Clap For The Puppet Show - 2018 Dallas Cowboys Off-Season Thread

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
We comparing a young Dak to an end-of-career Romo cause the front office pushed out and forced Romo to retire. For a young Dak. That's why.

You really need a breakdown on Dak as a QB having to carry the team?

Again, act like Dak Prescott didn't turn into Chad Hutchinson when Zeke started serving his suspension.

What happened after Zeke sat for his suspension? What happened to the PPG? What happened to the W-L columns? The playoffs chances? The first downs gained? The number of 3 and outs? The number of games lost by halftime?

Cowboys got like 5 wins quickly last season and then tailed off like a mother fukker. They got a couple cheap wins late. That last game vs Philly's backups was pathetic. Philly basically threw that game and Dak could barely muster 10 points. Pathetic.

Dude has no pocket presence, doesn't take off when he should, needs a clean pocket for 7 seconds to make 4 reads and then get rid of the ball, can't consistently make throws to outside the numbers, can't throw 50/50 balls to Dez, can't put up 20ppg without Zeke, shyt, can't even even put up 15ppg without Zeke.

He hasn't really shown any quality improvement in any of the areas you would look for since he got drafted. If anything, he's taken a step back now that defenses have film on him and know how to game plan for a Dak offense.

This is all with several Pro-Bowlers and All-Pro talents surrounding him on offense, mind you.

I saw Romo make it work with Marion Barber and Felix Jones and Demarco Murray. And whoever was backing up Demarco when he was hurt - Joseph Randle and some other scrubs.

I saw Romo make Miles Austin a Pro-Bowler and a $60mil man. He made Laurent Robinson a $24mil man or around there. Set a league record for most TDs over 3 years with TO. Set a league record for most TD connections over 5 years with Dez.

What Dak doing? Witten numbers down, TWill numbers down. Does Cole Beasley still exist? Dez fell off when Dak took over and now he's gone. Who the fukk is Ryan Switzer?

Quick, get Dak some more OLinemen and RBs and Julio and Odell. Maybe he can take the next step then.

At least Romo took the shytty rotten lemons Garrett gave him and made lemonade. Dak just serves up the shytty rotten lemons as is.

But go ahead and drink the 13-3 and 9-7 koolaid. If you watched the games, it was clear he struggled mightily last year and he's not the Messiah everyone thought he was in 2016.

Nobody on offense is better because of Dak. Romo made everyone around him better and record setters.

Zeke played against St. Louis and Green Bay. Those 2 loses killed the season.

If not for those 2 loses, Dallas finishes 11-5.

The team as a whole played like shyt. Dak was sacked 8 times against Atlanta. The coaches fukked that up.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
"Make it work" with Demarco Murray, Felix Jones and Marion Barber?
Barber was one of the toughest backs in the league for a short time. Felix Jones came in the league averaging nearly 9 yards a carry his first year and then around 6 his second. Murray ran for MORE yards in 2014 than Zeke in 2016. Acting like Romo came in here and carried a bunch of bums is pure fantasy. Romo has had a treasure trove of talent in his career, including a prime Witten, prime Dez Bryant, TO, Terry Glenn, Roy Williams, who was a pro bowler in Detroit amongst others. Let's not forget he also had Anthony Fasano, Martellus Bennett, who won a superbowl, among others.

Before that 12 and 4 year, there were 3 years of 8 and 8 under similar circumstances Dak faced in 2017. Romo came into the league 13 and 3, then 9 and 7, then 11 and 5, then 6 and 10, and then 3 years of 8 and 8 and then 12 and 4. In fact, his record is the exact same as Dak's two years as a starter as Dak's.

If Romo was this utterly amazing quarterback who was carrying everyone else, we'd have won the superbowl in 2014. He had a younger and pre-injury Dez, younger Witten, prime Demarco Murray, essentially the same o-line as 2016. Dak didn't push Romo out. Romo kept getting injured and when they saw Dak lighting the league on fire, they weren't going to pull him. Romo was injured in 2015 for most of the season, came in during preseason during 2016 and didn't even finish preseason. If Romo was really ready for more football, he'd have been playing for another team the following year. Instead, he wisely decided to go into the broadcasting booth before his body really broke down.

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
I can't believe nikkas in here riding for Romo who never even played in a conference championship game.

