Do you date these types of women? I went on a date with a Cape Verde chick...No kids, Educated, Good career, got her own spot..attractive...I felt like I had to jump through hoops. Truth is, I would have legit put the clamps and I have no kids, good career, my spare time is either spent gaining new tech skills or hooping. She made me jump through hoops..I looked her up on facebook, she got 4K friends..dudes on her list all have similar qualities..she got options but women who have a slight chance of access to dudes way above you wait and wait and wait hoping these dudes finally cuff them but forget these dudes have millions of options. When I saw a former NBA player on her friends list, I was like fukk it lol.
They not single because they can't find decent dudes they are single because they want the whole package to settle down for them so they wait while putting decent dudes on the wait list.
Had this other fine ass Jamaican chick I dated for a month. Same thing. She told her best friend was a male. Played for the Seahawks.....I low key knew this was a dude she was waiting for to make her official...good luck with that as football players run through hos lol.
as much as women try to pretend they are on some new shyt
they really are not
they are still doing the same shyt they have been doing for THOUSANDS of years
using marriage as a way to advance up the social ladder
I have a good job a house and a car
i am constantly getting hit on by the apartment ,out of wedlock kids ,30k a year crowd of women
constantly that shyt chases me
i had to quit going to one of my homies house because everytime i went there one of his wifes friends
would just "happen to stop by "
in her 1988 Ford Tarus
i can't shake these chicks
but i don't fuk wit none of them hoes
somebody who has been hustling backwards they whole life while letting random dudes hit raw dog
ain't what i want in my life
the chicks i fuk wit all got they shyt together good job ,a condo/house and no kids
and the best part is these chicks ain't trying to baby trap me or pressure me for marriage
why ?
because they want a dude above her and I's level
they looking for the guy with multiple homes ,rental properties and making mid 6 figures or higher:nku324:
but those dudes literally can have any chick they want so the odds are slim for chicks that are trying to pull them:zds543:
women need to realize that if they have low paying jobs and kids from random cats and a apartment
they deserve a man with a low paying job, kids from random chicks and a apartment
will a few women beat the odds ?
sure but most won't
instead they will just spend there time wildin out on social media