Coach K makes $3 million personal donation for low income kids in Durham

Mr. Jack Napier

May 1, 2012
The Empire State
Where? QUOTE IT! You spent the whole thread shytting on me for having a hope off a 3 milly donation. I read everything you wrote and you did not offer one solution. You just kept telling me about the history of Durham and ridiculing me like I don't know it

I never questioned anyone's BLACKNESS I simply asked what charity work you are doing for black people and was met with 3 essays

I know Durham's history, I am the 3rd generation of my family to be in Durham. My grandfather was born and raised here and met my grandmother at NCCU. I know the history behind Duke, they told me stories before they died.

None of you EVER asked ME shyt about my history with Durham, my background knowledge of Durham, my ties to the city. EVERY SINGLE THING YOU WROTE about me was a baseless assumption used to degrade any footwork I've put in on any level.

Fam, why are you letting them get you upset. You asked dude a question, and he deflected. Typical Coli behavior 101.


May 2, 2012
Houston to LA like I'm Robert Horry.
Jesus Christ this forum is a cesspool sometimes.

Nikkas mad if they don't donate money, same nikkas mad if they do donate money. :deadmanny:

Same nikkas ain't never done shyt for their community :mjpls:

Lots of bytching about what the white man is doing and not even an inclination of what they are trying to do to better their people. :mjpls:


Staff member
May 1, 2012
Almighty Garden State
Jesus Christ this forum is a cesspool sometimes.

Nikkas mad if they don't donate money, same nikkas mad if they do donate money. :deadmanny:

Same nikkas ain't never done shyt for their community :mjpls:

Lots of bytching about what the white man is doing and not even an inclination of what they are trying to do to better their people. :mjpls:

shyt is horrible

look at charity related threads that pop up in TLR, 1 maybe 2 responses. but if this celeb is fukkin that IG thot? 97 pages easy

42 Monks

Feb 20, 2014
Where? QUOTE IT! You spent the whole thread shytting on me for having a hope off a 3 milly donation. I read everything you wrote and you did not offer one solution. You just kept telling me about the history of Durham and ridiculing me like I don't know it

I never questioned anyone's BLACKNESS I simply asked what charity work you are doing for black people and was met with 3 essays

I know Durham's history, I am the 3rd generation of my family to be in Durham. My grandfather was born and raised here and met my grandmother at NCCU. I know the history behind Duke, they told me stories before they died.

None of you EVER asked ME shyt about my history with Durham, my background knowledge of Durham, my ties to the city. EVERY SINGLE THING YOU WROTE about me was a baseless assumption used to degrade any footwork I've put in on any level.
i don't care about your work history or background knowledge in durham. i would've asked. i just assume most do what they can and don't hold it against those who don't. social work is not a competition nor a measuring stick. why? because you can't tell how much of a difference any of it makes far too often - and that's a personal check. not something you check like credit history.

also this wasn't about social work in the first place. just because you think that's a "i don't need to check history" card doesn't make it one. also i posted two quick ones out the gate regarding my stance on duke in general off the top of my head. i'll do it again below since you feel attacked

on top of that, since you're aware of what's going on in durham you know how bad coach k has been getting it for this bit:

and how i referred to in a previous post this bit from the administration: where they'll still catching shyt

cash they take in hand over fist being 'given to the community' is nothing.

since you've been in nc for 20 years, then you know this is the norm. just like when the hospital give some kid the wrong kidneys or they contributed to redistricting or when they, again, continue to manipulate the housing market directly or indirectly along with how their mini-monopoly city-state effects businesses as a whole. if you don't kiss the ring of duke's subsidiaries at some level, you're doing everything the hard way. hell, even the new bulls stadium was contracted from duke's people. If you're unaware of the reach of the duke endowment, by all means read up before you try and say 3 million from their favorite all-american mouthpiece in coach k is anything significant compared to what that entity takes in. forget the fact that duke university by itself makes a killing, how their healthcare and related business are making money, but duke energy by itself is monstrous. there is no local entity central to the state that is going to outbid what they want or remain unaffected by their interests.

so this? this is nothing. two generations ago durham was a black business center. now? only thing people remember is the crime. no one talks about how the dukes played working class blacks against whites then profited on the aftermath while looking like the good guys. shout out to black wall street

i honestly just don't think you got a good idea of the scope of what duke's done, been doing, and will continue to do to durham and NC as a whole. worse, you're getting mad defensive instead of taking a minute to examine or even scrutinize what people are saying about it.

the second biggest and most alarming red flag on all of this is not getting how taxes work in regard to donations but that's a whole other discussion :huhldup:
and just in case i'm blowing smoke or making shyt up or hating

rep your team all you want, but lets not bullshyt about what they're STILL doing to durham. every single time they do some blatant racist or foul shyt or pull a :hubie: about some shyt they created, its the same sort of PR move to follow a couple of months later

but im still down to be called a c00n and typical coli nikka if that's what it all comes down to :rudy:

i aint ask you shyt, you felt threatened homie

Doobie Doo

May 2, 2012
Raleigh, NC
i don't care about your work history or background knowledge in durham. i would've asked. i just assume most do what they can and don't hold it against those who don't. social work is not a competition nor a measuring stick. why? because you can't tell how much of a difference any of it makes far too often - and that's a personal check. not something you check like credit history.

