Coli breh says “dating” a dime is exhausting


Dec 15, 2019
I know one who is about 48 now, still looks good, but is older. fukked with Dan Belzerian in like 2010. Her former benefactor (one of my my older homies) doesn't bankroll her anymore. Her other older sugar daddy got indicted for insider trading. She has an income, she has a benz. But, there's no room for traveling, no room for balling on designer clothes.

and now she's looking at me in a way she didn't 10 years ago, she's10 years older than me - lol - I hit her up sometimes but she's always kinda ducking me. She knows I'll pay for dinner but that's about where it ends.
See what I mean around all those rich dudes all that wealth I'm sure income is cool but it seems all she has to show it has Benz that goes down in value . And she pushing 50 looking for someone to save her again lol.


Dec 15, 2019
See what I mean around all those rich dudes all that wealth I'm sure income is cool but it seems all she has to show it has Benz that goes down in value . And she pushing 50 looking for someone to save her again lol.
I know a couple strippers some used that money and got a actual carrer and doing cool the rest of them fell off after the pandemic thinking that money gonna last forever.
When you live the fast life you end aging out fast as well


May 26, 2012
San Diego
You get used to a certain lifestyle. We all do. She's old school. Game recognizes game. She doesn't act the same with me, we can have a real conversation and be ourselves. and she has dirt on everyone, so she is hilarious.

But she's a player, she told me I don't give a fukk what a guy drives, I want to see his HOUSE. Lot of these dudes are in Masaratis or whatever and have room mates. fukk that.

She probably overplayed her hands at various points, but just because someone is rich, doesn't mean they are dumb, or without options. Lot of the guys I know will just trade them in when they become too much of a headache. So much of that role is performance, and staying in pocket, and a lot of those women can't do it. They drink too much, flirt too much, ask for too much. And they get swapped out or downgraded.
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Dec 15, 2019
You get used to a certain lifestyle. We all do. She's old school. Game recognizes game. She doesn't act the same with me, we can have a real conversation and be ourselves. and she has dirt on everyone.

But she's a player, she told me I don't give a fukk what a guy drives, I want to see his HOUSE. Lot of these dudes are in Masaratis or whatever and have room mates. fukk that.

She probably overplayed her hands at various points, but just because someone is rich, doesn't mean they are dumb, or without options. Lot of the guys I know will just trade them in when they become too much of a headache. So much of that role is performance, and staying in pocket, and a lot of those women can't do it. They drink too much, flirt too much, ask for too much. And they get swapped out or downgradedl
Let me ask what's her game plan try find another dude yi lay up under and run game or does she actually want a real relationship. I find woman who been this type of game for so long the numb yo lot of things and always in survivor or scavenger mode try to trying to get everything they can out of a man. Any dude with common sense can see it . Like you said at 48 she looking at you diff but here tired game won't work with yoi


Dec 15, 2019
Let me ask what's her game plan try find another dude yi lay up under and run game or does she actually want a real relationship. I find woman who been this type of game for so long the numb yo lot of things and always in survivor or scavenger mode try to trying to get everything they can out of a man. Any dude with common sense can see it . Like you said at 48 she looking at you diff but here tired game won't work with yoi
At 50 she gotta try and get her anna nicholr on and find 65 plus dude and even then he's probably seasoned to woman's games


Jun 16, 2015
They for sure know there's a window. Time to start looking for a husband. Leveraging their looks and personality appeal, ability to play the game. What they usually want is some who is not experienced with their type to lock down. Someone older. Anyone else knows the game too well.

It's really kind of the same window that society is already pushing, but it's not just a husband and kids, it's all that other shyt too. The mansion, the S63, the Celine. So there is the timeless issue there, about wealthy and powerful men, and what that really looks like up close. It's not as nice as it seems in movies. But it's also easier for these women to play that game, because so much of their lives has been about performance. So you fake it through the sex, you fake it through the awkward convos of people who have no chemistry, same way they did in the game.

The double bind for some of them is that they don't have great transferable skills. The bottle girls (you age out) The strippers (obvious) Dental hygenists. Estetichans. (good careers but start to grind you down as you get older, and you won't be pushing a S63 with a Celine dress)

But a small percentage of these types of women are getting married so they’re losing in the end.


Jun 16, 2015
I know one who is about 48 now, still looks good, but is older. fukked with Dan Belzerian in like 2010. Her former benefactor (one of my my older homies) doesn't bankroll her anymore. Her other older sugar daddy got indicted for insider trading. She has an income, she has a benz. But, there's no room for traveling, no room for balling on designer clothes.

and now she's looking at me in a way she didn't 10 years ago, she's10 years older than me - lol - I hit her up sometimes but she's always kinda ducking me. She knows I'll pay for dinner but that's about where it ends.

Do you know how these dudes go about cutting off the bankroll? Do they cut it off after an argument or do they just gradually pull back the financial support as the women get older?


May 26, 2012
San Diego
Do you know how these dudes go about cutting off the bankroll? Do they cut it off after an argument or do they just gradually pull back the financial support as the women get older?

@Spacejam23, yeah, you make good points. I know that she would be embarrassed to be with someone who wasn't a baller, it would be like falling off for her. Like the Rav 4 and little house somewhere, she would be mortified.


