Speaking straight facts breh! These new chics really don't have that finesse in them like them older girls they're a bit too entitled and come with their hands out of rip that turns a lot of dudes off right from the jump. They're so used to seeing stuff on Instagram and how these women are projecting that they're living they don't ask the fundamentals about what that chic did or how she had to move to get that lifestyle. It's a couple of strippers I used to mess with that fumbled when they met a sugar daddy because they tried to dictate the situation and didn't know when to fall back and ride passenger. Like he would bring her on legit business trips and she missed out because she was too drunk or didn't know how to dress for the occasion but still expected to get a stipend because she's fine. But her face was broke when he just moved on to the next chic after he got tired of the headaches lol
Posted something about that just now lol