
Besides, letting a coked out drunk broad push you to leave the house ain't a good look either.

Every time two people disagree, it doesn't mean there has to be some nuclear fallout. There can be a middle ground between leaving or just cursing her out at midnight. That's all I'm saying.
Why not tho he shouldn’t have to fw no cokehead if he not rockin


Mar 11, 2022
It's hard to go off on someone you have no real relationship with, because there is no filter...No seatbelt, so to speak and go full crash dummy out the windshield.

"Who the fukk you talkin to, you coked out, alchly, dusty, polluted p*ssy bytch"...:ufdup:

Waking up the whole house...I get it...But that's probably what you should have done. Mama, and wifey would have probably given you the benefit of the doubt given the fact she likes to ski, and based off your track record.

They woulda kicked her and wifey could have had a short little talk to cool you down, and she did something to make you feel better :shaq:

TLDR...You not the a$$hole, but I probably would have done things a bit different.

((ReFleXioN)) EteRNaL

May 1, 2012
Don't be a with a girl who won't fight for you. She shoulda checked her mom's friend for you off the bat. Then cooked you a hot meal and gobbled the dikk.

Low-key the mom's friend prolly wanted the dikk too. bytches are weird like that. When a woman tells you you're apart of a beautiful couple she's letting you know she finds you attractive. She wanted to throw a monkey wrench in your situation and she succeeded. She's known your girl her whole life so she prolly knows she can be easily manipulated. And she was right.

If your girl is a genuinely good person then just give her some game. But it's weird as hell that she's giving you a hard time when she's known you for 11 years. Especially if the family loves you too and knows this old bytch is weird. That shyt would get me hot. Would have me rethinking my girl completely. If I'm with a woman she gotta have my back no matter what. Especially if she knows my character.