The problem with Punk is that Post Summer of Punk he absolutely cannot cut a kayfabe promo. Everything has to be something beyond the business that’s behind the curtain. Makes him a bad match up with a lot of guys
Heard about Stonecold possibly coming back,had to see what it was about
But against CM Punk? Why? If Austin comes back it should just be against The Rock or maybe Roman. I just dont see a storyline here between the two since CM Punk doesnt have that whole "straight edge" gimmick he used to do. Has CM punk had meaningful storyline with anyone since the time hes been in the wwe? I know hes had classic promos,but he needs to work on some classic stories at this point. I would say those promo days are over for him.
And there is really only one storyline to be had for him. I would say that storyline is obviously CM punk vs Cody Rhodes. You could say Cody left AEW,because CM Punk was destroying it. Now CM Punk wants to come to WWE and destroy Codys "home"

? Might be true to,nobody buying the mr nice guy act