Romo had numerous opportunities and never did nothing with it. In 2007 what was his excuse?

People need to stop living in the past. Dez, Romo, and a bunch of other players had their shot to bring the title back to Dallas and they didn't get it done. End of discussion. Time for new blood to get a shot.

And for people criticizing Witten.

1. He doesn't cost that much to keep.
2. He can still do EXACTLY what they ask him to do which isn't much.
3. This will probably be his last year.

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
70% of the problems last year wouldn't have happened with a better coach.:francis:

What about 2016? What were the reasons for success? The players and not the coaches? Can't have it both ways. How many rookies and 2nd year players got significant playing time in the secondary? David Irving was suspended for how many games? The offensive line's lack of production was who's fault exactly? It's not the coaches fault Ronald Leary wanted to be a starter and get paid like one. Can't pay everybody.

Or maybe, just maybe, this team overachieved in 2016, and last year was a roster comprised of 40 percent high talent, with little depth at key positions. Rookies and 2nd year players including a 2nd year quarterback.

If the team was that nice, losing Zeke wouldn't have been that bad. The players get paid just like they coaches. You either want it or you don't. Other teams simply wanted it more.

Codeine Bryant

Nov 19, 2012
I see you two rambling and not saying a damn thing about Dak's play when he lost Zeke.

Again, what happened to those Ws? PPG? First downs? 3 and Outs? Games over by halftime?

Care to comment?

Dak without a godlike OLine and an NFL leading rusher behind him is less than .500. I honestly don't know if he can win a game without Tyron or Zeke.

Either of you wanna speak on that, or nah?

Romo was playing with the corpse of Flozell and Bernadeau getting his collarbone snapped in half every other week, while Dak can't even play .500 ball if he "only" has Collins, Martin, and Frederick along with Alfred Morris. Somebody get this breh some help!

I'm sure Dak will turn Allen Hurns or Terrance Williams into a 1000yd WR next year. I'm sure Dak will lead us to victory if the shyt playcalling and porous defense spot us a double digit deficit. I mean he did it vs SF in a regular season game in 2016 so he's destined for great things. fukk a Romo.

Romo trash cause he couldn't win a SB but Dak is DA GAWD cause he can't score more than 10 points unless he has Zeke breaking tackles and hurdling bytches at an All-Pro level.

But nah, don't focus on that. Or how he played the second half of last year. Specifically vs the Eagles when they took a Bye week last game of the year and he still couldn't put up 14 points on them.

Nah, we don't need to talk about any of that.

You guys are right. Give that breh $125mil.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
The one positive I can take away from the Dez cut is that this possibly puts Garrett on notice. If Jerry's favorite Dez can be cut, then maybe Stephen will finally make Garrett step up and show something.


All Star
Jun 24, 2012
Maven/MPire Records
The one positive I can take away from the Dez cut is that this possibly puts Garrett on notice. If Jerry's favorite Dez can be cut, then maybe Stephen will finally make Garrett step up and show something.

Not really. Jerry has a huge hard on for Garrett clearly and even admitted he was a HC in training at the conclusion of the 2013 season, making a reference that our lack of success is ok because we’re “entertaining” and making $$$.

The only positive about the Dez cut is that he was a huge source of revenue. His jersey was always top 5/top 10. If we start off 0-4 this will be the first time since 2003 I can see Jerry’s pockets finally being impacted which would then possibly lead to a Garrett firing.


May 1, 2012
But Dez was cut...

See why we’re upset.. why wasn’t Coach Lue I mean Coach Garrett fired?

B/C he got away with athleticism and a chemistry with a veteran QB who knew how to feed him. The times he did have catchable pass he'd drop them or fumble. T.O. was better than him when he got cut here.:francis:

Garrett should have been fired 4 years ago.:yeshrug:

Romo wasn't some god-tier player and was a choke artist who loved throwing picks.

Dak had a bad second year and better step up or go find a job with someone on his white side who isn't in jail.

Witten is slow as fukk, and quite possibly hurts the offense more than Dez. A slow TE with no YAC potential...who gives a fukk if he has good hands? And don't get me started on his penalties.

Zeke better keep his airhead ass in check and lay off the white bytches...:hhh:

The last players I stanned on the Cowboys were T.O. and Ware...IDGAF about defending none of these nikkas they ain't the vintage Triplets.