Dems are reading the country wrong. A part of me thinks this done purposely.
Here is something many of you don't want to hear. The Democratic party is the establishment party. The GOP is trash, but the Dems are the party of choice when it comes to true tyranny. It is the hardcore anti freedom party. To be a democrat is to ultimately work against your self interest regardless of race, color, creed, sex, gender or religion. It's an oppress ALL OF HUMANITY PARTY. It poses as the opposite.
Currently the media is acting as an arm of the Democratic party. The reason why the Dems aren't going a more populist route is because the establishment is attempting to socially engineer this country into hating populism, into hating your own freedom. They are FORCING YOU to love corporate dems. There is no more choice.
Anyone who invokes liberty or economic advancement will be made a pariah. Sanders is a good example.
People like Kamala Harris are the future of the Democratic party, whether you like it or not. Corporate dems are what they NEED you to like in order to advance the NWO.