He took her on trips, and bought her some stuff, gave her money, but it wasn't like a retainer. It was based in the relationship. He's old money legacy money, from a wealthy family. But, it's not like he has all this liquidity to spend 50k on Chanel or whatever, he's not doing that. The people who 'trick' more are new money. Rappers, dope boys, athletes, scammers, finance guys. Old money people don't always have it like that,. and they have also been schooled by their family, about money and class.

how he cut her off? Whenever they broke up, he just stopped supporting her. That dude is smooth. The way I would ask someone to dinner, he'll ask them to go to Paris. He's done it to me before, real shyt. This girl left with me from his condo one time, and he really wanted her, and I left the next day on a vacation, texted the girl, she never answered. Came back and she was in in Italy with him. Don't hate the player.


Dec 15, 2019
@Spacejam23, yeah, you make good points. I know that she would be embarrassed to be with someone who wasn't a baller, it would be like falling off for her. Like the Rav 4 and little house somewhere, she would be mortified.


He took her on trips, and bought her some stuff, gave her money, but it wasn't like a retainer. It was based in the relationship. He's old money legacy money, from a wealthy family. But, it's not like he has all this liquidity to spend 50k on Chanel or whatever, he's not doing that. The people who 'trick' more are new money. Rappers, dope boys, athletes, scammers, finance guys. Old money people don't always have it like that,. and they have also been schooled by their family, about money and class.

how he cut her off? Whenever they broke up, he just stopped supporting her. That dude is smooth. The way I would ask someone to dinner, he'll ask them to go to Paris. He's done it to me before, real shyt. This girl left with me from his condo one time, and he really wanted her, and I left the next day on a vacation, texted the girl, she never answered. Came back and she was in in Italy with him. Don't hate the player.
Yeah exactly dude could but want to smash and drive a rav 4 or lanfcruisier .

Imma keep at almost 50. She still chasing this fantasy it's over and lol she looking at his house . That cool but don't mean shyt either there a lot dudes with big houses or nice spots that are check to check keeping with maintenence. She has not had talk with herself and reassess where is at in the dating market . And honestly she doing them a favor not guessing with middle class or upper middle class anyways all she woulf do is disrespect abd belittle anyways . I can see her being 60 talking about dudes need to be on her level .

I bet your friend has not talked about dudes morals ,character as dating points just money lifestyle and spoil me rotten with material shyt.

As they say she wanted this life now getting everything that comes with it


Rap Guerilla
May 1, 2012
The Chi (South Side)


they are clearly not dating. he's just a simping sugar daddy. a dime that's into you isn't gonna attempt to finesse your pocketse.


Dec 2, 2015
First off, she isn't a 10!

What makes her a 10? IMO, she isn't a 7, 8 or 9 either. An adjustable 6 @ best and that is based on her headshot alone.

I think dude in question need to find him a nice cute to pretty young lady who actually respects men and not see men as human wallets.

He has options, I just hope he realizes it. *shrugs*


Jun 16, 2015
@Spacejam23, yeah, you make good points. I know that she would be embarrassed to be with someone who wasn't a baller, it would be like falling off for her. Like the Rav 4 and little house somewhere, she would be mortified.


He took her on trips, and bought her some stuff, gave her money, but it wasn't like a retainer. It was based in the relationship. He's old money legacy money, from a wealthy family. But, it's not like he has all this liquidity to spend 50k on Chanel or whatever, he's not doing that. The people who 'trick' more are new money. Rappers, dope boys, athletes, scammers, finance guys. Old money people don't always have it like that,. and they have also been schooled by their family, about money and class.

how he cut her off? Whenever they broke up, he just stopped supporting her. That dude is smooth. The way I would ask someone to dinner, he'll ask them to go to Paris. He's done it to me before, real shyt. This girl left with me from his condo one time, and he really wanted her, and I left the next day on a vacation, texted the girl, she never answered. Came back and she was in in Italy with him. Don't hate the player.

Yeah it doesn’t seem like these women realize that they’re essentially the running backs of dating.


May 26, 2012
San Diego
on class and socioeconomics of dating and tricking:

One of those guys, my boy, once coldly eviscerated this girl to me, privately. This is someone I went out with once, she hangs around in similar social circles, she has a business, has the Benz, has the condo, makes a living, isn't a bottle girl, isn't a rat. He was describing her on this trip to Tulum, where they all happened to be together at some dinner, and he was like she didn't know how to dress, she didn't wear the right thing. She wasn't one of us.

People think that those wealthy guys don't know the game, but they do. Not all of them of course, but a lot.


Mar 19, 2017
You get used to a certain lifestyle. We all do. She's old school. Game recognizes game. She doesn't act the same with me, we can have a real conversation and be ourselves. and she has dirt on everyone.

But she's a player, she told me I don't give a fukk what a guy drives, I want to see his HOUSE. Lot of these dudes are in Masaratis or whatever and have room mates. fukk that.

She probably overplayed her hands at various points, but just because someone is rich, doesn't mean they are dumb, or without options. Lot of the guys I know will just trade them in when they become too much of a headache. So much of that role is performance, and staying in pocket, and a lot of those women can't do it. They drink too much, flirt too much, ask for too much. And they get swapped out or downgraded.
Speaking straight facts breh! These new chics really don't have that finesse in them like them older girls they're a bit too entitled and come with their hands out of rip that turns a lot of dudes off right from the jump. They're so used to seeing stuff on Instagram and how these women are projecting that they're living they don't ask the fundamentals about what that chic did or how she had to move to get that lifestyle. It's a couple of strippers I used to mess with that fumbled when they met a sugar daddy because they tried to dictate the situation and didn't know when to fall back and ride passenger. Like he would bring her on legit business trips and she missed out because she was too drunk or didn't know how to dress for the occasion but still expected to get a stipend because she's fine. But her face was broke when he just moved on to the next chic after he got tired of the headaches lol