also this wasn't about social work in the first place. just because you think that's a "i don't need to check history" card doesn't make it one. also i posted two quick ones out the gate regarding my stance on duke in general off the top of my head. i'll do it again below since you feel attacked

on top of that, since you're aware of what's going on in durham you know how bad coach k has been getting it for this bit: Mother of former Duke player says Coach K shouted at her, making her cry, report says

and how i referred to in a previous post this bit from the administration: Campus coffee shop was playing rap. Duke VP's complaint got employees fired, IndyWeek reports. where they'll still catching shyt

cash they take in hand over fist being 'given to the community' is nothing.

since you've been in nc for 20 years, then you know this is the norm. just like when the hospital give some kid the wrong kidneys or they contributed to redistricting or when they, again, continue to manipulate the housing market directly or indirectly along with how their mini-monopoly city-state effects businesses as a whole. if you don't kiss the ring of duke's subsidiaries at some level, you're doing everything the hard way. hell, even the new bulls stadium was contracted from duke's people. If you're unaware of the reach of the duke endowment, by all means read up before you try and say 3 million from their favorite all-american mouthpiece in coach k is anything significant compared to what that entity takes in. forget the fact that duke university by itself makes a killing, how their healthcare and related business are making money, but duke energy by itself is monstrous. there is no local entity central to the state that is going to outbid what they want or remain unaffected by their interests.

so this? this is nothing. two generations ago durham was a black business center. now? only thing people remember is the crime. no one talks about how the dukes played working class blacks against whites then profited on the aftermath while looking like the good guys. shout out to black wall street

i honestly just don't think you got a good idea of the scope of what duke's done, been doing, and will continue to do to durham and NC as a whole. worse, you're getting mad defensive instead of taking a minute to examine or even scrutinize what people are saying about it.

the second biggest and most alarming red flag on all of this is not getting how taxes work in regard to donations but that's a whole other discussion :huhldup:

but im still down to be called a c00n and typical coli nikka if that's what it all comes down to :rudy:

i aint ask you shyt, you felt threatened homie

Stop reading right there.

If you don't care then theres no reason for me to care what you gotta say. Take this shyt to a Durham official then. Other nikkas in here is right, if you ain't taking the time to help you're own you ain't got shyt to say to me, breh.

42 Monks

Feb 20, 2014
Fam, why are you letting them get you upset. You asked dude a question, and he deflected. Typical Coli behavior 101.
deflect what? :dahell: yal really brag about community work for a living? that shyt keeps me up at night lol

im supposed to talk about driving kids on my basketball team to a hospital? im proud of what i've done but its not something i'm gonna throw in your face the first time you give me a hard time. shyt its more a thing you empathize over than boast about. maybe im doing it wrong
Stop reading right there.

If you don't care then theres no reason for me to care what you gotta say. Take this shyt to a Durham official then. Other nikkas in here is right, if you ain't taking the time to help you're own you ain't got shyt to say to me, breh.
I don't care about your social work resume. Its not like you gonna email me a picture of you standing outside of a woman's shelter :mjlol:

the very next thing i say is ' i just assume most do what they can and don't hold it against those who don't. social work is not a competition nor a measuring stick. why? because you can't tell how much of a difference any of it makes far too often - and that's a personal check. not something you check like credit history."

but ok. sure

bragging about social work is the wave i guess


Legal Bookie
Apr 30, 2012
Las Vegas
If a black kid wins from this that would have otherwise had a different outcome in life, then what's the problem. Sometimes nikkas do so much analyzing this mess the simple concept that maybe this might just help someone in need.
Exactly. Folks will spin anything into a bad thing. If some kids end up at a top university who otherwise might not even make it thru high school how is that not good? Helping kids that need help is never a bad thing

42 Monks

Feb 20, 2014
Exactly. Folks will spin anything into a bad thing. If some kids end up at a top university who otherwise might not even make it thru high school how is that not good? Helping kids that need help is never a bad thing
i wish "why were the so bad off in the first place" was a question people asked these days


Legal Bookie
Apr 30, 2012
Las Vegas
i wish "why were the so bad off in the first place" was a question people asked these days
Because there’s a multitude of reasons. Every low income kid doesn’t come from the same set of circumstances. But they all need help. And you get shyt on by some folks for trying to help.

42 Monks

Feb 20, 2014
Because there’s a multitude of reasons. Every low income kid doesn’t come from the same set of circumstances. But they all need help. And you get shyt on by some folks for trying to help.
that's the shyt that kills me. thank you for 5 cents back on the dollar your mob stole. simplifying everything and denying history is not a solution

this ain't lebron putting his name on a scholarship event. its an entirely different context and to ignore it -knowingly- is a personal choice


Legal Bookie
Apr 30, 2012
Las Vegas
that's the shyt that kills me. thank you for 5 cents back on the dollar your mob stole. simplifying everything and denying history is not a solution

this ain't lebron putting his name on a scholarship event. its an entirely different context and to ignore it -knowingly- is a personal choice
So giving nothing is the way to go? He’s planting seeds for future talent when he’d be dead by the time those kids are ready for college? Giving money to needy children is some “shyt that kills you”? Straight comedy. People were even shytting on lebron on here when that program was launched. People just like to be mad about shyt, and being mad about charity to needy kids is about as absurd as it gets


Hijo Del Ray
Nov 19, 2014
i wish "why were the so bad off in the first place" was a question people asked these days

They're not applying critical thinking, they don't even understand the connection.

Same people who praise Obama for healthcare but don't understand the medical/pharmaceutical is a major part of black genocide.

But but he's a black president, why u hating?:mjcry:

And my life's work is dedicated to my people and community. I put people ON. And I didn give them dope to sell and justify it cuz "we gotta eat".